[UK] ECA Application

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Sep 2, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing for around 2 years on and off now.
In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
Character name(s):
Foundation: John "Krieg" Bells
UNGOC: John "Bills"
CI: Jonh "Bull"

Civilian name:
Peter Franz
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
When:Around 1.5 years agoAround 1 year agoAround 3 months agoCurrently holdingCurrently holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 1 active warning for RDM.
Was a little misunderstanding cause i killed a parawatch for infoleaking in oc without trying to arrest him first.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
Through playing MTF roles multiple times, actively playing researcher for a while and playing UNGOC and CI active right now ive experienced pretty much all the server has to offer expect for playing a CL.4 role. And that final step i want to go trough playing ECA. Becoming 1SGT in UNGOC taught me alot about RP and showed me the fun there is to have during RP. Now i would like to create RP as a CL.4 foundation member.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
The responsibilities of the ECA in RP are to help out ECM during various daily tasks like preparing and setting up meetings, talking to other department leads about problems that may have appeared. They also deal with violations of the code of ethics and may hold meetings with different GOI if needed.
They may also approve docs, give permits to working D-classes, work with O-1 on different operations and in C5 or C2 situations they may also auth AA or mass KOS of D-classes outside D-block if needed.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
John "Krieg" Bells has been part of MTF NU-7 "Hammer Down" for quite a while now. While being part of multiple raids on the Chaos Insurgency FOB near pinewood and being in service for NU-7 it is time to change things up. After hanging up his boots he wants to go into a more peaceful profession, almost a too peaceful profession some might say. The Ethics Committee is the law upholding force inside the walls of the SCP Foundation and while being a quite ethical man himself, he decided to really get down and properly learn the ethical codex of the foundation. After some might say he became quite the educated man he is still striving for more, justice, that is. After being accepted as ECA he got to work straight away working on a joint project together with the UNGOC MAJ "Skywing" under the codename "JMJ" (Justice Matters Most). The project is to set up proper trials together with the UNGOC against people that violated both the fivefold and the ethical codex. This would be done to bring justice to people that break the ethical codex and the fivefold and would also heavily improve relations with the UNGOC and make the Ethics Committee seem more fair and professional towards different GOI. (This is something i actually would like to do if wanted by the Ethics Committee)


Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2024
- I don't think I've seen you around site before. If I have it is rare (Please post a screenie of vtime)
- The App is very lackluster, whilst I do appreciate formatting, there is not a lot of info on here, which could be improved
- For your question of what makes you a better candidate, you have essentially said I want to create RP as a CL4 Foundation member but have made no realreference into any ECA related parts there, for me I read it as you are just looking for a CL4 role, I could be wrong but that's how I read it.

- + Formatting like I mentioned is something that makes apps easier to read so I have to give a neutral on that
-+ You have held an MTF role including in branching out into GOC and CI, it could give you a broader view on things I guess?

TL DR Maybe I am being harsh on my view, I don't know, it's just how I view it, goodluck!
Last edited:
Sep 2, 2022
- I don't think I've seen you around site before. If I have it is rare (Please post a screenie of vtime)
- The App is very lackluster, whilst I do appreciate formatting, there is not a lot of info on here, which could be improved
- For your question of what makes you a better candidate, you have essentially said I want to create RP as a CL4 Foundation member but have made no realreference into any ECA related parts there, for me I read it as you are just looking for a CL4 role, I could be wrong but that's how I read it.

- + Formatting like I mentioned is something that makes apps easier to read so I have to give a neutral on that
-+ You have held an MTF role including in branching out into GOC and CI, it could give you a broader view on things I guess?

TL DR Maybe I am being harsh on my view, I don't know, it's just how I view it, goodluck!
Yeah the reason you most likely never saw me on foundation is because i have been maining GOC and CI for last couple of months. Of course youre not gonna see me on foundation then. I will provide my weekly Vtime later today but i appreciate the criticism.
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- Support

- you hold no current cl4 positions or have within the foundation and with that I don't believe you are experienced enough to be an ECA.
- Application lacks detail and is very minimal
- As you have even said you aren't active or haven't been for the last few months on the foundation which isn't really what the Ethics Committee wants from an ECA candidate.

- Support

- you hold no current cl4 positions or have within the foundation and with that I don't believe you are experienced enough to be an ECA.
- Application lacks detail and is very minimal
- As you have even said you aren't active or haven't been for the last few months on the foundation which isn't really what the Ethics Committee wants from an ECA candidate.

You don't need any CL4 position for an Assistant role, come on lol

I view ECA/OSA differently. It is an opportunity for players to learn from the more experienced role players on the server and I think someone fresh like this could benefit from such an opportunity. When I was Ethics Chairman and O5-1, I used this as an opportunity to mentor players and even issued the whitelist to long playing members of the server to reacquaint themselves with the RP standards expected of them.

However, such opportunity can only be presented if you are:

- Active
- Application shows effort has been put in at the very least
- A brief understanding of the role displayed in the application

Overall, @Dirk 45 you clearly seem eager to progress and that is a good thing. Don't let people gatekeep you from applying to these Junior CL4 roles but do keep your activity up if you wish to succeed. My recommendation from my time playing here is go to Internal Security and work with Ethics via that avenue as they go hand in hand.

Good luck regardless!
View attachment 18869

You don't need any CL4 position for an Assistant role, come on lol

I view ECA/OSA differently. It is an opportunity for players to learn from the more experienced role players on the server and I think someone fresh like this could benefit from such an opportunity. When I was Ethics Chairman and O5-1, I used this as an opportunity to mentor players and even issued the whitelist to long playing members of the server to reacquaint themselves with the RP standards expected of them.

However, such opportunity can only be presented if you are:

- Active
- Application shows effort has been put in at the very least
- A brief understanding of the role displayed in the application

Overall, @Dirk 45 you clearly seem eager to progress and that is a good thing. Don't let people gatekeep you from applying to these Junior CL4 roles but do keep your activity up if you wish to succeed. My recommendation from my time playing here is go to Internal Security and work with Ethics via that avenue as they go hand in hand.

Good luck regardless!
you make a fair point however already having a junior cl4 position is heavily recommended as its shows you can hold a cl4 position.
you make a fair point however already having a junior cl4 position is heavily recommended as its shows you can hold a cl4 position.
Being able to hold a cl4 position is not something that should be valued, showing that you have been a good cl4 holder is however, since I've returned to ISD I've seen that many current CL4 position holders do not have any intent to roleplay in the server, if these people can hold CL4 positions why should the ability to hold those positions be valued at all?

Vtime is lacking honestly, feel like application overall could be improved and I cannot speak on your roleplat abilities, I will refrain from leaving a negative or positive support due to lack of interaction with you, goodluck nonetheless
Jan 6, 2023
you make a fair point however already having a junior cl4 position is heavily recommended as its shows you can hold a cl4 position.
how do you plan on getting a Jr position if you need Jr experience

that dont make sense Harvey

anyhow, application looks decent, can't say I've seen or interacted with you though, so I'll stay neutral
you make a fair point however already having a junior cl4 position is heavily recommended as its shows you can hold a cl4 position.
Everyone has to start somewhere, my first CL4 position was ECA.

About the application:
I highly recommend increasing your activity and overall play foundation more, this helps you get acquinted with RP within the foundation as it may be experienced differently as GOC/CI. You got potential, just need to show it to the community :)
Sep 2, 2022
Everyone has to start somewhere, my first CL4 position was ECA.

About the application:
I highly recommend increasing your activity and overall play foundation more, this helps you get acquinted with RP within the foundation as it may be experienced differently as GOC/CI. You got potential, just need to show it to the community :)
I will for sure play more foundation in the future but increasing Vtime is quite hard since i work full time and mostly dont have time for more than 2-3 hours a day. Thanks for the criticism tho.
you make a fair point however already having a junior cl4 position is heavily recommended as its shows you can hold a cl4 position.
You can hold a CL4 position and still do nothing tbh it doesn't really matter, holding a CL4 isn't something to brag about or put on an application it only matters what you've done while holding it. Also it isn't at all necessary to hold a cl4 role before applying for a jnr Cl4.

However, I've never seen you about or interacted with you so I'll give you a neutral
New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Bells,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied. You may seek elaboration by reaching out to an Ethic Committee Member. We feel that there are certain aspects missing from your application or curriculum vitae that would bolster a better standing and result in this request. The Committee does not want any upset or offence from this result, you may re-apply in no less than two weeks time.

Ethics Chairman Remmy Marshall
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