[UK] Doug "TrippleD" Executive Researcher Application

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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing since roughly the second of April 2024
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Doug "TrippleD"
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
NU-7 SPC - Held
CI Alpha TEU-PFC - Holding
GOC PVT - Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One ban for MRDM

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

One of the main reasons and objectives are why I want to be an executive, is due to the fact I see myself at the substantial sophisticated performance standpoint this means that my ability to be professional on site is un-matched. As well as the fact that I am able to stay in character for long periods time and not break the immersion of the scprp. During my time as a senior researcher and conducted many different types of documentations, each with a respective unique goal in order to create a unique experience in RP situations. Because of that factor that I'm able to create different documentations with the unique perspective I can be seen as an ideal researcher for documentation. This means I am able to lead other researchers as an example while making documents. Showing them different areas where they went wrong and how to improve their documentation process overall. It's also means that I strive in the ability to teach other researchers the ways a creating fulfilling documentation. As well expanding ideas for creating different testing and cognitive abilities. As i could also include inter department relationships with documentation, this means involving different departments for documentation and testing procedures.

The second reason I'm applying for the executive role is due to the fact I want to extend my abilities for conducting testing. This means expanding my roles of research and ability to work with other clearance 4 personnel. This also gives me the ability to write documentation on clearance for scp's more freely as well as gaming more creativity and opens up options for working on projects which I am very interesting in conducting either for myself or someone else which has a signed me a project. I want to research how to better contain scps and also the ability to but research utilizing scp's with the benefit of humanity.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I am suitable and ready for the executive researcher role and making an application due to the fact of my many different skills and suitability's which are able to be implemented to the role. One of which is the documentation experience which is led me to create more unique documentation and wanting to explore more advanced research with the expansion of the clearance 4 card such as expanding towards projects as stated before. However this is not the only suitability and why I want to be an executive in the first place. As I have always wanted to mentor and teach other researchers who struggled similar to the way I did when first starting out research. Helping them develop this skills and experiences. With this goal and the suitability of being able to teach different researchers I also strive myself, into having a high standard communication. This means being able to communicate with different researchers in order to have their point of view and then explaining my point of view in constructive criticism and right from wrong. Teaching them at the policy for the research department and onboarding Junior researchers in order to help them become the best types of researchers for the department.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

Currently I should have around seven excellent documentations, however each of these documentations are strived towards the best of the best as well as being unique. This means I don't enjoy making sampling tests and you prefer to involve myself in documents that stem from an ideal or creation that is more unique standpoint.

Excellent documentations towards my perspective involved The Creation to have a unique task or objective. With the descriptive reason of how it benefits the research department. The rest of the documentation should include the basic aim, methods, hypothesis, safety, results, conclusion. Each part the documentation should have a well detailed and descriptive for each of the pages. One thing I enjoyed to see inside of documentations is the front cover as it brings it to have a more professional look to the documentation and can be more unique.

In my eyes an excellent documentation is someone who stands out so someone who is able to put the effort in to try and make a document with the unique role and get it done in roleplay this means writing the documentation and actually conducting what you have written down in game have a more immersive experience. Such as when I conducted a 008 test from my documentation which hold it interesting results which was documented down as well as images.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

Someone who was able to have a strong sense of communication and understanding of different interactions Through Time. The responsibilities include teaching research department members information on the research policy, documentation and lecturing them and different ideas. Answering questions helping answer different opinions as well. Helping with development of documentation. . Giving constructive criticism to personnel wanting a opinion on improvements of their documentation overall as well. The responsibility in the fact that I now have a clearance 4 card, this means I need to act more like a trusted Foundation personal member. Ensuring to keep a layer a secrecy and not to info breach. Understanding the rules and regulations of the clearance 4 duties as well. Such as opening up the blast door and the uses for clearance 4 Communications. Speaking respectfully to all personnel including people that I may not like. This means putting aside feelings of hatred or not liking a person and ignoring those Factors in order to ensure to keep the responsibilities of an executive researcher. One of the key points responsibilities in an executive researcher is making sure to keep clearance for doors closed and ensuring the responsibility of an executive isn't sure that all times and making sure not to make mistakes such as leaving coded doors unlocked for other personnel to enter.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

<--- Data log - Executive Researcher "Doug" - Log entry psychological evaluation --->

"Stop". That one word burned into my skull. Right before it happened. I nearly died. I'm very lucky I had a medical personnel nearby, that consultant saved my life Cecilia. However I still lost my arm, but somehow I regained it? How?. Let me remember...It all started when I entered that room, it was going to be a normal test just like any other I was supposed to be planning a Distance de quantification test in order to have further research of a new anomalous item found within site 65. I thought it was going to be a safe classification, this was due to the fact it posed no threat. The anomalous Factor found was that it was an empty room. However the empty room itself was similar to a bathroom. With all the walls and ceiling covered in bathroom tiles. The class D and I stepped inside of the containment chamber expecting to have a reading or expected outcome however the only thing that opposed was that the door behind us shut instantly locking me in the class D inside.Once the door shut instantly, my first idea was to try and open it nudging the hand lock or spamming the keycard scanner trying to open the door. I remember there was an invisible interlock system as well as an audio device. This meant that there was able to talk to the people outside of the containment chamber to an intercom that I couldn't see. When I tried to shout and find anyone who was outside I was met with silence. With no Reading or realization I started to recognize the SCP.

I remember reading about it one of the other executives named Jesse Soul. Was able to give me some information as it was recently planned to have a transfer to an unknown location from a different site and to be wary of its nature. Due to this I might have unexpectedly walked into the containment chamber SCP 6698. "How did he get here?" was my thought after realising what SCP I've stumbled into. Without paying attention or realizing I forgot that the class d was standing right behind me. Steering deeply as if to try and reenact revenge. But I didn't do anything to him, I don't remember doing anything to him. So why was he so angry at me? Stumbling around trying to look for anything else to communicate to the outside of the containment chamber. I started to remember more bits and pieces about the SCP I was told. Warned about "Cockroaches"? Luckily enough I didn't see any Cockroaches I scanned around the bathroom searching however those nothing to be found. Then out of nowhere. I was hit at the back of the head with a giant metal object from the class D. I was then terribly beaten almost to the blink of death. My head start throbbing I was bleeding. Each bones on my arms and legs were broken as he whacked each joint. He started pulling up my hair lifting up my head before smacking and slamming it down. After that I fell unconscious.


I woke up being rushed out the containment chamber was immense pain. I could see the room across from me as the door closed it was Cockroaches everywhere eating at the man crawling up the walls and ceiling. there must have been hundreds, thousands even. Before a blacked out again. That was all I could remember it was only short but now I know to never step in a containment chamber I have not researched. And to never trust a class D ever again not after the experience. The medical personnel who saved me or at least noticed me through the intercom when Windows system was the consultant and thankful she was able to see me before I died. She said she called up combat personnel known as XXXXXX. Which were assigned to the termination of the containment chamber and SCP itself. However the schedules for my test and there's will mixed. Which meant that what happened to me was a simple accident which still left me scarred. After that I made sure to strive myself, creating myself to be a better researcher to take care in each factors safety precaution everything. To show the safety of all Personnel in the containment chamber or any test. This time I will make sure that when i become this researcher. Researcher in which who will be better. More observant. Overall I want to become the best executive a researcher who someone can depend on when knowing about safety regulations. Because I know the experience of what happens when the safety regulations are not met.

<--- Data log - Executive Researcher "Doug" - END - Log entry psychological evaluation --->

- Active
- Good documentation
- Good interactions
- Overall I was assigned in order to guide you into becoming a executive. In doing so I watched you improve and create very unique documentation. Overall I believe you deserve the role.
- Good luck on your application

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Reactions: Doug 'TrippleD'
Major -Support

- Petty
- Has been known to minge
- I've not heard of any tests you've conducted recently
- You were removed from your Floor 3 projects for stating you would steal chemicals from Alpha-1
- Your quality of documents isn't always the best
- Poor and basic description of an excellent document. You listed the requirements for most documents and missed some. What makes a document excellent?

- Unprofessional at times
- Conducts a lot of sampling tests with no real research

- Lore is okay
- Has had a few decent documents that I've read

I truly do wish you the best of luck, Doug, but I personally think you need a bit more time to settle before becoming CL4.

Barney 'Akai' Moody

Active member
Jun 22, 2024
+ Support
Only had good interactions with him, i can't speak of documents since i haven't read any. But i can speak of interactions as a D-boy and NU-7. Which have only been good.

Deleted member 6811



The following message is composed via consensus of the Directors of Research.

Greetings, @caramelalpaca

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Yours sincerely,
Director of Research,
Dr. Engallagher Kazimieras Carmine Ludenberg

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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