[UK] Emilia Foddg's Director of Anti-Memetics Application

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Almost 1 year ago, since roughly May 2023.



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

  • Emilia Foddg

  • Anna "Dragnet" Mirian

  • Rachel "Spike" Discus

Civilian name:

Changes frequently for events, as I'm a TGM.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes, but I have my reasons for not using it right now.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

  • MTF E-11 CPT (Holding)

  • Overseer Assistant (Holding)

  • GOC SGT (Holding)

  • Senior Anti-Memetics Agent (Holding)

  • CI Gamma (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

  1. 13th of July - Hacking out 076 as a Sr. Researcher

  2. September 23 - Leaving fake 096 pictures in FL3 elevator for people to find, as Sr. Researcher

Why are you applying for Director of Anti-Memetics?

For a long time, I have watched the activity of the Anti-Memetics Division sharply decline, as this is a department that has gone without a competent lead for far too long. Despite my minimal experience as a member of it, I have several plans to revive this department with interesting and fun ideas that involve a lot of espionage and skulkery. I think that now is the right time for the Anti-Memetics Division to come back from the brink and flourish once again and I would like that chance to take it in a positive direction.

What makes you suitable for Director of Anti-Memetics?:

As made evident by this post, I am extremely capable of fulfilling the primary responsibility of any member of the Anti-Memetics Division. I also have experience at the top of departments with my tenure in E-11, especially given that I currently manage the UK E-11 roster; As well as in other Jr. CL4 positions, such as Overseer Assistant. I am also a TGM and while my activity hasn't been great lately, I've been taking a brief step back from the server - But I have created and plan to continue creating good and enjoyable events for people - I am very capable of creating RP.

My proudest accomplishment as a Senior Anti-Memetics Division Agent is a recent, massive interaction (which was facilitated with the extremely appreciated help of GM Richard Mann @ThatOneSaltyGerman) between Anti-Memetics, Site Administration, Site Command & Medical, in which a memetic SCP breached into Site-65 and was recontained with the use of weaponised viral anti-memetic "antidotes" that had to be administered via invasive cranial surgery and then allowed to propagate throughout affected individuals to cure and inoculate them, all while hysteria is escalating around the Site. Huge shoutouts to @Stealth, @Ganch, @Kayla, @RedMann and many others for making that a really good event, I think it showcased the true RP potential of all departments involved and it wouldn't have gone so well without you.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Anti-Memetics in RP?:

The foremost responsibility of any member of the Anti-Memetics Division, is to remember the existence of the Anti-Memetics Division. Additionally, as with any CL4 position, you are primarily encouraged to create RP. As mentioned before, I am capable of creating RP and plan to create a lot of RP as Director of the Anti-Memetics Division - The Anti-Memetics Division is the more RP-focused department on the server, expected to regularly create multiple complex storylines involving the entire site.

And obviously, the Director of Anti-Memetics runs the Anti-Memetics Division. They are charged with handling the day-to-day affairs of the department, such as liaising with Site Administration & Site Command (as well as other departments, especially in the case that their members are misbehaving - For example, if an E-11 were to act mingey around Anti-Memetics Division personnel, it would fall to either the DoAM, their deputy, and/or senior Anti-Memetics Division staff to raise this with E-11 leadership), dealing with both memetic & anti-memetic anomalies (via the use of mnestics), ensuring all members of the department are behaving and not misrepresenting the department in any way; The DoAM has the responsibility to job ban, as well as remove (the whitelist of), offending members of the Anti-Memetics Division.

Mechanically, the job is very similar to the Director of Internal Affairs, as every Anti-Memetics Division job has a disguise card (and therefore, the associated disguising rules), and is entirely driven by interaction with other members of site personnel, with a focus on Department Leaders, Site Administration & Site Command. A unique element of the Anti-Memetics Division is that most interactions result in... Not quite a 'soft RP reset', but generally the non-Anti-Memetics Division staff involved forget about what happened IC.

Please give some lore about your Director of Anti-Memetics character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following message is NOT composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Emilia Foddg

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have not come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is not to be elevated to the next stage. We will not be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level

April Fools.​

Application Denied

Last edited:
Apr 4, 2023
A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day @Emilia Foddg ,

We don't have an anti-memetics division.

Ethics Committee Member Charles Whitmee
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