[UK] Dutch's SA application

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Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125773529
Discord name: jarno5038
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about a year now
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: GMT +1
Character name(s): Don 'Dutch' Daniels
Civilian name: -
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: DoM, Consultant, OSA, ECA, A-1 CPL & 096.
Held: E-11 SPC, Nu-7 SPC, A-1 CSG, O-1 SPC, Gensec Captain.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 3 warnings but they were from more than a year ago.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
The reason I am applying for the role of Site Advisor is because I would like grow further into the foundation on the administration side. As the current DoM, I have limited resources and can only make calls for the medical area. I would like to overview departments and help out whenever they have a problem that I could deal with. Furthermore I would like to grow in the making of documents and I think I can learn this within Site Administration.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
What makes me suitable is a combination of multiple factors. This being my experience, professionalism and being approachable. Due to my extensive experience I have gathered as a Consultant but also my role as the Director of Medicine has given me a good look on what is expected of a Junior but also Senior Clearance level 4 position. This has given me a good insight and I can use this to potentially help out other departments by becoming a member of Site Administration. This has also given me the opportunity to create good roleplay and what the handouts are that someone might need to keep up a high level of roleplay. Furthermore being my conduct as a director is notable and I am very approachable to anyone who has any questions or things they want to talk to me about. I am good with feedback and use it to better myself whenever I get any given to me.

Furthermore I am proactive in assignments and try my best to make quality documents. What is also notable is my communication. I have learned alot from the past year about good communication and how to approach certain cases. I think I can use this in my favor and make the communication better between Site Administration and any other personell on site.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
I will pinpoint the responsibillities and explain them at the same time:
Advanced Armory Authorization: This is one of the many tasks an Site Advisor is allowed to do. He is to acces the situation on site and can grant acces to Advanced Armory at his discretion and guidelines.
Overseeing departments: As an member of Site Administration you are assigned to a department for a month and help them out with any questions or concerns that they may have. At the end of the month SA also writes a review on the department togheter with the Ethics Committee and see what the points of improvement are but also what is going well.
Creation of policies and documentation: As an member of Site Administration you are expected to constantly think on how to improve certain aspects on site. This can range from a small change within a department to creating new policies for certain individuals.
D-block sweeps: This can be authorized by Site Administration in-case of a captain being absent and there being an active code 2.
Conflict resolution: Solving and preventing unnecessary conflicts that happen inter departemental or site wide.
Carrying out orders: Carrying out orders for Site Managers, Site Director and even Site Command. This varies what the exact order is.
Carry out meetings with GOI's: As Site Administration you are aware of the current GOI's within pinewood and are to have meetings with for example GOC about relations.
Rolemodel: You are the rolemodel for the people under you. It is important to always keep your conduct up.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

C.A.S.S.I.E: User login: S65/SD - Welcome Director Naffen, how may I assist you today?

Naffen: Pull up the file of Don 'Dutch' Daniels.

C.A.S.S.I.E: Accessing file of Don 'Dutch' Daniels.

Loading File...

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Don 'Dutch' Daniels
Current Status: Alive
Age: 28
Clearance Level: 4
Location: Site-65
Dutch used to be in the military. He was in the branch of Special Forces wich were also known as KCT (KorpsCommandoTroepen) where he was medical personell. He has fought in Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan. See photo of Dutch with his collegue attending injured personell in Afghanistan.

Dutch was very good at his job as a combat medic and he has saved multiple lives in his career, treating those who need it on the field.

On 24/08/2004 Dutch was sent out to do a training on the airbase called Rammstein in Germany. They were practicing on retrieval and treatment whilst inside a aircraft. Dutch has had this training a lot on home grounds but never at the famous airbase with US troops.

The training had started and Dutch was ready to receive the first patient. This was until he overheard a panicked signal coming from a small remotely located village. The radio message seemed odd so they decided to check it out. Once Dutch arrived to the distress call with the team he was with he noticed a large beast being fired upon by a squadron of blue looking guys. They landed the helicopter and Dutch ran towards the nearest unit to receive a situation report. The unit introduced himself as the MTF unit Epsilon-11.
Dutch had no idea what this meant so he relayed it back to the helicopter pilot. To request information on this group so called Epsilon-11.

Suddenly a large car was thrown towards the helicopter, resulting in the death of all crew members except from Dutch. Dutch was still sitting in cover and watched how the crew members cried for help whilst on fire. Dutch knew he couldn’t do anything and even though he only knew those guys for a few hours, he still felt anger and sadness. However this is not the time for emotions he thought as he asked what he could do to help out.

The unit send Dutch to his commander. He looked like all those guys except he had a beret on. He asked what he could do and what that thing was they were fighting. The commander said that Dutch could go treat any injured people that had a chance of survival and that that thing was called SCP-682.
Dutch had never heard of SCP or that specific number, but he knew that people were in need and that he had the tools to treat them. He grabbed one of the medical bags of the MTF personel and started to treat any injured.

He noticed that when he patched someone up that they would still go into shock and he did not have the resources or stuff to treat this. He knew that all those people would die if he did not have the resources and supplies there within 30 minutes. He had to start triage and treat the ones that were almost sure to make it.

Dutch then got called out by an E-11 unit and told him that his collegue was badly hurt. Dutch started doing an assessment where he saw that his leg was almost torn off. Dutch started treating the E-11 whilst everyone else kept fighting off SCP-682. He noticed that the E-11 was going into shock due to massive amounts of blood loss.
Dutch has O- blood, therefore he is able to give it to anyone that is in need of blood. He knew that O- was universal and that anyone is able to receive this. He started an IV where he was directly tapping his own blood into the E-11. He knew that the E-11 could go bad on this but it was either dying due to shock or dying to a reaction of blood, so he took the chance.

It seemed that it was working and that the patient was not having a reaction to the receiving blood. Dutch closed the line from his arm and bandaged himself up, leaving the IV inside the E-11 with a saline solution.

A few minutes later he heard a large noise. It almost sounded like 1500 horsepower gas turbine engine. He recognized that noise from anywhere. It was a tank squadron! Dutch was relieved that they received backup to fight this monster but the tanks were covered in gray. He did not recognize the logo’s on the tanks and asked the E-11 if they were with them or not. The E-11 responded with a large smile on his face. He responded saying that they were from MTF Unit NU-7 Hammer Down. Dutch was still very confused about these namings but was happy that they received friendly backup. The tanks started firing upon 682 causing so much damage, that he got knocked out.

All the units started celebrating and a large container was flown in with a helicopter. Dutch was thanked by units for the medical support he has given them.

The commander of E-11 invited him to become a combat medic within the Foundation. Dutch was still very confused on what he had actually fought but was still curious on what the thing actually was. Dutch accepted the offer and so he got welcomed into the foundation.
Medical Journey:
Dutch was outperforming alot of his collegue's. He had gathered alot of experience from his time in the army and he used that experience to better the department and the patient. Dutch soon got promoted up to consultant and then the following happend.
On the 21st of ██ an incident occurd with an member of the ████ Council. Dutch was on call that night and was called up to Floor 3 due to a medical emergency. Dutch grabbed his bag and started running to the elevator of Floor 3. It appeared that ██ was having terrible chestpains and he was looking all white. Dutch did not hesitate for a second and started assesing what was going on. It appeared that ██ was having a aneurysm and he had to get surgery ASAP. Dutch knew there was no time to call someone else so he decided to try and do it alone with the assisting hand of a few Alpha-1 members. He made a quick sterile field and laid out his tools. He then proceeded to make an incision to try and find the bleed. Eventually he found it and clamped it off. The ██ was stable again. Dutch let out a sigh of relief and started closing up the member. A member of the ██ saw what Dutch did and decided to make him Director of Medicine.

Dutch was doing good work within the department but he was enjoying his administrative and leadership role he had. He would have never thought that he would do something else than fieldwork in the military. He felt that his current job was getting repetetive and he felt like doing more for Site-65. He noticed the flyer on the wall stating: 'You want to make this site even better? Join the Site Administration today!'. He thought to himself 'hmm this might be what I am looking for' so he decided to apply for the position.
+Major Support

What a great candidate for SA.

You have many great aspects that Site Admin could use such as your generally approachable and friendly personality, though firm when needed, your experience as Sr CL4 and your overall activity on the site.

Though medical would be without a DoM, that is NOT a fair reason for any negative review on your SA app. A director will just have to be found if you are to be accepted, and that should not hold you back from this. I wish you luck dutch!!!!!!!!!!!
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Super Administrator
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Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Don 'Dutch' Daniels

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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