[UK] DrTaboo's 2nd Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Jun 10, 2024

[FONT=times new roman] From: John Lloyd <jlloyd@scip-foundation.net> [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman] To: Internal Affairs Management <iamanagement@scip-foundation.net> [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman] Subject: Internal Affairs Ambassador Application [/FONT]

Internal Affairs Ambassador Application
DrTaboo - SCP-RP United Kingdom #2
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168678778
Discord name: DrTaboo
Playtime Amount:
440 Hours (rounded down) (1,584,360 Seconds)
Age: 15
Country of Residence: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST // GMT
The server I am Applying towards: SCP-RP UK
Microphone Enabled: Yes
Previous Application: https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/uk-drtaboos-internal-affairs-ambassador-application.27034/

John Lloyd (Foundation)
Joe Lloyd (Chaos Insurgent)
Harold Smith (Civilian)
MTF, CI & Whitelisted Roles:
MTF Nu-7 Lance Corporal (held)
CI-Gamma (holding)
CI TEU-1st SGT (holding)
GENSEC Sergeant (holding)
IA & DEA Agent (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
I have not received any kicks, bans, or warnings.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador as I have a passion for Internal Affairs and would like to take charge within the department to hopefully improve the department and ensure that the foundation personnel are legally abiding. I hope to ensure the Legal and Ethical codex are being enforced within Senior Clearance Level 4 positions, and that agents within the Internal Affairs department are not creating a sense of hypocrisy by breaking the Legal or Ethical codex themselves. I also hope to ensure that an adequate number of inductions are completed per week to ensure that the Internal Affairs department always has a suitable number of agents to perform arrests around the foundation. In doing this, I also hope to ensure that new agents are given as much information as possible to ensure that they feel comfortable and knowledgeable about their future endeavours within the department.
Additionally, apart from departmental aspects, I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador over other potential opportunities as I seem to enjoy Internal Affairs more than any other department within the foundation. Finally, when I failed the interview for my first Ambassadorial opportunity, I strived to fix my mistakes and eventually become the position I am most empowered to gain.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I believe I am suitable for the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador as I have had previous experience as a Departmental Lead from another community. During my time here, I was tasked to create policies, training documentation, strike and demotion/premotion logs, etcetera; This will therefore be a valuable asset to the team as I am experienced in writing documentation, and have a level of understanding of what is acceptable and what is unacceptable within a document. As a Departmental Lead, I was also tasked to ensure the conduct of our "agents" is up to a high standard; This will also be a valuable asset to the team as I am able to determine infraction weight on demand. Finally, My love for helping those around me will grow within the Ambassador position as I will be able to help new agents as a trusted individual. This will also ensure that my trainings are genuinely helpful as I want to help new agents with anything they may be troubled with.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Internal Affairs Ambassador are wide due to their respect as a Clearance Level 4 personnel. Some of these responsibilities include:

- Enforce the Foundation Legal Codex, and Ethical Codex within Senior CL4 roles; As an ambassador, you are given the right and responsibility to enforce the Foundation Legal Codex and the Ethical Codex within Senior CL4 roles. This means you hold immense trust and therefore must handle it correctly.
- Onboard and train other Agents for the Internal Affairs Department; As an ambassador, you must train and introduce new agents to the Internal Affairs force. This includes giving them helpful insights that may aid them in their job for future life.
- Initiate and Moderate Internal Affairs Operations/Investigations; Another responsibility of an ambassador is to Initiate or Manage concurrent IA Operations / Investigations. Operations are created to allow agents to produce evidence against a certain group of individuals inside the foundation. This can range from MTF Groups to the GENSEC or Research department.
- Clearance Level 4 Duties; As a clearance level 4 member, you are also tasked to Open and Close Blastdoors around the site during coded emergencies. For example, during a Code 1, 3, or 5, the Personnel Wing blastdoor should be closed to protect members based inside of the Personnel Wing.
- Clearance Level 4 Information; As a clearance level 4 member, you are also trusted to know about clearance level 4 information that must be kept from the majority of the foundation. This may include the containment of an information breach.
- The creation and management of Internal Affairs Documentation; Another responsibility of an ambassador is to create and manage documentation inside of the Internal Affairs department. For example, ambassadors are required to sign off on Agent arrest reports, and then file them within the archive for safekeeping.
- Maintaining the behaviour of Internal Affairs agents; As an ambassador, you must maintain the behaviour of Internal Affairs agents by infracting or warning them on a reasonable charge. You are also required to take reports against some Internal Affairs agents and deal with them accordingly.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written approximately 17 documents in my time here at the Foundation; The majority of these are of a grade, "Good" or above.
In order to create a good document, I believe that you must include;

- Very few spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes; A vital part of a document is the accuracy of your Spelling, Grammar, and punctuation. It does not have to be perfect; however, it is highly recommended to be at a high level of accuracy.
- A large amount of detail; Another vital part of a document is the amount of detail each text body contains. More detail means you can get as much information across to the reader, which will end up in a more informative document.
- Clarity and a Legible flow to the writing; Yet another vital part of a document is its clarity and flow. If a document is legible and flows correctly, then the reader can read with ease, transferring information over quicker and more efficiently.
- A clear structure/format; As all documents should, A good and easy-to-read structure or format will boast the readability of a document.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
John Lloyd was born within the Foundation. His parents were killed in action during the UNGOC and Foundation War. He started off as an MTF Nu-7 Private, gradually working his way up the ladder for the space of three years until he attained the Lieutenant position. However, on the 21st of July, ████, he was rushed to surgery, riddled with gunshot wounds. Survival chances were slim, and the recovery was long. Returning to the station he once loved almost seemed impossible.
On the 17th of June, ████, he was medically discharged from the Mobile Task Force. He figured his chances within the Foundation were done. His life felt done. However, a newly posted forum on the SCIPNET system caught his eye: INTERNAL AFFAIRS AGENT - NOW HIRING. The sense of hope finally hit him, and he applied immediately. Months later, it seemed like an eternity, an email finally arrived: INTERNAL AFFAIRS APPLICATION - ACCEPTED. The following seven years were arrests and a newfound sense of purpose. The recovery was going well; his condition improved.
On the 29th of January, ████, after the arrest of the chemist "Auburn," he noticed on the corkboard a new poster: INTERNAL AFFAIRS AMBASSADOR - NOW HIRING. He then inspired himself and started the application. A week passed, and he got accepted, calling him for an interview. The interview went terribly wrong, and the application was denied by Internal Affairs. Determined to correct his mistakes, he reapplied a week later, hoping to undo the wrongs he had created.

Yours Sincerely,
John Lloyd
- - - - - - - - - - -
Internal Affairs Agent

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Feb 22, 2024
lovely guy

Edit: hes helping me a bunch with a project with ethics, give this guy amb

Edit: thought i should expand more.
lloyd is great guy and a great friend, he is a very polite and dedicated to the RP.
seeing his day to day doings in IA is really lovely, and i do think that he is qualified to become ambassador
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  • Haha
Reactions: DrTaboo and Judge
Jun 18, 2024
This guy is amazing both in RP and out of it, and I've seen his skills improve drastically, especially in IA. He is extremely passionate about IA, as I watched him work on this application for multiple hours over the past 2 days. He also knows how to act in any situation, while also involving as many people as possible when he's able to. Finally, he's also the number one person I go to for help, as he's extremely consistent with his work and is great with his words.
  • Cool
Reactions: DrTaboo
Feb 22, 2024
This guy is amazing both in RP and out of it, and I've seen his skills improve drastically, especially in IA. He is extremely passionate about IA, as I watched him work on this application for multiple hours over the past 2 days. He also knows how to act in any situation, while also involving as many people as possible when he's able to. Finally, he's also the number one person I go to for help, as he's extremely consistent with his work and is great with his words.
  • Like
Reactions: DrTaboo

Interview Required

Good day, Agent Lloyd.

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. The next step in the application process will be an Interview. Please contact me on teamspeak or discord once you are ready for the Interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Cade 'Sunbeam' Valentine.
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