[UK] ECA application Arrow Josef (ROUND 2)

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Poisoned Arrow

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 13, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:94083399

Discord name:key_arrow

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year and a half if im correct.

Age:17. Turning 18 this year

In what country are you located?:saudi arabia

Time zone:GMT+3

Character name(s):
foundation name: Arrow Josef [Aa-HS]<JAO>
ci:Arrow Josefita
Goc:Arrow Spade
Civilian name:John spade

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: check my signature.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Jul 16 2024. RDM

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
-i would be a best candidate for eca, ive had got experiences being a CL4 position. as i was a part of o-1 SGT, ive seen what the ethics member do and understand the ground and rules of side of ethic rp.

as i am quite a new person being a CL4 since ive not been a CL4 for a while. im willing to learn and to adapt my rp so i can achive the standard for this role.
my activity is very well since i get on everyday. can be times i get bust irl but i still be on and do my best at it.

what ill do is:
- Follow and Enforce the CoE and FLC
- Authorising AA when necessary | for example in a C5 situation
- Making sure that the orders from the Ethics committee are followed through
- Helping O-1 with their duties, wither that be Helping with tribunals or With tests
- Have a welcoming attitude for people to come to if they need help
- Auditing Departments if required
- Working with Department Directors to achieve a good standard of personal
- Reviewing Departments/Regiments
- Making and leading RP for in enjoyment of the community.
- Creating and Signing documents on behalf of the Ethics Committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

- The responsibilities of a Ethics Committee Assistant is to take and follow the orders of the Ethics members to it's full extent bring what the orders say on paper to reality. This covers myself and people around me in professional rp situations and stuff , As being ECA i would also look out For the FLC violations. Inform the proper departments to handle the break of FLC, Comes Obvious That the ECA that have to work closely to O-1 with their duites whither normal duites and tribunals.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Arrow josef is a 20 year old person,well known person from the people who he work with,he got the best degree in college. in the past, Arrow use to work with his father at engineering. He wanted to become like his father and make dreams,one day Arrow made a shop for himself to sell some used items for the people who wanted to use the items. Then a day later he received a unknown call to deliver an item. After that Arrow was no where to be seen after that.


Arrow Josef:where am i?

Site Advisor Adams: your in a designated place. Site-65

Arrow Josef:site-65? what? Who are you?..

Site Advisor Adams:My name is Site advisor Adams. You have been employed here As an engineer. Cause of your degree on engineering and your work and previous work in engineer.

Arrow Josef: what? i didnt sign up for it...

Site Advisor Adams: or really? your not leaving anytime soon..

Arrow Josef: ...

Site advisor Adams: well i will ask you questions about you. So i can know you a lil more.
First question. Name?

Arrow Josef: Arrow Josef.

Site Advisor Adams:age?

Arrow Josef:20.

Site Advisor Adams:date of birth?

Arrow Josef:29 arpil 2005

Site Advisor Adams:family members?

Arrow Josef: my family died. Unknown cause,i am the only child thats left.

Site Advisor Adams:well. That should be it By now. The gaurds will show you the place and your place of staying for your life.
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Active member
Jan 20, 2025
Listen. With how much id want you To be an ethics assistant, its the same problem really, again, with the lore, it really doesn't specify about projects you would have In the ethics committee, nor really anything of the ethics lore, i would suggest, take a read of the "ethics committee orientation". I Will be giving this a +/- support, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation

Poisoned Arrow

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 13, 2024
Listen. With how much id want you To be an ethics assistant, its the same problem really, again, with the lore, it really doesn't specify about projects you would have In the ethics committee, nor really anything of the ethics lore, i would suggest, take a read of the "ethics committee orientation". I Will be giving this a +/- support, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation
Hey! Ty for commenting and I did notice I didn't put some lore behind it. Should be fixed by now! ^^
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