[UK] Dutch's ECM application #2

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Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125773529
Discord name: jarno5038
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about a year
Age: 21 Years old
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: GMT +1
Character name(s): Don 'Dutch' Daniels
Civilian name: -
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I am holding: DoM, Consultant, IA, OSA, ECA, DEA & CI-A.
I have held: A-1 CSG, A-1 SPC, E-11 SPC, Nu-7 SPC, O-1 SPC, ECA & Gensec Captain.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 3 warnings, 1 for Failrp, Metagaming and combat jumping.

The reason this application may look ALOT like my other one is because this is mostly a copy. I have not received feedback on how to improve so that is why.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member. The reason I am applying for this is because I would like to create more roleplay for the server and not just for the medical department. I have already gathered some experience as a Senior Cl4 in my Director of Medicine role and would like to expand this experience within Clearance level 5. I would also want to create more roleplay for the whole server and not just medical. Furthermore I would like to be an advisery role to the Senior or Jnr CL4 that need it. As a Clearance level 5 you are an example and people come to you for questions.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I believe that i would be the best candidate due to my background and understanding of management within departments. I know what it takes to make a department thrive within a server and would like to assist in this. I also have a proven track record of being an active, professional and approachable member of the community, as well as possesing strong leadership skills and being very flexible where needed. My experience as being a Gamemaster gives me a good and deep understanding of the community, its rules and how to maintain a high roleplay standard. Furthermore I am well-known among the members.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

In roleplay they do a large list of things:
- Authorize and oversee crosstests from the research department or tests on SCP-682 and SCP-008.
They overlook the test specifically on the focus of the ethical side. For example how much pain or suffering a test subject goes trough and what the eventual outcome would be.

- Auditing departments and ensure they are at the top standard.
Hosting planned but also suprised audits on different departments. They would be looking trough documents, checking how the professional standard is and asking any questions to the personell within that department.

- Deal with code black scenario's and evaluate wheter a code-5 or a code-black is deemed neccesary and wheter evacuation of personell is required, as well as evaluate if the Nuke needs to be pressed and an RP reset performed.
This only happens when the normal RP is disrupted. For example a massive 008 breach from HCZ into EZ and ERT has already failed. At this point there is almost nothing that could be done by MTF so the Nuke would be pressed.

- Give out mass termination order for D-class.
Give out a mass termination order for D-class whenever this deems appropriate. For example when there is a 4 SCP breach but the gensec are unable to keep the D-class inside the cells due to the amount of D-class. Here ethics can authorize a mass termination for the D-class where they are allowed to be shot on sight outside of D-block without the additional 3 warnings system.

- Authorize Advanced Armory.
Advanced Armory is also authorized by ethics when the neccesary site personell is not avaible at that time.

- ECA Tasking.
As an ethics committee member you also order and give tasks to the Assistants. For example collection of samples or shadowing CL4 inside D-block and making a report about this.

- Legal Codex Changes.
As a member of the committee you also overview any Legal Codex Changes. For example whenever a potential rule needs to be changed on the ethics side, the committee has a vote about this.

- Hosting Tribunals.
Host tribunals against Clearance level 4+ personell who break the legal codex and create RP scenario's around this.

- Creating Roleplay.
As an ethics member you have to create roleplay. Not only for CL4 but also Cl3 and below. This can vary from an audit where Clearance 3 is involved to an rp scenario where you observe an executive researcher perform a test on 682.

- Deploying of Omega-1.
Ethics are in charge of the black ops group called Omega-1. They listen to every order given to them and as an ethics member you can give them orders to do certain things. For example assist IA in arresting people, escorting the ethics member and carrying out assasination orders given by the committee.

The ethics committee is known for only dealing with ethical violations under the group of CL4 and below, but they do just more than that. They do look out of any ethical violations but the main thing that the committee has been created for is to keep the overseer council in check. The overseer council sometimes abuse SCP's to much and this is where the ethics committee steps in. They hold a vote on what to do and get a kill order either from the ECC or the Administrator.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Out of roleplay they look at the following things:
- Ethics committee applications
- Ethics Committee Assistant applications
- IA Director applications

They also hold meetings with other departments on how to improve any potential roleplay and or how to help fix a department.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Accessing Clearance Level 5




Secure. Contain. Protect.

Don 'Dutch' Daniels
Current Status:
Clearance Level:

Dutch used to be in the military. He was in the branch of Special Forces wich were also known as KCT (KorpsCommandoTroepen) where he was medical personell. He has fought in Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan. Dutch loved doing his job where he carried out missions from high command and attended people that were shot or generally wounded until one day he witnessed SCP [REDACTED]. He noticed alot of casualties were falling to this thing and he kept trying to patch them up but it was no use. Dutch then got called over by an E-11 because his comrade was injured. Dutch patched him up the best he could and the E-11 noticed this. After containing the SCP the E-11 command invited him to apply for Medic within the foundation wich he gratefully accepted. He has since been showing so much good work that he got promoted up to Medical Consultant.

On the 21st of ██ an incident occurd with an member of the ████ Council. Dutch was on call that night and was called up to Floor 3 due to a medical emergency. Dutch grabbed his bag and started running to the elevator of Floor 3. It appeared that ██ was having terrible chestpains and he was looking all white. Dutch did not hesitate for a second and started assesing what was going on. It appeared that ██ was having a aneurysm and he had to get surgery ASAP. Dutch knew there was no time to call someone else so he decided to try and do it alone with the assisting hand of a few Alpha-1 members. He made a quick sterile field and laid out his tools. He then proceeded to make an incision to try and find the bleed. Eventually he found it and clamped it off. The ██ was stable again. Dutch let out a sigh of relief and started closing up the member. A member of the ██ saw what Dutch did and decided to make him Director of Medicine.

Dutch was doing pretty good work as Director of Medicine. He was implementing new surgery's and had come by a very large ethical dillemma. An gensec captain was stabbed and had surgery. The captain was in really bad shape and was lying on the ICU within medbay. The captain's heart had stopped a couple of times already and was lying on bypass, but there was an IA Ambassador who just came in. He was tortured and shot multiple times by CI. The ambassador was in need of the bypass machine but everything was full. Dutch had to make a decision here and choose who he would save. He went up to the ethics committee to ask for advice but they returned the question to him saying: What would you do if you were in my shoes. Dutch was thinking about this and was really unsure what to do. Dutch was going to do another surgery on the captain, only this time he would try fix his heart as it was leaking from the stabbing. Dutch tried to do the surgery but the captain's heart had failed yet again and he was not being able to be brought back unfortunatly. The chairman was aware of this dilemma and thought Dutch acted in the most profitable way for both his collegue's. The chairman had then scheduled an interview with Dutch. Dutch thought this would be a small meeting on how to imrpove the current flow of the medical area but he was wrong. He got offered the job as Ethics Committee Member.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021

- GOAT medical director and will be missed :Salute:
- Lots of senior cl4 experience
- Great medical and ethical RP
  • Love
Reactions: 'Dutch'


Active member
Nov 30, 2022

Dutch has been part of the community for a while and is a good candidate for ECM.

Best of luck Dutch.
Forum Post CL4.png

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- Don 'Dutch' Daniels for Ethics Committee Member

Good Evening Don 'Dutch' Daniels,

Thank you for showing an interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are not yet suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Member. You may contact me personally at your own leisure if you require elaboration on the Committee's decision. You may reapply for this position in two weeks.
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