[UK] Director of Internal Affairs Application

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Aug 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:460028580

Discord name: Kasuma Sato#7763 or lawrie100

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Started in August of 2022, But i have been in internal affairs for the past 4 months and have been an ambassador for almost 3 months

Age: 19 but 20 at the end of August

In what country are you located?: Scotland

Time zone: GMT +00:00

Character name(s): Tim "Nova" Drake

Civilian name: N/A, Never been Civ

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- IA Ambassador (Holding) Nu-7 PVT-CSG (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 warns:
1st Warn - Killed a D-Class as a D-Class. [RDM {A} ]
2nd Warn - Pressed my *Panic Button* without knowing i was stripped. [Fail-Rp}]

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
- I am applying for IA Director as i know i am ready to take on the leadership responsibilities that come with being a Director. I want the ability to lead Internal Affairs to a path of greater enforcement and i have much to offer in Internal Affairs such as new ideas on how to make IA an dependant department as well as ways to allow both agent/operatives and ambassadors a more enjoyable and enticing experience in Internal Affairs. I love watching Internal Affairs thrive all over the site, dealing with any situation with flourish.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
- i am suitable for this position as i have a lot of experience as an Internal Affairs Ambassador. I am an excellent mentor to both Agents and Operative, i make sure all fully aware of what i means and takes to be in Internal Affairs. When training, I elaborate on specifics when reading out the training slides. When agent complete their quiz during the induction, i give them a few documents, such as, the IA Handbook, The online FLC and our website which includes all template docs. i go the extra mile to make sure all agents/operatives are fully knowledgable before partaking in the duties of IA. The work i do as an ambassador is outstanding and i believe i am a suitable candidate for Director of Internal Affairs.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
- The Responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs are as follows;

Investigations - As a director, you must ensure all investigations are handled properly and with the most care. the directors job is to ensure the investigations are kept secret not known by the rest of the foundation.

Training - As a Director, you have the same basic responsibilities as an ambassador, one of them is training new agents, turning them into the ideal IA agent/operative. On top of this, making sure the agent has all the resources necessary such as methods of communicating, appropriate documents and the correct understanding og the FLC.

Punishments of IA - In common with an ambassador, at one point you will have to punish an agent/operative for their misbehaviour with either a warning or a timely suspension. the directors position to monitor all warns/job-bans, making sure they are all in line and not absurd, at any point you can question an ambassadors decision of punishement. This is a rare case, if the ambassadors has punished either the wrong agent, or has punished an agent severely for a minor issue.

Basic IA duties - As a Director, you are able to conduct any and all duties of Internal Affairs, such as arresting foundation personnel, observing personnel and procedures, enforcing the FLC and always keeping a level head in terms of responsibility and professionalism.

General CL4 Member - as a CL4, you have new responsibilities such as closing bulkheads like HCZ, PW blastdoor and EZ bulkhead. other duties include authorising AA for NCO+ and IDing anyone wanting inside AA and making announcements through the speaker system.

DoIA Additional Duties - As the Director of IA and a senior CL4 Member, you will have to directly answer to Site command and Site administration on any pressing matters including; issues within IA, Investigations ordered by site command and having a final say in all IA matters.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Tim Lived quite a boring life, for his early years, growing up in Edinburgh, Scotland. For a quiet kid who never really had his appeal in school, his eyes were set on making a change in the world. Tim wanted to make a change but did not know how. For such a quiet kid, he was quite good and literature, physical education, maths and was alright at some sciences, but these did not interest Tim. So instead of parking himself behind a deck for his life, he chose to make a difference. Tim chose to join the British Armed Forces.

Tim spent the next 5 years excelling in all work in the army and went from PVT to SPC all the way to CPL. Tim felt he had made a difference but did not want to stop. While on a mission in the Quebec, Canada, he was tasked to eliminate a group of terrorists dressed in green. The intel they acquired was that they use russian weapons and are constantly attacking a thought to be an old abandoned military base north of their HQ. in between all of this was a small village called Pinewood. The fight was taking place in an area the natives called no mans land., It was brutal. Most of Tim's men were either badly wounded or dead, They clearly had the advantage.

Tim's Commander gave him and his men to retreat with haste, but the militia did not like that. They picked his men off one by one, and before Tim knew it, he was the last one left. Tim quick on the decision, chose to run and hide in that abandoned military base. but once Tim got to the gate, he was shot in the back, and shot again. Tim fell to the ground, grunting in pain, and before the attacker could finish the job, Tim hears the echo and loud bang or a weapon. Next thing, the attacker goes down, and before Tim blacks out, he sees a shadow leaning over him, then everything goes dark.

Tim wakes up in what looks like a hospital clearly having a panic attack. The doctor nearby calms him and explains what happened. Once Tim calms, a group of men dressed in black show up and tell me why Tim is here. he is told that he has been watched over for a long while and is told he has been selected for the Internal Affairs program. Before Tim could get a word in, one of the men cuts him off and stated he has no choice and that he cannot leave. So Tim has no choice but to accept his new position with vigour.


Tim was now an IA Ambassador, and with his newly appointed position of the foundation, Tim could now help and train the agents he used to be. A few months go by and when he was awarded, "ambassador of the month", he was thrilled. But Tim soon felt he could more for Internal Affairs. After Tim's fourth month being in Internal Affairs, One of the Directors and decided to resign so he could move up in the foundation.

Tim felt this was his calling. This was Tim's new goal and it was within his reach. Tim knew he had the knowledge to become the Director of Internal Affairs and there was noone that was going to stop him. So, the first chance he got, he immediately Applied for the Promotion. The only thing to do at that point was to wait and see.

End Of Lore


Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2022
= Neutral
+ Good interactions.
+/- Activity is okay, but still lacking.
+/- It's great to know that you go the extra mile in helping out people get some extra info, but you seem a bit arrogant thinking you do "outstanding work".
+/- Shows some leadership qualities but still has room for improvement.
- Missed opportunity to expand and create more than 1-2 points in what makes you suitable.
- You've stated that you are ready to show the leadership needed for Director, but I'm yet to see any from you.
- Haven't seen you interact with many other departments to the point where it creates new opportunities and RP.

Tim, I do believe you are one of the good candidates for the Director position but I think that there was soo much more you could have done in IA and for yourself to make you a great candidate. You do appear to show some of the qualities needed for the Director position such as understanding some of the responsibilities Directors have, and trying to go the extra mile for your Agents/Operatives but you seem to still miss the chance to explain more about what you will do and have done in the past for IA. I think a lot of people don't understand how important it is to tell others about what they will do and go in depth with their past self in the department as it can really show if you have the qualities necessary to move on. Don't take my opinions personally or as a bad thing, but instead a opportunity to understand where you can improve on.

Good luck.
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Reactions: Tim Drake
Aug 13, 2022
= Neutral
+ Good interactions.
+/- Activity is okay, but still lacking.
+/- It's great to know that you go the extra mile in helping out people get some extra info, but you seem a bit arrogant thinking you do "outstanding work".
+/- Shows some leadership qualities but still has room for improvement.
- Missed opportunity to expand and create more than 1-2 points in what makes you suitable.
- You've stated that you are ready to show the leadership needed for Director, but I'm yet to see any from you.
- Haven't seen you interact with many other departments to the point where it creates new opportunities and RP.

Tim, I do believe you are one of the good candidates for the Director position but I think that there was soo much more you could have done in IA and for yourself to make you a great candidate. You do appear to show some of the qualities needed for the Director position such as understanding some of the responsibilities Directors have, and trying to go the extra mile for your Agents/Operatives but you seem to still miss the chance to explain more about what you will do and have done in the past for IA. I think a lot of people don't understand how important it is to tell others about what they will do and go in depth with their past self in the department as it can really show if you have the qualities necessary to move on. Don't take my opinions personally or as a bad thing, but instead a opportunity to understand where you can improve on.

Good luck.
Thank you for the advice, latvian


Well-known Member
Jun 26, 2023
Support, He is the one ambassador who conducts his business properly without fault or misunderstanding. Knows the rules, is active, and can manage the department. The best candidate for the position. He was given the ambassador of the month award in June. Unlike the other ambassadors, who come on active duty when there is a chance to become the director available, he focuses on Internal Affairs only. Shall be the next department director of Internal Affairs with good praise.

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- Mr. Drake for Ethics Committee Assistant

Good Evening Mr. Drake,

Thank you for showing an interest in the position of Director of Internal Affairs; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Director.

Would you kindly contact myself or an Ethics Committee Member at your earliest convenience in order to arrange an interview.
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