[UK] DoR Application Niko murk


Active member
Jul 10, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:164488785.
Discord name: RedsnowWinter.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For 543 hours but around 6 months.
Age: 22.
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+2.
Character name(s): Niko Murk.
Civilian name: Deputy Mayor Jerry Fallfield.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI - Executive Researcher.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Director of Research?
One of the largest aims I have within the Research Department is to contribute more, currently we have a void within the Executive role and I hope to develop those within the Department to a level where they can act within this role effectively. I aim to assist aspiring senior members to reach the rank of Executive and support them in order to have them complete the most effective work they can. I have already experienced helping Executives and gain a great feeling of accomplishment when I see them strive within the role. I enjoy the role-play situations I experienced as well as help produce and wish to further these into the Director role. Within the Director role I would hope to involve a wide range of departments/factions within these situations so many others can have these experiences. Including others within my own role-playing or helping bring them in on ones developed with others can help increase my own reach and rapport with others which I can continue to build on. I hope to give insight into the Research Department that many within the Foundation may not have, helping show off our research and our department policies will help gain more interest in our department and have others find it easier to approach those within our department.

I strongly believe I am ready to move to the next step of the Research Department, in the Director role, as I have tenure within the department and I am very confident in my own abilities within it. I often see the workload that the current Director faces and I believe I can help to lighten that burden. I will balance the workload of managing executives, others within the department and any meetings. I’ve experienced the Director often asking for insight from others and being able to have multiple directors means we can reach a wider range of valuable opinions and further solidify the support we can deliver to the juniors.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

I am a highly suitable candidate for the role of the Director of Research due to my extensive knowledge and experience around all aspects of the Research Department. I have a great strength in my ability to train and mentor Researchers but also take on-board all feedback they provide me in order to perform the best I can. Within my tenure in the Research department I have actively shown that this is a skill I possess, I continually strive to further the collective knowledge and skill of the Research team as I believe this benefits all within the Foundation. Over my time I have been able to develop a deep understanding of all research processes, policies, structure and how the department and function most effectively. On multiple occasions I have helped senior members with the transition to the Executive level, furthering my ability and demonstration of my ability to guide professional growth.

I have a clear vision for how I want to improve the department’s structure, which I strongly believe will increase the efficiency of the work we complete within the department. I have first-hand experience of observing the issues our current Director faces with the workload they have, I know that I am able to support and help resolve this so they are able to support everyone. I am confident in my leadership skills, my collaborative approach and I have a strong passion for all aspects of research. This is what makes me an ideal candidate for this role. I understand the difficulties that leadership can face and I will tackle all challenges to the best of my ability. Also with my solidified experience in research I can offer a valuable opinion in the decision-making process, especially when issues may arise that more junior staff members may have difficulty tackling.

Furthering from this I have a great enthusiasm for cross-department collaboration, I want more interactions between departments. I will open more opportunities for experiences with other departments or groups. I am eager to further this and within the role of Director I will make this happen, we will further our own success and help other departments in the ways we are able.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:

Important responsibilities of the Director of Research are as follows:

Department Health;

Taking an active interest in the health of those within the department is of great importance, while a Director may not always have the ability to be at all research situations they are able to help develop policies which will make sure those research situations which are unsupervised are completed as safely as possible. Helping develop safe policies means that when these are followed those within experiments are always in the optimal safe positions. Ensuring these policies are known and trained will help everyone be able to follow these effectively and further the safety within the department.

Roleplay situations;
Developing good roleplay situations is important, having these experiences will help keep interest for activities within the department. Having good times in the department will help us keep tenured workers from wanting to transfer to other departments and means we can effectively develop knowledge of staff members without risk of them leaving.

Endorsing roleplay created by others will work in a similar way. Endorsing someone’s ideas and helping them develop them further will help give them a sense of what they are able to do and help give others confidence in creating more as well as more intricate role play scenarios.

Supporting Research;

Providing effective support for others’ research means that I can help pass on my own knowledge and experience onto others. This means that work can be completed effectively and help further our own knowledge but also increase the view that other departments have when looking at us.

Providing honest but also constructive evaluations of work completed means that excellent work is rewarded and those who completed will continue to produce this level of work. Ensuring work that may not meet the mark is given constructive feedback means that not only will their work improve in the future they will also not feel they are being punished or shamed. Ensuring to keep a positive outlook for those in the department helps foster a better environment for the staff members and helps give determination for supporting others.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Niko Murk is a researcher who disagrees with some of the decisions made by the O5 Council, particularly regarding the containment of SCPs such as SCP-096, which he believes poses a significant threat to the world. Niko cares deeply about innocent lives and believes in the principle that it is better to eliminate 100 murderers than to risk the life of one innocent person. Although he recognizes murderers as people, he views them as tainted and believes they should seek redemption rather than wallow in self-pity. Niko has been exploring options in secrecy within his work which he aims to defy the desires of the O5 council and terminate anomalies which are of high-risk to human kind. He has an idealised view of his own work and believes he can be the one to help further the safety of all.

Niko has a passion for tinkering with chemicals and is enthusiastic about teaching others about chemicals and their side effects. If he were to become an Director of Researcher, he would love to expand the department to include a focus on chemical research. His dedication to safety, education and evaluation.

Niko has gained an unfavourable reputation with both UNGOC and CI and he believes both wish for his demise. With these thoughts he has developed a disdain for both groups and wishes to cause problems for them and ultimately see both disbanding. He considers this around the work he completes and how some of it could come to benefit either group, as a result he ensures that everything he completes has purely the Foundation in mind, and if a situation arises that can provide harm to the other groups he will take the opportunity.


Active member
Jun 18, 2024
+support, spends a lot of time on Garry mod
+most active researcher

+/- isn't a great exec as all I see him do is sample and class e people
Last edited:

  • + Active

  • + Have only had funny good interactions with this individual.

  • + Great roleplayer.

  • -/+ Unsure how to grade them as an Exec, I have seen them do tests, but it is just mostly sampling, but they do seem to be creating significant RP. IMO it's a little shaky, but to be honest, RsD is kinda hurting and they would at least make for a charismatic DoR if nothing else. They would have to start going hard on any wacky storylines or RP though if they want to justify DoR and generating interest in RsD. In my personal opinion, I think it could work.


Well-known Member
Jan 1, 2023
As a Sr. researcher, Niko was very open in approving very questionable tests, he doesn't like reading too much, he hates people who put 20+ pages on their research study, he shot me 3 times in the chest and he will DEAL with you if you snitch on his unethical tests.

10/10 he is the Defacto executive researchers should strive to be.



Active member
Jul 13, 2024
Well written application
Had good experiences in RP
Genuine interest in cross department interaction
Think they can generate interesting RP