[UK] Elias 'Pathfinder' Bouchards Site Director Appliction

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:108821555
Discord name: elad#4613
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since Feburary.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST(GMT+1)
Character name(s): Elias Bouchard
Civilian name: Pathfound
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor (holding)
Ethics Assistant (holding)
Omega-1 Major (held)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Nope. Only auto kicks by the priority join afk system.
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Site Director Application
Elias Bouchard

Why are you applying for Site Director?:
In the past month of me being Site Advisor, (turned 1 month on the 31stAug), I have thoroughly enjoyed my role on-site; conducting departmental reviews, dealing with conflicts and coordinating responses to codes. I have enjoyed the various interactions the role of Site Administration has granted me, as well as offering my feedback and support to various departments that I am responsible for around site, I like to think I have had a positive impact on the site and would like to take the next step to Site Director, to widen my opportunities and tasks as it would allow me to further impact the running of the site.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
I believe that I am suitable for the role of Site Director. I am an active Advisor who has gained considerable experience in this past month, and have tried to get involved in a large manner of things around site, trying to be the most effective member of Site Administration I can be. Up until recently, we had a small team with some individuals being very inactive, I took it upon myself to create conversation with the departments that had one of the more inactive advisors, and when they were inevitably removed/resigned, I imminently volunteered to fill in officially for the two Advisor gaps, as I had already been doing so unofficially for a while. I believe this shows the initiative which is required in a Site Director

I like to think since I first got settled in I have tried to step up, and an example of this would be me rewriting the Site Administration Handbook, as well as being given the responsibility to train a new Advisor. With the new set of SAs, I am now one of the more experienced ones, being in the role for more than a month now.
I am an active face around the facility, and am onsite for multiple hours the vast majority of days, and have proved that I can make rational decisions as well as work well with both other Advisors and other Senior members, all of which are key requirements for an effective Site Director.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The role of Site Administration is to oversee the sites day to day operation and ensure that all departments are run smoothly and in accordance with Foundation Policy, and to ensure that any and all issues are ironed out. Site Administration must be prepared to authorize the use of Advanced Armory to MTF Operatives when an appropriate situation arises.

The role of a Site Director is that of an Advisor, with several additional responsibilities, such as the supervision of Advisors, the allocation of departments to them, as well as having the final say on Site policy.

Overall, the role of Site Administration is to facilitate and ensure roleplay on site by ensuring everything goes to plan, and to coordinate all departments and movements when it doesnt.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Elias Bouchard
Site Director

DoI Incident #32850C LINK
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Reactions: Nukegoboom
Feb 15, 2022
Massive +Support

I've known Elias or Elad for a very long time, a few years now.

He always performs all tasks given to him without complaint and always acts responsibly and in the best interest of the department/faction, he works with. Elias never underperforms and is incredibly active. As a Site Advisor, he has increased activity in the departments assigned to him and created countless documents to increase roleplay and stability within the server.

Best of luck!


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
| Very Mature & Professional |

| Does His Job Correctly & Efficiently |

| Experienced in His Realm |

| Good Interactions |

| Great/In Depth Application |

| Very Active & Helpful |
Elias from the day I met him first. I knew we would get along very well. Due to his maturity and his respectfulness, I have always saw him as a professional and trustworthy figure.

He does his job amazingly. Elias has always proven himself when it comes to multi-managing. Also, he knows just about every department inside and out.

Elias is very experienced within his realm and I believe that it is now time for him to take his career upwards to the Site-Director position.

If he were to be Site-Director I would have no problem with trusting him at all. I can always rely on Elias when it comes to dealing/managing serious situations and/or problems.

I really am confident that he would prove himself to be an amazing Site-Director and I am hoping to see him in the position soon!

He is an all round nice guy and is very helpful. He would definitely be more beneficial towards Site-65 if he were to move up to this position.
| Dr. Alec Bennett | [COG-3 Lead] | Nu-7 LCPL |
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Reactions: Nukegoboom and elad
Jul 27, 2022
+ Support
- Active, always on when I am
- Never heard anything bad about you
- Involved and caring on the site, always includes RRT
- Great at job, always see you active on comms during a site wide problem and giving out instructions and trying to keep the communication flowing

Good luck :)


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Elias is one of the most active SA and so approachable. He does his job well, includes all departments and uses comms a lot (i love comms). Overall he's the perfect fit for SD and I wish you the best of luck! o7


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Elias is one of the most active SA and so approachable. He does his job well, includes all departments and uses comms a lot (i love comms). Overall he's the perfect fit for SD and I wish you the best of luck! o7
I love comms too man. How else would we communicate?
+ Tera Support (get rekt broda, my supports bigger)

Since coming into the Site Administration team, Elias has shown the initiative required to succeed in this task, from day 1, I knew that Elias would one day become a Site Director, and now is the perfect time to do so.
Also, if Elias doesn't get it, as well as Broda's Gensec team, I will send the whole of Nu-7 up to "discuss" this decision.


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022
+SA for a fair long time
+Really good work within SA department
+Great interactions
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