[UK] Emilia's 1st Site Advisor Application

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- Support

In your current state, I wouldn't be able to support you moving to the position of Site Advisor. This application lacks detail and as previously mentioned by others is awful. You don't seem to know how Site Administration function nor the relationship they should hold with Site Command (O5 oversee SA fyi), Although you have extended upon this within responses to feedback. You haven't provided any logical reasoning to why your previous positions and experiences within them make you suitable for this position. I could probably write an essay on why your "Lore" is so bad, as a GM you should know how to write and present lore that you'd be able to utilize within the position/character you are applying for, The excuse of "I'm a GM so I know how to create RP" has no correlation to if you're able to create lore (RP) that you'd use within the position that you are looking to obtain. If you are serious about applying for this position I'd suggest re writing this entire application.

Best of luck,
This application lacks detail and as previously mentioned by others is awful. You don't seem to know how Site Administration function nor the relationship they should hold with Site Command (O5 oversee SA fyi)
...I was aware. I figured that my statement on authority was implicit regarding that, but after going back over it, I can see how this interpretation can be reached.
The excuse of "I'm a GM so I know how to create RP" has no correlation to if you're able to create lore (RP) that you'd use within the position that you are looking to obtain.
I didn't particularly say it did? I just made the CL4 responsibility for creating RP clear - And that I have ample experience in doing so.

Also, a correction. I don't know how to create RP because I'm a GM. I'm a GM because I know how to create RP. Huge difference.
If you are serious about applying for this position I'd suggest re writing this entire application.
I genuinely worry about the lack of care in this application and hope that this is a joke. A poorly done one. SL leaving verdict on an application again is already a major red flag to myself, especially when its such little quality, care or even warranted effort to the role.
Awful application
who are you
i have interacted with you so much in the past month or so, so to hear this from you is hilarious
the app is so short it makes me depressed
yes, yes, i'm rewriting it
you seem like you're not taking this seriously
that's just like, your opinion, man.
you dont bring up any experiences you've gained on other positions that could help you as a SA besides rp as a GM
so let me get this straight, the app is so short yet
As I have previous CL4 experience in both E-11 CPT & OSA
you didn't even read it? i can't at this point
+/= Neutral Support

Your app is dreadful and makes it seem like you don't care about the role, I know your rewriting it but the initial thought is still there and its still not a good look, the only reason your rewriting it was because people reacted negatively to it. The fact people can confidently +Support this (especially SL btw) speaks to the bias and judgment of people on the server these days. This application gives the impression that your going to rock up and expect things to be handed to you, and do the bare minimum.

However, you do have good experience and I've seen you do well in other roles, hence the neutral.
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Emilia Foddg

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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