[UK] Dagger's 05-6 Overseer Application | "The Revenant"

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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022

Personal Information

Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
over 510 hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Eastern European Summer Time
Character name(s):
[F]: 'Dagger', [CI]: 'Sicario'
Civilian name:
Aleksios Manolis
What server are you applying for?:
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Chief of Medicine (4-5 months)
- Overseer Assistant (2 months)
- MTF Alpha-1 CPL (2 months)
- CI - Gamma

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- 1 warning that was for failrp, due to me being inside dblock as 912 (5+ months ago)

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

- I'm applying for the 05-6 role because I finally feel confident in managing and developing any department assigned to me. I would also like to fulfill the previous Overseer position and also continuing my legacy from overseer assistant to 05-6

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

- My Documenting: Although my document may seem bad due to me not using a template, they are always long and on point. I have been documenting since I was a Chief of Medicine and now I have been documenting meetings and events that Overseers ordered me to.

- My Activity: I have been active since the start of the previous summer and keep going strong. I put my 100% to be active for more than 4-5 hours each day.

- My Experience: I have more than 500 hours on this server, I have/had a triple CL4 position as Chief of Medicine, Alpha-1, and Overseer Assistant. I had a clearance 4 position for over 4-5 months and assisted with the 05 tasks for 4 months (2 A-1, 2 OA) and that makes me feel confident enough to move up to this position

- My Commanding Skills: Although I had an NCO position in Alpha-1, my position as Chief of Medicine helped me on learning how to command and punish people appropriately. On Overseer Assistant I have been commanding Alpha-1 Operatives on situations, formations, and tasking, with of course not overruling what the Overseers say.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

- The responsibilities of the 05 council within RP are to oversee the whole foundation and its departments. To ensure its safety of it and keep everything running smoothly. With the assistance of Alpha-1 operatives, you can observe operations, events, and researches. Members of the 05 council are expected to follow the legal code of codex at all times to assure the health of the site. Overseer members work alongside the Ethics Committee for managing and monitoring operations and events that happen in the Facility for example initiating Facility Lockdown and Code Black procedure in the case of a breach and when the situation gets out of control, the detonation of the Alpha Warhead.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- 05 members are expected to act both professionally on OOC and IC. Always have communication with the other 05 members and do meetings. Overseer council members need to be careful when choosing people for department directors. Applications that are reviewed by the 05:
+Chief of Security
+Overseer Assistant
+Site Administration
+Department Director of Research
+Department Director of Intelligence
+Department Director of Internal Affairs (+With Ethics)
+Site Administration

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Aleks Manos was born in 1982 in a place called Boula in Greece. He lived a happy life with his parents, he was doing great at school and passed all of his classes with excellent grades. His family was wealthy and had a big fortune due to his uncle being one of the only millionaires in Greece back at that time. Everything went just fine until the worst thing Aleks could ever imagine happened :

Date: 18/8/████
Time of incident: ██████
People involved:
Maria K/L (Deceased)
John Manos (Deceased)
Suspect-1 (Injured, Hospitalised)
Suspect-2 (Deceased)
Details: On the day 18/8/████ time █████ Maria K/L and John Manos were at their house, burglars with covered face details broke into the house, one of them holding a Remington type 870 model.
John Manos took his defense gun, a Baretta 92FS, and shot Suspect-2 in the chest.
Suspect-1 opened fire toward Jhon Manos and accidentally shot Maria K/L, both homeowners did not survive the fatal shooting.
Jhon Manos: Open chest cavity
Maria K/L: Exposed skull
Suspect-1: Fracture and heavy bleeding in left [L] Leg
Suspect-2: Punctured heart and lung


Aleks was just a teen and he could see both of his parents dead lying on the floor with shotgun wounds on their bodies. The blood, the skin, the organs laying around the floor and Aleks was just staying still and couldn’t believe his eyes.

Police stormed the house and checked on Aleks, they kept trying to talk to him but he still wasn’t moving, he was standing still, shocked that not even a tear ran down his cheek.
Years Later...

Aleks lost contact with all his friends, school, and his uncle. He felt lost, he felt that he was somewhere he shouldn’t have been, all this time being happy just for it to finish within seconds...
He had nothing to do, so he enrolled in the army.
He tried again and again but failed, they just didn’t seem to want him, they thought that he would just want a gun to shoot at people after what happened with his parents.

Aleks was furious, he couldn’t find a job so then he started working in a nuclear power plant as a cleaner, he wanted to finally make his own money so he can have some spare ones till the day that his parent’s money no longer helps him.

The unbelievable happened.

Date: 12/3/████
Time of Incident: ████
People involved:
17 People [10M] [7F]
Details: On the day 12/3/████ time: ████ a test was run on Reactor 2, an earthquake hit, and the power went off. Lead rods from inside reactor 2 did not lower and the fusion continued. Extreme pressure and heat build-up from Reactor 2 finally exploded releasing high amounts of β and γ rays in the air resulting in people losing their lives


Aleks had to be hospitalized quickly, the radiation would kill his blood cells and his body would rot from the inside out. Aleks could not feel a thing, he could only remember the loud bang and then everything going black.

3 Months later...

Aleks could finally walk out of the hospital, he was clean and he felt like new, he seemed happy after a while, till he saw the Hospital bill, 39.899 $. That number, he couldn’t believe in his eyes, it was all he had left from what his parents left for him.

Working on a security job made Aleks some quick easy money for him to make a living, he was feeling finally okay again and thought that staying on this job for some long time will help him enter the army or be promoted in his job to some higher position. So he decided to enroll one last time in the army.
He could finally join the army, he was so happy when he received his letter and had so many thoughts about the next upcoming days, he thought that he can finally be doing something he liked.

Moving to the training camp, he didn’t believe that the Drill Sergeants were more friendly than he saw in movies as a kid, but the training was as hard as he thought.

Day by day passed and his reputation was already perfect. He was promoted quickly and Aleks was extremely happy.

Years later

Aleks was finally a Lieutenant and he could now manage the new candidates, everything was going perfectly! He was doing a great job and people liked him, but nobody expected him to be this good at his job after everything that he went through.

Aleks decided to take some days off to celebrate his promotion.
Walking back to his old apartment he randomly bumps into a stranger, the stranger was wearing a black hoodie and had a balaclava on, he seemed like he intentionally bumped into Aleks

Aleks – “Oh I'm sorry are you okay?”

Stranger – “I'm all fine, take this and call us if you need a better job”

*The stranger hands him a note*

Aleks – “Huh? I already have a good job.”

*The stranger walks away*

Aleks had many questions,?Why him? ,?Who was this guy?

He just opened the note, there was a number.

Aleks just puts it in his pocket and goes back
Aleks was curious, he kept thinking about the note, his curiosity made him call the number

Phone calling ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

*Someone picks up the phone*

Aleks – “Hello? I was given thi-“

Voice – “Hello Manos, this is an offer for a better job, would you accept? You will be working in a military base”

Aleks doesn’t answer, he wants to think of it first. (“hmm, military base, that sounds cool”)

Aleks – “Alright sure? Uh where should I g-“

Hangs up.

He was now more curious than he was before he called, with many more questions.

3 Days Later

It was finally time for Aleks to move back to his job and he felt good about it once again.

As he was walking down the street a white van quickly passes next to him and slammed on the brakes, Aleks was deafened by the squeaky sound the rubber wheels made.

A guy with a mask jumps out of the van, bags, and grabs Aleks.

Aleks kept resisting but the man was way stronger than him.
The bag was taken of Aleks that was currently seated down.

Aleks – “What am I doing here?

Aleks looks around and 3 people that looked like Security Guards stand next to him

Security Guard – “Hey Manos, remember me? I was the one who gave you the note, I was the one who answered your phone call”

Aleks – “Wait is this the job you were telling me for? What is this whole fuckery in here and why didn’t you just tell me to go somewhere and take me like a real person?

Security Guard – “Oh yeah sorry about that, first of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Nikos im the General Security Captain, you were brought here with a bag because of this “fuckery” that you are inside of now -let me call it with a better name, this “facility” that you are now inside is Heavily Classified to the outer world, no normal citizen may know about it”

Aleks – “Uhhh, okay, sooo?? What do I do now?”

Nikos – “You are now in SITE-███ you will be assisting researchers with tests on monsters”

Aleks – “Monsters? Is this a joke?”

Nikos – “I assure you that it is no joke, read this book for me and you will be shortly ready to start unless you deny

Aleks takes a look at the book and is speechless, he could never imagine people hiding this from him and his citizens for so long. Monsters, anomalies, stuff you can only see in fiction movies.

Aleks thinks about it and finally accepts the offer.

The first day as a General Security began, he was trained and everything went well. He didn’t seem to have any problems and got close with the other co-workers quickly.
Sirens and alarms started to sound in the whole facility, people started running, the announcer announced a breach, the light went off for some quick seconds, and then screams started to be heard. Screams sounded like they kept coming closer and closer until they were next to him. Aleks could not hide anywhere but decided to stay in the room with his other 3 co-workers till the monster goes away,


939-1 storms inside the room and Aleks’s co-workers started running but they were not quick enough for 939-1, they were caught and killed but Aleks just stayed still in shock, he couldn’t move a muscle, he imagined the same image as he saw back in the day when both of his parents were dead on the ground.

Only did he know that not moving saved his life. As 939 can only see with its hearing and cannot see preys who are not moving.


Aleks just sat down thinking of what just happened, he couldn’t believe it.

Soon enough 939-1 leaves the room and is later met with gunshots of MTF Epsilon-11.

People were not aware that 939-2 has also broken out and headed towards D-block, the place where aggressive D-class were kept.

939-2 started breaking even more doors but soon run away as he wasn’t able to reach its main target that was moving at the time being.

*Footsteps and gunshots heading towards Aleks*

2 D-class storm the room and put Aleks under gun-point. They dragged him into a room where they met someone unusual

A black man with a suit could be seen with 2 people guarding him, what could he be doing at that time of the breach?


??-?– “Hmm you think I care?”


*The d-class shoots at the bulletproof glass as a warning but nothing happens*

The man whispers something to his guard

*The man in the suit seems to be reaching something inside of his suit pocket and a ‘click’ sound can be heard*

The man started walking towards the room entrance, step by step


The man takes another step

D-class1 – “LAST WARNING”

He finally enters the room and in the blink of an eye, he takes his handgun out and shoots the D-class that held Aleks.

Aleks was once again shocked but quickly understands what just happened and picks up the deceased D-class gun and shoots the other D-class.

*Silence, the man seems to be smiling*

Aleks – “What were you thinking?? You could have missed and they could have killed me!!”

??-? – “Don’t worry Mr. Manos, I never miss”

Aleks – “*Sigh* How come everybody knows my name in here”

??-? – “You are well known Aleks, we have noticed you and we needed you for something”

Aleks – “What is it again??”

??-? – “Don’t you worry, we will contact you soon.”
After days of taking a break after that incident, Aleks didn’t want to go back to work but rather take a longer break, but his break was soon cut off by a man who entered his room.

Researcher – “Hey Mr. Manos, it's time, we need you for an interview with an SCP”

Aleks – “Ah. Again. You want me to enter a room with that thing?? What? Do you think I'm an idiot?”

Researcher – “No, no of course not, you are not an idiot-“

Aleks – “What is the classification of the SCP”

Researcher – “Object Class: Safe.”

The researcher gives him a document with the title SCP – 1504

Aleks –“Okay I will take a look, but first tell me why I'm the one who is going to take the interview?”

Researcher –“We have studied your file after you came to this Site, you are Greek and we have recently noticed that this SCP has been mumbling Greek”

Aleks –“*Sigh* ok, I will do it”

Researcher –“Well it was an order for you to do it, it wasn’t a question if you wanted to”

Aleks – “what.. what if that thing was dangerous, who is that man ordering me anyways?”

Researcher – “I hope I could tell you but you shouldn’t know about this stuff so early, the only thing that I'm going to say is that he has some interest in you”

The researcher leaves the document by the side of a table and leaves the room

Aleks takes a peak at the document once more.

SCP – 1504
Item #: SCP-1504
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1504 is to be contained in a 3m X 3m X 3m containment chamber.
Description: SCP-1504 is a Caucasian male, standing at 1.95 meters tall. The subject’s appearance is unremarkable, aside from a small birthmark on its right shoulder.

Aleks tells himself: "hmm, it should be that bad."
*Aleks enters the containment chamber and looks directly at SCP-1504*

Researcher –“Mr. Manos please take a sit and talk with SCP-1504”

*Aleks sits down and fixes chair position*
Aleks – “Γεια?” (Hello?)

*SCP-1504 looks at Aleks and is confused and impressed*
SCP-1504 – “Γεια, πωΣ ξερειΣ να μιλαΣ Ελληνικα?” (Hello, how do you know how to speak Greek?)

Aleks – “Ειμαι ΕλληναΣ, καταλαβενω πωΣ δεν μιλαΣ στουΣ αλλουΣ λογω οτι δεν ειναι ελληνεΣ” (I am greek, I understand that you don’t speak to other because they are not greek)
SCP- 1504 –“ΣωστοΣ, και τι κανειΣ εδω? Θα με ρωτισειΣ τιποτα?” (You are correct, what are you doing here? Arent you going to ask me any questions)

Aleks-“Ναι” (Yes) *Opens a document that the researcher gave him before entering*

Aleks-"Πωσ σε λενε?' (What is your name?)
SCP-1504-"μμμ.. δεν θυμαμαι" (hmm. I don't remember)

Aleks-"αληθεια τωρα? πως γινεται να μην θυμασαι?" (really now? how can you not remember)
SCP-1504-"Να μην σε νοιαζει" (its none of your consern)

Researcher through the window: "Mr. Manos please don't temper with SCP-1504"

Aleks-“Εισουν εσυ ο λογοΣ που βγηκαν τα 939?” (Were you the reason that both 939 breached?)
SCP-1504 –“Μαλλον.” (Perhaps)

*SCP-1504 seems to be smirking*
*Aleks starts to connect the dots*

Aleks suddenly rages and stands up and starts to curse on SCP-1504 for almost killing him, the SCP didn’t seem to care though

*Aleks takes a sit again and Sighs*

Researcher – “Manos, get out, now”

*Aleks gets up from the chair*

Right when Aleks was about to leave the room, Aleks notices a man standing right behind him. The man whispers to him “The end” and stabs Aleks.

SCP-1504 stands up and looks toward Aleks’s dead body, he seems sad for the first time. SCP-1504 stands next to the body and reaches for it.
A blue aura can be seen projecting from the body and suddenly Aleks wakes up.

Aleks –“Wh-at happened?”

The researcher was shocked that an SCP revived a person.

*Guards storm the room and clear it, the only trace of the person who tried killing Aleks was a Dagger*

Guards-“Wake up, we are bringing you to the med bay, someone tried to kill you”

Aleks-“I-I don’t understand.”

Guards pick Aleks up and bring him to medbay

Doctor-“Don’t worry Mr.Manos, you are going to be okay, we are going to test you for any other internal bleeding. Also, we found this, it is yours now”

*The doctor gives Aleks the Dagger that was left in the ground by the mysterious killer*

Aleks – “Why am I alive, how did I not die?”

Doctor –“ It appears that SCP-1504 revived you, he gave you another chance, ~like a revenant”

Aleks-“But, we had a conflict before I got up the chair? He revived me? That’s, weird.”

Doctor-“Well, as long as you are alive now you are fine.”

Aleks Manos Medical Checkup:
Patient Name: Aleks Manos
CodeName: N/A
Date of Birth: ##/##/1982
Allergies: N/A
Blood Type: A+
Reason for Checkup: Stabbed and then revived by SCP-1504
Surgery Y / N: N
Xray Y / N: Y
Results: Slightly cut rib. No internal bleedings and no shrapnel in the body

2 Days Later

*A man with the black suit enters the medbay’s room where Aleks is located*

??-?-“hey Mr. Manos, how are you feeling?”

Aleks-“You, again, you saved my life, what are you doing here?”

??-?-“Hope you are doing just fine, I'm here to talk about something”

Aleks-“What is it?”

??-?-“We have high hopes that you became something we -humans would call a god. Studies found out that you are immortal but it seems your immortality is decaying. Additionally, You seem to have gained some quite intriguing knowledge from SCP-1504"

Aleks-“That’s, nice, I guess..”

*The mysterious man’s guards order the Doctors to leave the room*

??-? – “it is nice, yes, but, the thing is, that information you know is only for Clearance 5 personal and you are only Clearance 1. If you were a random guy we would already have killed you over this information you know, but you are something else, over the time we have spectated you and you have proven us something that its never been done before, the skills, the knowledge and intelligence you have are way more different than a normal person. So I would like to do an offer, we want you to work closely with us, you will be our assistant, there will be no training since you know everything and if you show us what we expect you will be promoted really, really soon... Good luck”

Aleks-"I will work with you but first, I want you to ensure me that I will find that man who killed me and revenge on him"

??-?-"You are skilled enough to find him. You have my word."

ps: thanks to everybody who read the whole thing, I'm fully aware that I do not have a Cl4 senior position experience but I still want to try getting a chance and so i can prove myself. Translation by me.
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Daisy Hill

Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
+Great interactions
+Best OSA on site (fr fr)

+/- Greek (joke)
Its harder to say The Revenant then dagger
+Dagger dagger dagger
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  • Haha
Reactions: Aleks


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022

Great interactions
Very Professional
Best Overseer Assistant out there

Best of Luck Dagger
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Reactions: Aleks


Well-known Member
Jul 30, 2022
-Great Assistant
-Well detailed application with really good lore
-Good interations

-Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger
  • Haha
Reactions: Aleks

Eirik Higgs

Well-known Member
Dec 7, 2021
I generally dont leave supports anymore since ive left the community for abit (trollface) but ive worked with Dagger for along time and hes a really nice guy
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Reactions: Aleks
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