Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35620026
Discord name: Fairplay #0704
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Months
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Nile 'The Rock' Johnson
Civilian name: Nile Fisherman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-NU7 CPL (retired)
-Captain Security
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
- Ive been captain for 4 months right now and I want to take my career in GenSec to the next step. Ive seen many improvements in the couple of months and I see that Chief Shino need some back-up with his duties. GenSec is a huge family of different classes. We are one huge group within the facility. We as seniors of the department have a huge responsibility to train, support and work with fellow collegues within the GenSec department. We arranging weekly meetings now. We arrange lecture for cadets to prepare them more and train them to follow the CoC and CoA.
And MANY improvements are on the list right now.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
- I want to help Chief Shino and lead with him. I think with the right guidance of all GenSec personnel, this department will do great. I dont see any huge issues at the moment. I have gained a lot of experience in the last 6 months as a Nu7 CPL and as a Captain of GenSec, im definitely sure I can handle this department with Shino on my side. The experience I got from O-1 applies very well to helps the CoE to being followed by all GenSec personnel.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
- The chief of Security is mainly responsible of his department. Making sure that the chain of command is filled up with Sergeants and Captains. Make sure the performance of those seniors are up to shape. Make documents, do lectures, help captains with questions and be supportive for everybody within the department. Also to make decision to improve the department. The chief helps resolving misbehaving seniors with GenSec and helps to maintain CoE and CoC.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Get "Nile"
Getting Nile?!@#<<SD<LLFLFLLAS<D
CL4 needed! Please enter Card.
*Clearence 4 detected*
Loading Document!>>2
Nile wakes up from a sleep. He wakes up in a facility with rare species and odd entities. A man knocked on the door, he yells "GET UP SOLDIER, THERE ARE PEOPLE WAITING!". Nile stands up and sees a note on the desk in front of him. The note says: "You know why you here, just do it for them". There is a picture next to it. There are 4 people on it. Nile doesn't remember anything from this picture. Then suddenly hell breaks lose. "Announcement: This is not a test SCP[REDACTED] has being breached. All Personnel report to your stations". Nile puts his uniform on and sees his ID card: "GenSec Captain(Chief***) Nile Johnson". Nile feeling proud that he made it so far. He took the elevator to D block and begins his routine. Everyone noticed him because he is so f* tall. Thats why they all call you "THE ROCK"!.
Report succesfull.
Uploaded picture completed

File saved as [REDACTED]D4213[REDACTED].
Note: Only [REDACTED] can tell the subject who is on the picture in his bunks.
Shutdown procedures starts.
***For lore
*****Sorry for possible spelling and grammar errors. English is not my 1st language
Discord name: Fairplay #0704
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Months
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Nile 'The Rock' Johnson
Civilian name: Nile Fisherman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-NU7 CPL (retired)
-Captain Security
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
- Ive been captain for 4 months right now and I want to take my career in GenSec to the next step. Ive seen many improvements in the couple of months and I see that Chief Shino need some back-up with his duties. GenSec is a huge family of different classes. We are one huge group within the facility. We as seniors of the department have a huge responsibility to train, support and work with fellow collegues within the GenSec department. We arranging weekly meetings now. We arrange lecture for cadets to prepare them more and train them to follow the CoC and CoA.
And MANY improvements are on the list right now.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
- I want to help Chief Shino and lead with him. I think with the right guidance of all GenSec personnel, this department will do great. I dont see any huge issues at the moment. I have gained a lot of experience in the last 6 months as a Nu7 CPL and as a Captain of GenSec, im definitely sure I can handle this department with Shino on my side. The experience I got from O-1 applies very well to helps the CoE to being followed by all GenSec personnel.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
- The chief of Security is mainly responsible of his department. Making sure that the chain of command is filled up with Sergeants and Captains. Make sure the performance of those seniors are up to shape. Make documents, do lectures, help captains with questions and be supportive for everybody within the department. Also to make decision to improve the department. The chief helps resolving misbehaving seniors with GenSec and helps to maintain CoE and CoC.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Get "Nile"
Getting Nile?!@#<<SD<LLFLFLLAS<D
CL4 needed! Please enter Card.
*Clearence 4 detected*
Loading Document!>>2
Nile wakes up from a sleep. He wakes up in a facility with rare species and odd entities. A man knocked on the door, he yells "GET UP SOLDIER, THERE ARE PEOPLE WAITING!". Nile stands up and sees a note on the desk in front of him. The note says: "You know why you here, just do it for them". There is a picture next to it. There are 4 people on it. Nile doesn't remember anything from this picture. Then suddenly hell breaks lose. "Announcement: This is not a test SCP[REDACTED] has being breached. All Personnel report to your stations". Nile puts his uniform on and sees his ID card: "GenSec Captain(Chief***) Nile Johnson". Nile feeling proud that he made it so far. He took the elevator to D block and begins his routine. Everyone noticed him because he is so f* tall. Thats why they all call you "THE ROCK"!.
Report succesfull.
Uploaded picture completed

File saved as [REDACTED]D4213[REDACTED].
Note: Only [REDACTED] can tell the subject who is on the picture in his bunks.
Shutdown procedures starts.
***For lore
*****Sorry for possible spelling and grammar errors. English is not my 1st language