Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for nearly 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu7 PVT and MTF E-11 LCPL both held meaning I have resigned from both
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 rdm
- 3 erp
- 1 failrp
- 1 Ban for LTARP
Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for nearly 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu7 PVT and MTF E-11 LCPL both held meaning I have resigned from both
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 rdm
- 3 erp
- 1 failrp
- 1 Ban for LTARP

<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I am applying for director of research as I have a deep passion for working and creating extensive pieces of work that can benefit the foundation, as well as having a great knowledge and understanding for creating and working for projects. this means that I have a deep knowledge of creating detail and making sure to have as much effort as possible when creating any kind of documentation. I am also able to have a good leadership over many research personal as well as leading them into creating better versions of testing and lecturing them to become a better version of themselves towards the research department. the Director of research is important for not just the research, but also effecting other departments. this means that there are many ways that research effects other departments, such as medical for doing projects relating towards them and with them working as a team between different types of personal to benefit the foundation which is only one example.
My goal is becoming a director of research that is able to work with the foundations efforts to bring new ways of documentation ideas as well as working towards an easier way for personal to learn to work together for projects to help with the foundations research and efforts of containment for SCPs. I also believe that with becoming a director of research I can also bring fourth new ways of researching SCPs from out of the Site-65. this means having the ability to recommend the transfer of SCPs for group research and documentation for the foundation which can give interesting ideas and help develop researcher in creating new ways to test with SCPs and also granting a high skills in documentation.
I also think that with the director of research, I can also help with the development with having easier ways for researchers being able to create documents. My idea is a way of creating a system so that researcher can copy 'Templates' straight into their clipboard. this means that researcher can have a less difficult time when creating documents for the first time, as the layout is there for them to use of the bat.
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?
I have always loved the research department from the first day of being transferred to the site. I enjoyed the idea of working towards the foundation and creating a better place for the department of research. this means that I have always strived into creating documents to help the research and learning SCPs and experimenting with my self to learn and improve, overtime I managed to learn and develop skills in documentation that have helped me to gain the role of executive researcher. I also have a wide range of knowledge of many SCPs this means that I am able to learn effectively and quickly in understanding tasks and finding ways of completing objects for projects as well as researching SCPs.
I have developed documentation skills, means that in my opinion I make sure to add as much information as possible when doing research this means going above and beyond what is normally asked in an objective. and writing as much as possible about every idea of the research I am working on. this means adding new types of information even if it is not needed to make sure that any questions are answered with the research study. and making sure to drive myself in teaching other researcher the same as well. I also enjoy working towards a large project involving multiple departments. as doing so allows me to teach and help personal with ideas and guiding them into working towards their own best ability as well when writing documents.
I Drive myself in becoming a director and becoming suitable, by being able to also publish projects and group assignments for the research department. i also make sure to remain good communication, to make sure to record all the progress of the projects as well as making sure to notify personal with skills in writing. So that the project can have best quality possible for the foundation research overall.
I've learnt to take information in way of quickly understanding any situation and finding ways for the best course of action. this means that I am able to have a quick accurate decision making towards areas which may be difficult to answer. I also make sure when making decisions to think of a more logistic way, this means that I make sure not to go by personal feelings and to make sure to thing logically when it comes to problem solving. these skills are needed when becoming any type of leader.
I am also very active on the site and interacting with many different personal. as well as talking to other researchers and having a nice time chatting about any subject and making jokes with other personal. making sure to never be too serious unless needed, and I can be very leaning to other personal as well. I make sure to always be available everyday on most evenings, making myself as an active example for other people so that they can bring a new level of activity. making sure to stay active for the involvement of projects and RP with other departments.
Lastly I am organised, making me very particular about the order of projects as well as making sure that organisation of the department is in check so that it may not fall from becoming the best department for the foundation aims.
What are the responsibilities of a Director of Research in RP?
Overall, there are many responsibilities of the director of research. these include handling and accepting applications for executive researchers and making a decision on adding them as a member of Clearance 4 personal of the research department. making a decision to see if they have made a good impression and showing unique skills. the director should also handle the interviews of these executive researchers. The director of research is also reasonable for handing out jobs for the executives to work on such as projects and making sure to communicate on the progress of these projects to relay back to the project leaders. making sure any questions asked are solved as well as making sure executives have a full understanding on the tasks they have been set. making sure that the executives are also given the orders relayed from site command to be completed as well. for ideas that have been given for the executives to research and find out more information.
A important responsibility of the director of research. Is the creation and management of the creating documentation. this means creating documents for the department that are needed as well as creating unique documents with the involvement of other departments. making documents is still important for a director as it is needed for keeping a standard reputation, as well as the creation of projects and management of those documentation as well. documentation is needed for the foundations efforts for the better containment of SCPs as well. Overall, documenting is extremally necessary for the department of research. Another responsibility that the director is research has. is that directors are responsible for any changes in the policy's for the department. this means that the director is responsible for changes as well as creation of new rules for the research department overall with the approval and discussion of the site command. this means that they are able to change issues found with the policy and add regulations to fix any issues which researchers have been doing. this also includes adding regulations to gaps in the rules which have been missed in the department. The policy is also important to have the right approval and discuss with the site command to see if the new policy change is good, as well as having a discussion with the American department director for their opinion on the changes before they are released.
The director of research is also responsible for keeping executives in line making sure they are not leaving a bad reputation on the department. any executives that are causing issues and breaking the code or policy of the research department, must have action taken to make sure they do not mess again. if they are to do so with multiple warnings they will receive full responsibility and harsh treatment if doing so. such as the removal of their role as executive. Having a good relations between the research department and other departments such as the medical, Gensec and internal affairs. it is important as stated before because of having good relations between departments, means that they are able to work more effectively together. As well as creating a good bond so that it is easier to get into contact with the department and work together for creating RP as well as research. when having a good relation ship with a department unlocks more ideas and innovative thinking. this means that more unique ideas and testing propositions can open up for projects and research study's which were not though of before hand. having that relation between department also increases the efficiency when working together as a team when there is a group project which involves two departments. as well as creating more effective communication. overall, relation ships with departments greatly improves overall efficiency between functions for the foundation.
Some ways of creating these types of relation ships between departments. can be through overall conversations and ideas being thrown around, this creates an effect of having the similar ideals which can then turn to a bond between department due to having the same goals and mind sets. this also improves the communication overall as well. it is also important to take in commanders and other departments opinions, as these relations also effect the inner department opinions.
Finally the senior role of the department leader is also especially important. this is because you are presented as a role model for all Jr. Clearance 4 personal and will need to keep a professional stature to ensure to keep the best reputation for my department. as well as inspiring researchers of the department to involve themselves in exploring research above the normal. and striving them selves to be unique when making documentation. being active at the site as a director is important this is due to getting to know my department overall. which means talking to each researcher and finding their skills and guiding them to improve. as a director the last benefit of the research director is the involvement and creation of unique events, such as a game master being involved to create a innovative experience. this is to enhance the RP which can occur. I would also involve people with the creation of projects as I see projects as a way to bring researchers together to have one goal and branch off for their own results for the better experience of the foundation.
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<end of application>

< Secure . Contain . Protect >
I have always loved the research department from the first day of being transferred to the site. I enjoyed the idea of working towards the foundation and creating a better place for the department of research. this means that I have always strived into creating documents to help the research and learning SCPs and experimenting with my self to learn and improve, overtime I managed to learn and develop skills in documentation that have helped me to gain the role of executive researcher. I also have a wide range of knowledge of many SCPs this means that I am able to learn effectively and quickly in understanding tasks and finding ways of completing objects for projects as well as researching SCPs.
I have developed documentation skills, means that in my opinion I make sure to add as much information as possible when doing research this means going above and beyond what is normally asked in an objective. and writing as much as possible about every idea of the research I am working on. this means adding new types of information even if it is not needed to make sure that any questions are answered with the research study. and making sure to drive myself in teaching other researcher the same as well. I also enjoy working towards a large project involving multiple departments. as doing so allows me to teach and help personal with ideas and guiding them into working towards their own best ability as well when writing documents.
I Drive myself in becoming a director and becoming suitable, by being able to also publish projects and group assignments for the research department. i also make sure to remain good communication, to make sure to record all the progress of the projects as well as making sure to notify personal with skills in writing. So that the project can have best quality possible for the foundation research overall.
I've learnt to take information in way of quickly understanding any situation and finding ways for the best course of action. this means that I am able to have a quick accurate decision making towards areas which may be difficult to answer. I also make sure when making decisions to think of a more logistic way, this means that I make sure not to go by personal feelings and to make sure to thing logically when it comes to problem solving. these skills are needed when becoming any type of leader.
I am also very active on the site and interacting with many different personal. as well as talking to other researchers and having a nice time chatting about any subject and making jokes with other personal. making sure to never be too serious unless needed, and I can be very leaning to other personal as well. I make sure to always be available everyday on most evenings, making myself as an active example for other people so that they can bring a new level of activity. making sure to stay active for the involvement of projects and RP with other departments.
Lastly I am organised, making me very particular about the order of projects as well as making sure that organisation of the department is in check so that it may not fall from becoming the best department for the foundation aims.
What are the responsibilities of a Director of Research in RP?
Overall, there are many responsibilities of the director of research. these include handling and accepting applications for executive researchers and making a decision on adding them as a member of Clearance 4 personal of the research department. making a decision to see if they have made a good impression and showing unique skills. the director should also handle the interviews of these executive researchers. The director of research is also reasonable for handing out jobs for the executives to work on such as projects and making sure to communicate on the progress of these projects to relay back to the project leaders. making sure any questions asked are solved as well as making sure executives have a full understanding on the tasks they have been set. making sure that the executives are also given the orders relayed from site command to be completed as well. for ideas that have been given for the executives to research and find out more information.
A important responsibility of the director of research. Is the creation and management of the creating documentation. this means creating documents for the department that are needed as well as creating unique documents with the involvement of other departments. making documents is still important for a director as it is needed for keeping a standard reputation, as well as the creation of projects and management of those documentation as well. documentation is needed for the foundations efforts for the better containment of SCPs as well. Overall, documenting is extremally necessary for the department of research. Another responsibility that the director is research has. is that directors are responsible for any changes in the policy's for the department. this means that the director is responsible for changes as well as creation of new rules for the research department overall with the approval and discussion of the site command. this means that they are able to change issues found with the policy and add regulations to fix any issues which researchers have been doing. this also includes adding regulations to gaps in the rules which have been missed in the department. The policy is also important to have the right approval and discuss with the site command to see if the new policy change is good, as well as having a discussion with the American department director for their opinion on the changes before they are released.
The director of research is also responsible for keeping executives in line making sure they are not leaving a bad reputation on the department. any executives that are causing issues and breaking the code or policy of the research department, must have action taken to make sure they do not mess again. if they are to do so with multiple warnings they will receive full responsibility and harsh treatment if doing so. such as the removal of their role as executive. Having a good relations between the research department and other departments such as the medical, Gensec and internal affairs. it is important as stated before because of having good relations between departments, means that they are able to work more effectively together. As well as creating a good bond so that it is easier to get into contact with the department and work together for creating RP as well as research. when having a good relation ship with a department unlocks more ideas and innovative thinking. this means that more unique ideas and testing propositions can open up for projects and research study's which were not though of before hand. having that relation between department also increases the efficiency when working together as a team when there is a group project which involves two departments. as well as creating more effective communication. overall, relation ships with departments greatly improves overall efficiency between functions for the foundation.
Some ways of creating these types of relation ships between departments. can be through overall conversations and ideas being thrown around, this creates an effect of having the similar ideals which can then turn to a bond between department due to having the same goals and mind sets. this also improves the communication overall as well. it is also important to take in commanders and other departments opinions, as these relations also effect the inner department opinions.
Finally the senior role of the department leader is also especially important. this is because you are presented as a role model for all Jr. Clearance 4 personal and will need to keep a professional stature to ensure to keep the best reputation for my department. as well as inspiring researchers of the department to involve themselves in exploring research above the normal. and striving them selves to be unique when making documentation. being active at the site as a director is important this is due to getting to know my department overall. which means talking to each researcher and finding their skills and guiding them to improve. as a director the last benefit of the research director is the involvement and creation of unique events, such as a game master being involved to create a innovative experience. this is to enhance the RP which can occur. I would also involve people with the creation of projects as I see projects as a way to bring researchers together to have one goal and branch off for their own results for the better experience of the foundation.
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<end of application>

< Secure . Contain . Protect >
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
This information is classified any personal below the correct clearance level seen with document could be arrested or worse.
### Data log entry: - Executive researcher: Jesse Soul ###

"I'm awake". that quote is locked in my mind every time I exit that place. It always feels strange. like I'm asleep but conscious always hearing the people around be but never understanding what they are saying. something happened to fixate this effect on me. I just can't remember the way it all happened.Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
This information is classified any personal below the correct clearance level seen with document could be arrested or worse.
### Data log entry: - Executive researcher: Jesse Soul ###

Wait i remember now. during a code 5 of a containment breach of SCP-8854 I was able to escape into the breach bunker. however, I broke my leg during the fall of the staircase out of the containment chamber. I managed to put myself behind a door before the SCP was able to see me. However, that SCP did something. I don't know what it was but ever since I was able to reach the breach bunker during that code 5. I can't shake the feeling on my own mind being detached from my body. It feels like a Realm which I can see, think, feel in but can't move. Sort of like I'm locked in place and my body is stuck in one location unable to move.
The feeling and seeing this detachment is all blurred. however, I can make out small glimpses before returning back to my body as normal and being forced to say "I'M ALIVE" and then continuing my actions. those glimpses look as if everything around me is dark, gloomed. like a seconds version of eyes I can see through. but I can only make out a short distance. the floors walls and every environment seem changed. like I wasn't in the same place as before. is it a transportation of the mind? I'm unsure. I just wish I could make out more.
When asking a member of the Director of research Gallagher. He stated "It could be a undocumented effect, of an SCP which has not been seen before." he then said the best idea would be to write an entry logging all the effects which I have seen. so that other personal can access the information to pinpoint a cause for this effect. However, the data log is only accessed for clearance 4 personal. Why is that? Is there something that the director is not telling me.
I cut the conversation short as I had to get back to work on documentation of project research. This however, lead me to find something interesting. when writing for the project I was able to assess different information more quickly. like I'm able to read and scan through information more easily. this lead me to test myself with accessing an SCP data and read the information as fast as possible. the document stated a 10m timer which the average personal was able to read. however, it only took me 2m. how? further testing lead me to believe that my eyes and brain neural responses were boosted somehow.
This then lead me to find another effect. when speaking to a Jr.researcher as my duties I was disconnected to my body again. more quickly then usual. Could this mean that near the human brain I was disconnecting to the body while also having more tabbed information to my own brain functions. this released skill would need to be tested more. When I stated the information to the Director of research he said "Hmmm well you are much more effective with research, but you seem less constructive with conversations with personal. sort of like a reaction similar to anxiety, when you feel embarrassed or can't think straight. your brain reacts to it".
Overall, I was thankful for the director evaluation. I then thought to myself that if I was able to be more efficient with the new ability or anomalous effect. maybe I could become an even better executive. maybe even strive for the director myself to explore new ways of research and increase my accessed knowledge. maybe I'll learn even more about the effect of this anomalous instance on my brain.
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >