[UK] DoR Application Niko murk

As my application for this position is also up at the moment I won't give a definitive - or + support.

I am unsure if you'd be fit for this position because of a few reasons, my main concern about you is how you lack in leadership, I simply haven't seen you take initiative during RP situations where research would generally lead, alongside this I personally haven't seen you host any lectures or similar while on executive researcher. Another point I want to make is that you can be unprofessional at times which may affect your performance as a director. Additionally I just haven't seen much roleplay from you, you show great interest in chemicals and samples but I haven't really seen you create interdepartmental or just regular research roleplay.
If you work to improve on these points I believe you'd make a decent director.

Regardless of this, I wish you the best of luck.


Jimmy Swan