[UK] Emilia 'Unhinged' Foddg's 2nd Unhinged Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID:​


Discord name:​


For how long have you played on CG SCP:​

Over 1.5 years, since roughly May 2023.



In what country are you located?:​


Time zone:​


Character name(s):​

F - Emilia Foddg

Civilian name:​

Changes regularly for event purposes

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):​


Do you have a mic?:​


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​

  • (Holding) SCP-096, SCP-22415

  • (Holding) IA/DEA Agent, Medical License, Riot License (I forget what the name was changed to)

  • (Held) MTF E-11 CPT

  • (Held) GOC SGT

  • (Held) Overseer Assistant

  • (Held) CI Gamma

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:​

  • 13th July, 2023 - FailRP for hacking out SCPs as a Sr. Researcher.

  • 23rd of September, 2023 - FailRP for leaving fake 096 pics in FL3 elevator.

  • 10th of October, 2024 - Making an extremely unhinged Site Advisor application.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?​

The reason I am applying for Site Advisor is mostly an on-a-whim spur-of-the-moment sorta thing, which at face value seems pretty non-committal, but I've given this a decent amount of thought - I feel like I need to expand into some new areas; I mean, IA/DEA/Research/Medical/GenSec aren't really for me (As in, the positions with significant barrier to entry that require commitment; I don't know that I'm invested that much into those respective areas in order to commit to them enough), nor is Nu7, nor do I feel like returning to E-11, CI or any Assistant positions - And of course, both ISD regs are donowalling me. Which then leaves SA and SC positions, and while I have some interest in an SC position, I feel that I should start with SA first, as is the typical career(?) progression from Assistant to SA to SC... Or something like that.

I get that this feels fanciful, but when I tried to get this across last time, I made the unfortunate mistake of treating the application process as a formality, a filter to just keep out undesirables and such (Something I would have rectified, had I not been so rudely interrupted - So now you get this app instead, enjoy), I can't just... Like, I don't really have much other reasoning here than "I feel like it." And apparently, that's a crime, so I need to give you these long-winded and crazy paragraphs that try to elaborate as much as possible on how I just feel like going for Site Admin. There's really nothing else to it. Does that make sense? Great.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:​

Unhinged, Unconventional:
I... If this wasn't obvious yet, I really don't know how to explain this to you. If you're somehow unfamiliar with my work in various areas of the community so far, I've made a name for myself just banging rocks together, which then somehow turns into stuff... That works... And does stuff... That's cool... That people like. For the server. Or just for like, the regiment. Or for the department. Or whatever. I don't know how to put it.

The point being, my primary focus on the server is to just make things fun for people, even at my own expense. And this lends itself to RP creation; The engineer wants to do maintenance directly on the 087 stairs? Go for it. The Senior Researcher wants to throw fifteen D-Class at an SCP at once in an attempt to overwhelm it? Fuck policy, I'm sold. The techie wants to go to the pub in Pinewood? What could possibly go wrong?

I'm fairly well-known for pushing ideas that generally are not within what is considered to be acceptable in terms of protocol standards - Unorthodox and seemingly asinine notions that generally make zero sense for someone of my station to be putting forward. You ask the rest of the GMs & Event Team, on a very regular basis I will just throw out an genuinely insane idea that generally gets universally panned by everyone and their dog, with good reason. For example, my most recent idea was to run an large-scale event in which everyone on the server gets a disguise card, with the intention of sowing mass confusion and casually observing the server populace to see what they would do, what RP would be generated, in a scenario where not a single person's appearance can be trusted at face value. Everyone was very against this idea with very good reasons (e.g. massive balance skew towards CI & D-Class, making it far too easy for them to raid/riot, cause breaches and problems on an unprecedented scale), but that is the general thread that my more crazier ideas are and process of thought brewing generates. Stay tuned for the event in which I give the D-Class in D-Block a limited supply of Class A grenades. I assure you wholeheartedly that Event Team love this idea and that there are no problems with it whatsoever.

And I do so because my philosophy with all of this is just pure conceptual exploration - What would happen, in a practical sense, if we did X? How do players react to Y? That sort of thing. And over the course of my tenure as GM, that line of investigation has led to mostly fun, wacky and sort of abstract events that were generally enjoyed and received positively by players.

I would like to see if this method of operating is compatible in any way, shape or form, with the day-to-day duties of Site Administration. My understanding is that Site Administration overall is not particularly well-received by the community due to their perceived opaqueness, tendency to not be active around the site, seeming to prefer behind-the-scenes interactions and just generally being very squirrelly? I don't mind trying to help improve this image, assuming that this is generally still the case - I'm aware that I don't have a perfectly accurate or up-to-date knowledge of how the community feels about something and thus, it may have improved; But I am also bribable and if you wish for me to gatekeep Site Admin alongside you and maintain its prickly reputation, then I will happily do so.

Experience & Responsibility:
I have had significant experience on the server doing various things in and out of roleplay, including my tenure as MTF E-11 CPT developing and iterating on the E-11 UK Roster in addition to the duties of an E-11 CO - As well as my tenure as OSA, in which I created various RP around the site and has a little overlap with things SA do (but is below them in authority, unless they're doing so under the orders of an O5). But primarily as a GM, while wielding the immensely powerful and many tools available to them, I've also been able to step back from having a single focus and just being able to view the larger picture, observe the roleplay environment and just kinda see the living, breathing entity that is the server, while also steadily and slightly influencing it in simple, but subtle (and sometimes unsubtle) ways.

I have achieved a level of understanding and appreciation that only comes to you when you are capable of curating and observing the simple facts of nature, of human behaviour, such as that Tech Experts are capable of miracles if you give them RPGs and that IA & GenSec create absolute art of unparalleled beauty when you make them schizophrenic.

I am more than capable of taking on the duties of a Site Advisor and integrating into the current environment, while still being a hopefully positive influence on both SA, the departments it oversees and the server's roleplay environment. I am a sane and reasonable person that can be trusted with important tasks.

The Section I Should Have So That Falcon Is Happy:​

O5 oversee Site Administration. They sort of have the same kind of relationship with SA, as SA have with the departments they oversee as described later, in that they generally don't micromanage - But they will keep them in line if they are misbehaving, typically through the use of Assistants and ISD. They may intervene more drastically in the case of Site Administration's health failing. Examples of such situations may include, but are not limited to:
  • Poor activity and engagement with other Site departments.

  • Gross mishandling of situations or misuse of power, to the level of causing a major and preventable incident.

  • Accepting me to the position of Site Advisor.

  • Repeated and gross incompetence.
Sometimes, O5/EC may discuss policy or a position appointment with SA. This generally does not happen - But may especially do so in cases following a major incident involving ISD, either Foundation Command branch, or where a policy involves an area directly relevant to O5/EC, such as FL3/ECO; Or some kind of other relevant interest not covered by this list.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:​

First and foremost, the relation between SA and the rest of the site is kinda weird. In terms of authority, they supersede every department except Site Command... And sooooorta ISD, that one's a reaaally weird interaction because of certain circumstances, certain specific interactions (Like for example, it'd be perfectly ordinary for a Site Advisor to march into say, E-11 bunks and order a bunch of COs and NCOs to do a bunch of things specific to some specific circumstance, like for example something to do with HCZ, maybe a lockdown for an upcoming test or some kind of policy change - But if they tried that with say, O-1, even if it was related to... Best example I could think of would be some kind of project involving Ethics, I think there'd be a lot more... It's just really, really fuzzy. The point is, I understand the weird thing going on there), but like, SA don't do the kind of regular bossing around, like micromanaging kinda stuff. I mean, when they're on the scene, they're generally exercising their authority and usually with good reason, but it's... Even though yes, you should be typically seeing SA around the site; Like, you generally won't see a Site Advisor randomly run into Medbay and start telling a Sr. Doctor what to do. Anyway -

Site Administration have a huge responsibility and plethora of duties regarding the entire site, most notably its departments and regiments - As the next step up in the CoC from Department Directors (And second-highest authority on-site (...Again, yes, Assistants under direct orders are higher too - But they're basically just facilitating the will of O5/EC and employing their authority to do so, so this still makes sense in that regard)). Site Administration are responsible for managing (again, not MICROmanaging, not being overtly involved, not moderating minute-by-minute, just... Being the next level of authority above department lead and just ensuring they behave) the policies, powers, disputes and affairs of:
  • Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11

  • Mobile Task Force Nu-7

  • Department of Medicine

  • Department of Research

  • Department of Internal Affairs

  • Department of External Affairs

  • General Security

  • Engineering & Technical Services

  • Department of Catering

  • Janitorial Services
Additionally, they handle the appointment of positions to the following roles (at time of writing):
  • Epsilon-11 Commander

  • Nu-7 Commander

  • Director of Medicine

  • Director of External Affairs

  • Chief of Security
Site Administration's chief concern regarding all of these departments is ensuring that they are running to an acceptable standard - If they are not, decisions need to be made about what action is to be taken, depending on the nature of the department's failure. Generally, Site Administration will only involve themselves in these cases where absolutely necessary in order to correct the failing health of a given department and will generally try to work with any existing departmental leadership to improve their department, with forced removal as only a last resort. Generally, SA will monitor departments via liaising, reviewing and auditing them on a regular basis. If anyone is found to be making bad Site Advisor application such as this one, the standard procedure is to have IA arrest them for 300 minutes.

Site Administration are also in charge of IC policies - Whether site-wide policies such as the Zone Jurisdiction Policy, which determines a department/regiment's local authority relative to an area, internal policies, such as the Research Policy, which determines the specific rules for RsD, or agreements between the Foundation and GOIs, such as the CITA, which determines the terms and rules by which CI may test on anomalies on-site. In the case of agreements between the Foundation and GOIs, Site Administration are usually present at negotiations and will... Negotiate terms with the GOI. Sometimes, Site Administration will review these policies to determine if they need revisions, to reflect changes within the site or otherwise address any issues within the policy.

Additionally on the topic of agreements with GOIs, Site Administration work in tandem with the DEA, generally overseeing them to ensure that they are appropriately handling external relations - They may also interact directly with other GOIs over comms, if necessary. Generally, DEA are supposed to be the first point of contact for other GOIs, but if DEA are mishandling situations and such, it falls to Site Administration to handle such matters.

While you are skim-reading this and not actually paying any close attention to anything I'm writing, I will point out that the most important duty of any Site Advisor or Manager, is to RDM the Site Director. This is paramount and must be done on a somewhat infrequent basis, preferably with the use of an RPG - And it doesn't have to be directly. It is standard procedure that any local Tech Expert or even a D-Class extracted from D-Block may be used to perform this rather explosive and important assassination.

Site Administration oversee all Code Emergencies with the aim of resolving any incidents as quickly as possible. In addition to maintaining regular communication with GenSec and MTFs to both stay apprised of the situation and determine emergency response, Site Administration can also perform general CL4 duties in the event of emergency, such as operating the PW blast door, Breach Shelter and/or EOC - But most importantly, authorising Advanced Armoury, if circumstances are dire enough and the need arise. Also, the Site Director newly has the capability to call in ERT should an SCP breach become too much to handle; thus as a Site Advisor, it is important to ensure clear and prompt information flow so that the decision can be made with relative ease, should it come under consideration. Site Administration also generally authorise tests that don't involve ethical concerns, as well as situations where parts of the site need to be locked down for a test or training and passive SCP breaches.

As a CL4 role, Site Administration are expected to create RP around the site, which for them usually comes in the form of assignments or Projects - Wherein a department like Research, Medical or even E-11 would start an RP storyline of varying size surrounding this project, which may last anywhere from 5 femtoseconds to 153 years. Projects can involve SCPs, and generally have some form of goal, which typically also involves further document creation. In all cases, the aim is generally to give people some kind of activity to perform on-site in the form of RP.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

Read it and weep.
Sep 13, 2022
is this a social experiment?
+ support
Stay tuned for the event in which I give the D-Class in D-Block a limited supply of Class A grenades. I assure you wholeheartedly that Event Team love this idea and that there are no problems with it whatsoever.


  • weHdj86LxWbZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png
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- You do not hold any cl4 positions how are we supposed to know that you are competent enough for a senior cl4 position, you might have the experience but currently, you are holding only cl3 jobs, and for a promotion from cl3 to Senior cl4 I believe that would be a poor choice which is why I am leaving my opinion.

She cooked
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Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
This application is being closed as decision from the O5 Council.

If you wish to move up to a position in the server through a forum application, you must follow the basic rules outlined in the FAQ. "Site Administration are trusted to act responsibly and professionally at all times within the server."
Throughout this application, you have added paragraphs that show you either:
- Do not care about the position you are applying for,
- Do not understand or refuse to abide by the dynamics of how Site Advisors are expected to act in the server, and
- Have no respect for the people taking the time to read through and review your application.

Furthermore, throughout the entire application (and outside of your application in public channels and forums) you are badmouthing the department you are attempting to enter. For the above reasons, this is being denied, and you are being barred from further applications to Site Advisor. If this behaviour continues, further action will be taken.

You may seek further clarification from a member of the Council or Site Administration at Manager+​
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