UK demotion Appeal Odysseus

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Dec 9, 2021
Name: Odysseus
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90131809
Previous Rank (convert if required): Moderator
Who demoted you?: Yeke
Date of demotion?: 18/12/2022
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
What is the case against you?: Getting 2 severe infractions - ignoring sits, poor conduct and misuse of your permissions
Is this true?: both yes and no
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No this was my first time
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Yes but all of them are experied and i havent gotten a singel one for months
What is your side of the story?: To be honest directly i barely remember but i remember missue of my permmision were because we fuckt around on floor 3 me and a gm like i remember we spawned in like a barrel and tryed to put it on each others head the ignoring sits i wouldent really say was a big thing i were in middle of roleplay and got told to take sits and couldent just leave the roleplay poor conduct was for i belive if i remember right it was when i was getting demoted i sayid something
Why should you return / what will you change?:
i feel that I should return to staff because I feel that I have learned from my past mistakes and am willing to change the way I act as a member of staff I noticed the amount of staff that are on the server has become less and less and I feel that I will be able to help out the other staff members who may struggle with the amount of sits that pile up aswell as im playing moste of the times early morning when theres no staff never had any poor judgements in sits

I have been extremly active on the server and havent gotten a singel warning for very long
Tbh im not going to + or - sup im just going to give my opinion on Odysseus

When i first met him in Foundation i could tell he is focused on RP no matter what, Sure he minges about but dont we all (in privet ofc) But im not 100% sure on why he got demoted from a staff POV there might be some stuff im missing hence why im not voting on it. but from what i can tell hes behavior has gotten better so id say if yeke wants to give him a 2nd chance im sure Odysseus wont disappoint


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022

I'd like to see you get more playtime in in order for me to formulate a full opinion if your attitude has improved. As you are aware you were removed for pretty harsh reasons, which makes me less inclined to accept you back as of this moment. Please do not be discouraged to reappeal again in the future, when you have fully cemented and proven yourself within the community. Thanks.

You may reappeal in 2 weeks.
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