[UK] Ella Rayman Ethics Committee Member Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580887168
Discord name: eraven
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since March 2023, with roughly 40 days of server play time
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Ella “Rose” Rayman (previously used Evie "Raven" Steel and Eren Raven)
Civilian name: Evie Steel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

IA Ambassador (Held 26/3/23 - 8/8/23)
Ethics Committee Assistant (held 30/4/2023 - 21/2/2024 )
IA Ambassador (held 15/1/2024 - 20/3/2024 )
Overseer Assistant (held 1/2/2024 - 18/04/2024 )
Site Advisor (held 16/3/24 - 3/7/24)

Site Manager (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2 RDM Warnings on my first day on the server, however these were falsely reported to be me in the wrong and the correct person did get punished however mine were never removed and at the time i wasn't aware of the appeals/complaints system.
1 combat cuffing warned however this was due to a misinterpretation of the rules on my behalf before they were further clarified by staff. This was an issue I accept responsibility for and have ensured that I am fully up to date with rule clarifications and ensure I know in what situations a rule would and wouldn’t apply.

All of these warnings are long expired

I also have a large number of AFK kicks from writing documentation as I try to ensure all of my documentation work is to the highest possible standard.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the currently open position of Ethics Committee Member. I am applying for a couple of reasons, the first being that I want to prove to myself and others that I have what it takes to hold a CL5 position as well as a role that has a large responsibility for creating RP. I feel like at this time I am ready to take on that high level of responsibility.
I feel like now I am much more ready to take on the responsibility of Cl5 after my time now working within Site Administration.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I feel like I am an appropriate candidate for the Ethics Committee due to the sheer amount of experience that I have with working alongside Site command through just under a year holding the position of Assistant.This position has put me into nearly every situation I could think of in regards to ISD and Site command. Some examples of this have been:

- Recording high level Tribunals
- Prosecution of a Tribunal
- Acting as a member of the jury at a high level tribunal
- Acting as a judge in multiple CL3 tribunals
- Assisting with high profile SC orders
- Assisting with the observation of departments and MTF regiments that are on special measures
- Assisted in cross Site Command audits on departments.
- Assisted SC in GOI roleplay varying from assisting them to interrogations with high ranking GoI members
- Assisted SC with the arrest of senior foundation personnel for Major FLC Breaches.
- Organising meetings with a range of site personnel to GoI members


With the role of ambassador I showed my initiative and leadership skills. This was through the creation of the AIA. This was an idea that I created. Made the documentation for and carried out with approval from all both sides of site command and the cooperation of both sides of the Internal Security Department. Whilst this subdivision never managed to take off on either attempt due to events out of my control the limited number of investigations it was able to run were extremely effective and lead to some changes in regards to the person/group under investigation.
I also showed my leadership skills with the management of agents, for example during one code black where I was responsible for organising the evacuation efforts of non-combative personnel I recorded a 90% evacuation within the first 5 minutes of the code black.

Site Administration:

Within site administration I have proven my bureaucracy and documentation skills, this is notably shown through the two major pieces of documentation I have created/reworked. The first (which was my creation) was a system for Site Administration to formally hand out fines alongside conduct citations. Whilst this has scarcely been used due to IA taking up more power with allowing the arrest of Cl4 staff I feel that my system was well thought out and a good first step into creating major policies.

The second document was my complete rework of the Zone Jurisdiction policy. Whilst this wasn't my original idea I re-wrote the document in a new, far more efficient format that added some new jurisdictions as well as made the document far more detailed than it originally was. This was a major document change that I hope will make the rp of many other players much nicer as it will be far more easy to refer to and charge any members of site staff with the appropriate violation.
My time within Site Administration has also improved my communication skills massively due to the fact that I have been to more meetings and working with people on larger projects with larger groups of people.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

Calling a code black
When the site status is deemed severe enough a Code Black can be called to evacuate all non-combative personnel to the garage or even to the UN Fob to allow the combative personnel/ert to operate without the danger of cross firing non-combative.

Activating the onsite warhead
When a site code has been deemed to be so severe that either all measures have been exhausted ( Code Black, ERT Wave(s), ect) then Cl5 personnel (or the Site Director) can activate the warhead. This action will activate a full rp reset and recontain all breached SCPs to allow rp to restart and happen again on site. Due to the nature of this action it is a very large responsibility and server health has to be taken into consideration.

Ethics Tribunals
Clearance level 4 personnel who have been found to be in breach of the ethical sections of the Foundation Legal codex can be called to a tribunal in which they are able to defend themselves against the charges set against them.

FLC updates
The Ethics committee is responsible for keeping the Ethics side of the FLC up to date and understandable for all members of the server.

Auditing Departments
The Committee makes use of MTF Omega-1 and the Assistants to audit all of the departments on site to ensure that they are operating in an ethical capacity.

Authorising AA/Mass term if no Site Administration are available
Whilst Site Administration hold the priority on this members of the Ethics committee can authorise it within their absence

Authorising tests that require Ethics Committee Approval
Some tests like 008 tests that require D-class or 914 organic testing requires a document that goes into detail about the way the test will work that is signed and approved by the Ethics Committee.

Usage of Omega-1
The Ethics Committee makes use of MTF Omega-1 to carry out a variety of tasks ranging from investigations on personnel to assassinations of personnel including O5 members when deemed necessary.

Usage of Ethics Assistants
The Ethics Committee Assistants are able to act on behalf of the committee in more day to day duties in tasks ranging from administration and creation of documentation to running investigations.

Working alongside O5
Ethics and O5 as a joint command unit are responsible for creating and running large amount of rp within the server

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Director of Internal Affairs Applications
- Ethics Committee Assistant Applications
- Ethics Committee Member Applications
- Omega -1 commander Appointment
- RP demotion appeals at level 1 and 2
- Ethics departmental reviews
- Generally assisting departmental leads with any issues they might have with running a department.
-Creation of rp alongside the council and other groups.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Cairo.aic: Enter your Username
User : Assistant Steel. Site 59
Cairo.aic: Please speak your passkey:
User: "Why should we limit ourselves to the possible"
Cairo.aic: Welcome Assistant Steel
User: Send out Site 65 Ethics committee Interview requests


Cairo.aic: Files sent, anything else?
User: No, sign off.
Hello @ERaven , Today I will be giving you a +/- Neutral for the following:

Although I haven't seen your performance as a Site Manager and therefore cannot make an overall response to this application, I can say that based off of Brodas reply and the following screenshot that I'm not confident your yet suited for this position,

I have what it takes to hold a CL5 position as well as a role that has a large responsibility for creating RP.
It's quite easy to argue that as Site Administration you should be creating more RP and developing it due to the variety of control that you have over the different departments and MTF's. It doesn't seem that you have created/been able to display RP that you've either created or developed within your time in Site Administration. I highly suggest that you look to other applications for Site Command and see what sort of RP that they've been able to create through their department's' or MTF's. My previous experiences with you have been good and I do believe at some stage you'd be ready for Site Command but as of right now it seems you need to develop yourself before reaching CL5.

Good Luck,


Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023
Could you send a picture of your /time?

What RP have you made since your O5 app?

You state you've assisted in a lot of things but what have you created and lead?

Documentation and communication alone is not enough for CL5, you need to be creating RP scenarios/stories
Hi Broda.
Unfortunately i have been somewhat playing catchup on SA work up until around yesterday due to IRL events, however during this time i have been planning and working on a couple of projects as well as some one off rp scenes that should be getting started within the next week or so.Hope that helps explain the situation.


Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023
Hello @ERaven , Today I will be giving you a +/- Neutral for the following:

Although I haven't seen your performance as a Site Manager and therefore cannot make an overall response to this application, I can say that based off of Brodas reply and the following screenshot that I'm not confident your yet suited for this position,

It's quite easy to argue that as Site Administration you should be creating more RP and developing it due to the variety of control that you have over the different departments and MTF's. It doesn't seem that you have created/been able to display RP that you've either created or developed within your time in Site Administration. I highly suggest that you look to other applications for Site Command and see what sort of RP that they've been able to create through their department's' or MTF's. My previous experiences with you have been good and I do believe at some stage you'd be ready for Site Command but as of right now it seems you need to develop yourself before reaching CL5.

Good Luck,
Thank you for the feedback,
Will keep this response shorter as i mostly answered it within my response to Broda


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
-/+ Support

You said in your O5 app that your activity will begin to improve, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, despite it still looking pretty bad from your screenshot.
The RP you're engaged in is good, but I haven't seen much created by yourself.
>> Login Detected, Good day I am Cairo.aic. Where the harp's strings are pulled?

Enter: Music will end the violence

>> Good day Chairman McKenna, how can i help you today?

Enter: Attach Ethics Committee Verdict file #00014 and send to intended recipient

>> Letter attached.... sent to the email of @ERaven

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