[UK] Emilia's 1st Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33007778
Discord name: nopetoofast
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year+, Since roughly May, June 2023 or so.
(Note that I have taken multiple GM LOAs in this timeframe)

Age: 26
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Emilia Foddg
Civilian name: Changes frequently for event purposes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Internal Affairs Agent
External Affairs Agent
Medical License

MTF E-11 Captain
Overseer Assistant
CI Gamma

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
July 2023 FailRP - Hacking out SCPs as Researcher
September 2023 FailRP - Leaving fake 096 docs in FL3 elevator as Researcher

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
What could possibly go wrong?

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
As I have previous CL4 experience in both E-11 CPT & OSA, I'm also pretty willing to do a lot of paperwork, which seems to be a major part of Site Administration work. But generally, I know all the general things, might need a quick refresher, but I should be good to start doing stuff in Site Admin, create RP, all that jazz.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration generally run the entire site - Their authority is second only to O5/EC (Yes, assistants under direct orders are above them too, but that's basically just them facilitating the will of O5/EC and using their authority to do so, so this still makes sense), so they have an immense amount of responsibility when it comes to the site overall - They're generally charged with managing site policy (Generally with Site Command's blessing? Unsure of the specifics but I don't think O5/EC are (nor should they be) micromanaging SA unless things are bad, which isn't unheard of) and ensuring that the relevant departments enforce it, as well as managing departments overall, but not micromanaging or overstepping unless in certain circumstances, i.e. A department such as Nu-7 is doing really unusually badly, so they figure out what's going on and what measures to take, although this isn't a great example since this is more of a roleplay health concern and may be more OOC? Unsure. You get the point. Site Admin also audit, review and liaise to departments such as Medical, GenSec and E-11, to keep an eye on how they're doing. Site Administration decide the Directors of the departments (and CoS?) that O5 & EC don't (since it seems to change on a somewhat irregular basis), as well as handling appointments to commanders of both E-11 and Nu-7. Last I checked, Site Admin also generally approve things like tests that don't involve ethical concerns, as well as passive SCP breaches and situations where part of the site needs to be locked down. They're generally the first point of contact for departments when it comes to intrasite bureaucracy. Because DEA are a thing, they're not generally the first point of contact for GOIs, but they do a lot of conferring with GOIs on behalf of the site.

(...If you really want something other than a crouched-and-ready-to-attack picture, I'm sure I can make something up on the spot. That's how 80% of my RP tends to go and it hasn't failed me yet. Put me in coach, I'm ready. Just trust me at this point, the shit I tend to do typically just works. I'm a GM, so I need to create RP anyway and again, I'm experienced at it based on my previous role history. This would be a good outlet for that. From my experience in participating in roles with and without prepared RP material beforehand, I can tell you that the specifics aren't that important, so long as the RP environment is appropriately enriched. With me, the RP creates itself.)
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  • Haha
Reactions: Ganch
(...If you really want something other than a crouched-and-ready-to-attack picture, I'm sure I can make something up on the spot. That's how 80% of my RP tends to go and it hasn't failed me yet. Put me in coach, I'm ready. Just trust me at this point, the shit I tend to do typically just works. I'm a GM, so I need to create RP anyway and again, I'm experienced at it based on my previous role history. This would be a good outlet for that. From my experience in participating in roles with and without prepared RP material beforehand, I can tell you that the specifics aren't that important, so long as the RP environment is appropriately enriched. With me, the RP creates itself.)
Welp, close enough
+Welcome to floor 3!!
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Reactions: Emilia Foddg

Don''t get me wrong, you were an Amazing E11 CO But i havent seen you or taken notice of your Presence in the past few days and weeks, I Hate to say it but you're Inactive.

Also, the App is VERY short, especially the Lore, and your lore is supposed to Represent your Character, their backstory, upbringing, how they got their skills, what makes them, well, Them

You've done alot of RP, i can't deny that too.
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Reactions: Emilia Foddg
Don''t get me wrong, you were an Amazing E11 CO But i havent seen you or taken notice of your Presence in the past few days and weeks, I Hate to say it but you're Inactive.

You've done alot of RP, i can't deny that too.
i mean, i have been doing my GM reqs, plus i have seen and interacted with you on multiple occasions in the past few weeks 👀

so if you can't tie all of those interactions that we've had back to me specifically, then i'd say that as the quintessential GM, i'm doing my job pretty well.
Also, the App is VERY short, especially the Lore, and your lore is supposed to Represent your Character, their backstory, upbringing, how they got their skills, what makes them, well, Them
honestly, i've always had this one gripe with the idea of specific character lore in applications outside of site command, medical, IA & department leader positions. like, it's nice to have and is something to work with, sure, but what exactly is the benefit here? site command are not only rp leadership and tend to interact on this very granular basis with their respective areas (EC -> O-1, IA, medical?, O5 -> A-1, research... medical? and GOIs for both), roleplay-heavy departments like IA and medical tend interact with a lot of people, sometimes even at once, as do department leaders, so it makes sense that they can have something they can rely on and ground their in-character RP with.

what is site administration? to most of RP, the wider RP-sphere, as it were. like, occasionally you'll see a site advisor or manager, but they are generally very behind-the-scenes. they're a rare sight to just see around and with good reason. SA are generally more in the background and mostly tend to interact with department leads, site command, jr CL4s, other GOIs, etc. i mean, you can and are expected to have character-focused interactions and rp. but in all the time i've been on the server, i've done very few interactions that required or otherwise used, any prepared character lore. after being here for a year, i honestly think that there's some circumstances where the idea of prepared character lore seems to be either a crutch, an unnecessary barrier to entry, or both. like i get how it as a resource can help with roleplay and give people things to lean on, but like... i dunno, in certain conditions, it feels forced and tacked on.

maybe it's just how things jibe with me, you know? i somehow cobbled together a beloved event using just a glowing cube and storyline event series out of a floor 3 signs, dammit. i can and have previously bullshit my way out of blatant failrp and turned it into rp situations. i'm not particularly cut out for prepared and planned things. i'm more of a 'chaotic contributions to the big picture' than i am an 'carefully constructed, individual depth' kind of roleplayer. and honestly, so long as it's done responsibly and everyone involved had fun, then honestly, what's the real difference? again, the roleplay environment comes first. and somehow, me and my banging rocks together helps it which is kind of a bonus, since i was just planning on continuing to bang rocks together til the end of time. this is the conclusion i've come to after trying out all the avenues available to me.

i'm just saying, allow me to proceed with my culinary endeavours without interference or intrusion. let me have full control of the situation in the kitchen, make all the necessary decisions regarding the ingredients, recipes, techniques and timing - and let me execute my """plan""" without any external input or disruption. permit me to assume the role of the orchestrator of flavours, textures and aromas, grant me the autonomy to turn raw materials into a delightful feast. trust in my abilities, confidence and expertise; and let me perform my art in the kitchen, where i can truly shine and demonstrate my mastery over the alchemy of food transformation.
good person, application seems short
Although one of the responses on the application is a bit eh and lack of lore is also questionable
I still have doubts about your competence and experience.
here's the thing, right

the big thing where SA is kind of always struggling is that it is both a very RP-heavy role and a bureaucracy-heavy role to actually execute. that's why it's historically always been kind of a revolving door? people tend to go for SA expecting funny managerial RP and get surprised when saddled with what is basically actual managerial tasks. not saying that's the case for everyone, it's just that it's a bit of a funky position overall as far as what people expect out of it and where the roleplay loop is concerned.

now relate that back to my past experience as E-11 CPT and OSA. basically my entire CL4 experience has been largely paperwork and such. what SA needs is someone willing and wanting to do paper-pushing. i can't really put my thoughts into words here, but my point is that i'm enough of a (responsible & capable) figure in the community that's able to pull off doing SA stuff.
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