[UK] Draco's IA Ambassador application

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Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159175728
Discord name: thog#3431
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 237h
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Finland ?
Time zone: UTC
Character name(s): Foundation : "Draco" CI: Jack "Slavik" Romm
Civilian name: Ale Peter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF Nu-7 SGT [LDR] (Holding)
-IA and Intel agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One warning for breaking FearRP
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
-Since the start of my journey in this server i have had good interactions with IA agents and i really liked the job. Ever since i got trained IA has been one of my favourite departments. I have been very active in the department and have in my opinion mastered the way of an agent. I want to move up in the department and in the foundation by applying for IA Ambassador. I have been interacting with many ambassadors in my time as an agent and feel like i am ready for the job.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-What makes me suitable for for Ambassador is my familiarity with the department and the job itself. I know the legal codex, CoC and CoE like the back of my hand. I have been well trained and know most of the current Ambassadors. I am also very active and tend to play as an agent every day. What also makes me suitable for the job is my knowledge of the guidelines, i know how the IA operates very well. I have good leadership skills and make sure the duties are followed.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-I have written around 15-20 documents(mostly in the research department) with a couple excellent graded documents. What makes a document good is that it contains text and information that is interesting to read, with very little grammar errors. A good document should also contain extra information that is not in average documents, such as images.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

-Recruiting new agents​

Ambassadors are the personnel that recruit & train new IA agents. Preferably with a guide about the IA guidelines and with a test at the end.

-Overseeing the department​

Ambassadors are the leading figures of the department when no Dpt. Directors are on-site. They are responsible to oversee the agents and represent the department in a good manner.

-Assist in leading of the department​

IA Ambassadors work closely with the Directors of IA, and assist with leading the department.

-Enforcing CoC,CoE and the legal codex​

IA Ambassadors still have the same duties as agents and are required to enforce Coc,CoE and the legal codex. Ambassadors can do this in a higher level as they have access to CL4 areas.

-Supervising agents​

Ambassadors are in the Chain of Command in a higher level than agents and therefore are also making sure the agents are following the guidelines and doing their duties right. Ambassadors act as a model to agents and are required to guide agents.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<**Clearance level 4 required**>
Access granted>
Agent Draco: Country UK - Age: 32 - Clearance level : 3
<???> - Agent Draco has been one of the most innovative agents so far, he has been a fine addition to the Internal Affairs. 34 Arrest Reports, 0 warnings. In the foundation Agent Draco started as a part of the general security department, also known as GENSEC. Worked his way up to the rank of sergeant in 2 months. 5 months after his joining into the department Agent Draco was already part of the Riot Control Team. Draco was one of the GENSEC's finest and that is why we decided to contact him ourselves personally. I think he would be fit for the rank of ambassador. What do you think?

<Dpt. Director ###> - He definetly rose up in the foundation fast and has showed signs of serious development, once he leaves his application we will decide if further procedures are needed.

<???> - You wanted to ask about the incident ###### he was apart of?

<Dpt. Director ###> - Yes, a horrible incident that was, miracle he survived and continued his work in the foundation afterwards. He clearly has a passion for his job.

<???> Indeed, well you asked me to get a person i would recommend, and i have delivered just that. I will be leaving now.

<Dpt. Director ###> - Thank you for your time, sir.
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Active member
May 26, 2022
U are mainly on NU-7.

Will change if I see u more in the next few days and have good interactions

Lore is VERY bland
EDIT after seeing u in game u have a habit of cuffing people who are getting on your nerves
in d block u cuffed a disguised 0-1 cause he was annoying u with a flash light (no proof can be sent)

u definitely need more time and training before becoming Ambassador
ANOTHER EDIT, u went into my dms saying i was spreading false information on discord i have screenshots to prove, when i infact was not
after telling u 3 times to stop texting me and u refusing each time i had to block you.
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Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2022

As a Member of IA, I have yet to see you on Agent; and I'm pretty active. While I think we do need more active ambassadors, I cannot, in any good faith, +SUPPORT an application without knowing how you act within the department..


Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023

As a Member of IA, I have yet to see you on Agent; and I'm pretty active. While I think we do need more active ambassadors, I cannot, in any good faith, +SUPPORT an application without knowing how you act within the department..
U are mainly on NU-7.

-/+ support leaning -
Will change if I see u more in the next few days and have good interactions

Lore is VERY bland
Hello, thanks for leaving a reply on my application. It is quite unfortunate that we haven't seen each other ingame but i can assure you i do play as an agent very actively.


Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023
U are mainly on NU-7.
-/+ support leaning even more to - support

Will change if I see u more in the next few days and have good interactions

Lore is VERY bland
EDIT after seeing u in game u have a habit of cuffing people who are getting on your nerves
in d block u cuffed a disguised 0-1 cause he was annoying u with a flash light (no proof can be sent)

u definitely need more time and training before becoming Ambassador
ANOTHER EDIT, u went into my dms saying i was spreading false information on discord i have screenshots to prove, when i infact was not
after telling u 3 times to stop texting me and u refusing each time i had to block you.

What? I did not cuff him because of him getting on my nerves, he was disguised as a trainee and refused to heal you (which is a trainees job). That is why i cuffed him, not because of the flashlight spam. I think u misunderstood the situation. Also you saying it is a habit of mine makes me look bad considering the handcuffing was with a good cause and that was one of the first times you saw me as an agent. Yes i wanted to ask you why you were spreading that kind of information as it was false.
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John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021

Application Denied

Good day, Agent Draco

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in one week.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs John Dear
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