[UK] 'Cubic' Ambassador application

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J. 'Cubic' H.

Well-known Member
Dec 20, 2022
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:226820368
Discord name:
- costin#6214 | J. Cubic H.
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- From nearly the end of December of 2022.
- Check the achievements below:
- Alternatively, this is my vtime:
- 15
In what country are you located?:
- Romania
Time zone:
- EEST (GMT+3 in summer, GMT+2)
Character name(s):
- Foundation: Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman
- CI: Johnny Huggman
- UN: Huggman
Civilian name:
- Jonathan Huggman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held E-11 x2 (first kick because I got banned by admins, second because I forgot to do BT in time)
- Held CI-A x2 (minging reasons)
- RRT, heavy weapons, and medical license
- 096 whitelist
- IA and DEA
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- The last warning expired on 9/5/2023, which was a failRP warning. Other than that, no active warnings.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I am applying for an IA Ambassador since I personally love roleplay, and since I love playing as IA (and I'm very active imo), I decided to apply for an ambassador application.
- Moreover, many IA agents have been toxic or have been arresting very unjust. As another agent, I reported them many times.
- Although I had a bad history of minging before, I tried to improve over time and now I think I am good enough to apply.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- Similarly to the last question, I had a bad history of minging, but I am trying to improve over time and it may already seem obvious. I have had at least 50+ total warnings, and the last one was on June 5. Although most of my past warnings were intentional I intended to change. The frequency of getting warned went lower and lower.
- I think I have a lot of experience as an IA agent, as I have been very active imo, and it's the most active job I have ever been (the other active job I'd say is d-class).
- At this point some ambassadors know me well enough, and I think they would agree that while I have been a minge full of warnings and a bad attitude, I tried my best to improve myself and I should have another chance.
- I don't know if this even matters but as answered in the question below, I believe I am decent at writing documents, and I think I'd be able to determine which documents should be approved and which shouldn't be.
- Furthermore, I am passionate with helping others, and I think I'd be able to help other agents.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- In the past I thought making documents would be incredibly hard (mainly due to the fact that the document writing system is a bit bugged), however not too long ago I started writing arrest reports as well as duty logs. I made several duty logs before.
- Here's what I believe makes a document good:
>>> The first page should describe what the document is about, and in arrest reports, it should say things like the date and the person(s) involved in the arrest.
>>> Moreover, the first page should also contain the IA logo, as well as roleplay-wise things like "Document for CL 3+", which will make it look more RP-friendly.
>>> If the document has a lot of pages and sections, It should have an index page at the beginning as well.
>>> Paragraphs on the document shouldn't be too short, and neither too long, as it will make reading worse.
>>> Connector words like "but", "moreover", "however", "although" and "on the other hand" will make the text easier to be understood by the reader.
>>> Similarly, grammar (wording, spelling, punctuation, etc) also has to be decent, otherwise the person reading it will have a lot of trouble.
>>> Detail is very important so that the person reading it understands the scenario. Including things like person roles, places, times, and putting clarifications in parentheses will help a lot.
- As an example, I believe the grammar of this text would be remarkable.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- Train new agents
- Punish and credit agents that are doing a bad/good job, as well as helping them
- Solve certain situations by talking to other departmental leaders
- Responding to reports made by other personnel about agents
- Reviewing arrest reports and duty reports made by agents put on scipnet
- Like any other CL 4, assisting general staff such as operating blast doors and opening electrical centers when required.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
It was 20██, when an employee of an insurance company, Johnson, got fired for losing a case. Although the case Johnson was involved in was lost, it was one of the very few cases that he has lost. Later on, Johnson tried to become an independent lawyer, although his goal wasn't that easy. It was too hard for him to assist someone, but he could do it and he could earn enough for a living. After a while, a client sued the canadian military for accidentally shooting the said client, leading him to use a wheelchair for life. With ease, Johnson managed to win the case, and both the client and the military's lawyers were impressed by that. The military soon offered Johnson a job as a lawyer, promising a far higher pay that will offer him a better life. Johnson agreed and signed the paperworks. Soon after, he got kidnapped and brought to what seemed to be an interrogation room. He questioned it and he got told that his role in the military is far more critical than just a lawyer. It was the role of internal affairs. He got an introduction to the SCP Foundation, although he just laughed as a joke. when they brought SCP-2295 (the teddy bear), He was shocked. After a while as an IA Agent, he got less and less confused and scared, but still tried to do his best to do his job rightfully.
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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2023

a career in IA should probably wait as you have not been a "rule follower" for a long time and as you might know IA is all about rules.

good luck tho

J. 'Cubic' H.

Well-known Member
Dec 20, 2022

a career in IA should probably wait as you have not been a "rule follower" for a long time and as you might know IA is all about rules.

good luck tho
brother in Christ, it was the past. Almost everyone on the server did something stupid before. Either way even if I had a ton of warnings they're still pretty old.


Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2023
brother in Christ, it was the past. Almost everyone on the server did something stupid before. Either way even if I had a ton of warnings they're still pretty old.
yes mby 3-4 warnings. but you got 50+ warnings as you said. there is a diffrence.

Tim Drake

Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022

Application Denied

Good day, Agent Huggman

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Tim Drake
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