[UK] Crota's Overseer Assistant Application.

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Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CN SCP:

8 months

Character name(s):

Foundation Name -'Crota'
CI Name - 'Vandal'

Civilian name:


What server are you applying for:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Intelligence Ambassador and NU-7 LCPL - HOLDING

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

failrp ban for mrdm
ltap ardm
failrp toxicity
rdm ban for ltarp
These were all 6 months ago and took place at a time where i didn't take the server seriously however I've learned my mistakes and
have improved myself , I also have improved my activity , maturity and I am in a MTF positions and ambassador position

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I have been close to multiple assistants and have watched how they operate and the professionalism they show , I've also been in A-1 and see some of the duties they do on top of that I have CL4 experience and multiple MTF experience , I am well depthed in the knowledge of the O5 council and what they do , I have assisted the council multiple times in retrieval / termination of classified documents and can show superb leadership and maturity which can be vouched by those around me! I am also quite good with google docs / in game documents which is a key part of the job.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The job an Overseer assistant is quite complicated and consist of multiple tasks , you are essentially a representative of the council and do whatever orders which are given to you by the council. You will be asked to conduct reports on whatever department which you are assigned to. Even though you are a representative of the O5 council you must keep secrecy at all times and must not stand out which means whenever you go on an investigation you must be disguised or have a bodyguard this would also be the same for whenever you leave F3 aswell.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

'Crota' was a normal intel ambassador , he did his duties , and kept his eyes on the tunnel which he set to walk through , through the multiple operations he conducted such as ::GOING**DARK:: or ::GREEN**DEATH** his heart would never stray from the straight path which he swore to walk. However during an infiltration on 8/10/22 his life changed forever , he discovered something about a [REDACTED] kept on floor 3 , he thought to himself " Would the council really do this to us? " He couldn't wait no longer , he printed out the document and ran towards the base; on the way back he said into his CL4 comms - " It's me 'Crota' reporting in , I think I've seen something I shouldn't of , I'll be coming to F3 for treatment." He received nothing back in his comms but he already knew his fate. After his arrival on F3 he handed the document to O5-[REDACTED] and was immediately cuffed however instead of being sprayed with Class-A amnestics he was brought into the O5 offices , a group of Council members stood around him and said , " We've seen the work you been doing and we've noticed. Will you accept a promotion to an assistant of ours? " Crota nodded yes and was taken to his interview...
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Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
You have shown great leadership and amazing dedication so far and have been extremely mature on your ambassador position. You would do as an o5 assistant
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Reactions: 'Juliet'


Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
-CL4 experience
-Leadership skills
-Despite your previous actions you have tried to change

Ethan Mendaz

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 4, 2022

Secondary Interview Required

Greetings @Grif, the council requires additional information.

To continue in process, please seek out any overseer.

The council advises urgency in your upcoming decisions.

- O5-1 'The Insighted'

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