[UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Site Advisor Application

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6811
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Deleted member 6811

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190763950
Discord name: engallagher
Playtime on CG SCP: 1420 Hours
Do you have a mic: Yes
Age: 17
In what country are you located: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT +0
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP UK
Character name: Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg
Civilian name: Moxxie Ludenberg
Do you have any kicks / bans / warnings and why?:
2022 Oct 15 - Shino - FearRP
2022 Oct 15 - Lily - RDM
2022 Oct 16 - James Henderson -RDM
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 28 - Undead - Toxicity
2022 Dec 4 - Yaren - LTAP

Currently all of my warns are expired, I am unsure as to how I got the ban on the 4th December 2022, as I usually log back into the server straight away if I crash in the middle of an RP situation. All the warns I received were when I was new to the server and was still learning the rules while also not taking it awfully serious, this however has clearly changed now.

Director of Research - x3
Executive Researcher - x3

Internal Affairs Agent

MTF Nu-7 SGT (held)
MTF Nu-7 PVT (held)

MTF E-11 CPL (held)

Overseer Assistant (held for short period)
Medical Licence
Heavy Weapons
Riot Control
Driving Licence
Heavy Vehicle Licence

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

After being director of research three times, I believe it is finally my time to move up the chain of command and assume the next rank for progression. I also personally wished to move up into a higher management position above that of a department director. As much as I love research and as much as it has allowed me to roleplay effectively, I now wish to progress into more character centric roleplay surrounding my lore as a character within the roleplay environment much rather than being in a position where I must focus on managing a department. This higher management position would allow me the freedom to roleplay with the character I wish to curate.

Similarly I wish to move to a higher position within roleplay also, again since site administration is higher in the chain of command, it would also allow me to be even more involved with the creation of roleplay projects for the server as a whole. With this I also wish to have more influence over the function of the site and to be able to communicate with more people.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?

I believe it comes down to three factors; Experience, Roleplay, and Leadership.

Experience; I have been within the community for a very long time now, and I have also spent most of that time within a senior clearance 4 role, that being Director of Research. I have achieved this role three times and for a good reason, because those who selected me asked for me to achieve and I have done just that. Within three weeks of returning for the third time, the department of research received their monthly review for May. We achieved an 8.5 / 10, beating out all other departments. Since then we have also continued to make further improvements and strive for RP. It was also the highest rating from site administration out of all departments. This clearly shows I am a capable individual that can use the experience to become extremely effective within my role.

Roleplay; Within research, roleplay is at the core of the department. As a director of research I have been responsible for directing roleplay for the department, whether that be projects with gamemasters, projects created by myself or with the second director, or interdepartmental projects. The RP was also conducted on many levels of clearance, from projects for all researchers to projects for site command. I wish to further progress this however within Site Administration however as also mentioned before with my wish to progress my character lore and curate RP out of that.

Leadership; In my opinion I believe I have been an extremely effective leader. This has been shown within my time as Director of Research and the choice of the higher ups to instate me that many times. I have been able to act as a hardliner when needed and have been able to act as a people person also when needed. I am able to hold the in-between of the two extremes to maximise the effectiveness of my leadership. I ensured my executives were cared for while also ensuring that they still acted in line ensuring they knew they had benefits under my leadership but still had to act as an according clearance 4. Similarly within that role I have also been able to show effective skills in general with managing projects for the department and for roleplay which I believe would all allow me to be an effective member of site administration.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?

1 - Overview of all departments within Site-65 and ensure they are functioning smoothly
Site administration is responsible for the departments that run within Site-65 and as such must ensure that they are operating smoothly, ensuring personnel are acting in line, ensuring the departments have what resources they need, and ensuring the policies / guidelines within those departments are up to an adequate standard. Similarly they are also responsible for creating monthly reviews for the departments they are assigned to for the month, this can entail interviewing personnel of said department, auditing the departments offices, and monitoring them in general. In general they are to ensure each department is up to a certain standard.

2 - Management of Site-65 as an entire body
There are five codes that Site-65 may experience, site administration is responsible for handling each of them effectively. For code 5s; they can authorise AA, termination outside D-block, suspensions of testing and liaise with departments of site to divert extra resources towards the incident. Code 4s; they can announce certain procedures to be observed to ensure safety of personnel. Code 3s; these procedures are similar to code 5s while they can also close off certain parts of the site. Code 2s; they can divert resources towards the containment of the riot through liaising. Code 1s; they also can divert resources towards containing the infiltration as well as managing the resources available effectively. Finally they can also consider code blacks with Site Command authorisation.

Secondly they can act as the upper bodies to resolve any issues or conflicts that departments may have within their own structure or interdepartmentally. They may also act as liaisons with departments and site command in order to bring about effective policy change or clarification on all levels of the site.

Thirdly they are responsible for appointing Nu7 and E11 Commanders, Chief of Securities, Directors of Medicine, Directors of External Affairs. They are similarly responsible for helping the Site director choose people for site administration.

Fourthly they are responsible for tribunals of lower clearance offences and with assisting IA in performing investigations or enquiries. On the same topic they are also responsible for assisting Site Command through liaising of site wide policies such as the FLC or the Zone Jurisdiction Policy.

3 - Being in the management position
Lastly you will be responsible for managing relations with other sites and the overwatch site in a roleplay wise manner. You will also be responsible for managing relations with groups of interests within the Sites area of influence, that being pinewood. On another similar topic you will be responsible for managing roleplay scenarios to a certain degree from the standpoint of site administrator. This may be from a visitor standpoint or from a site management perspective.
It is also the job of site administration to create the bureaucracy that GOI relations may require. For example the contact that was created for Foundation and the GOC.

They will also be responsible for authorising certain levels of research tests or act as the next step in the CoC before those tests are brought up to a higher level.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Continuation from previous apps, building into a small story.

I wipe my eyes and try to look forward, orienting my eyes with the flurry of redlight pouring in from the ground and the ceiling. I place my hand on the floor to try to get up, but it slips, my face falling back into the pool of blood beneath me. I pat myself down trying to find an injury, but yet I find nothing, I am somehow uninjured. I decide to just lay there for a minute letting my body adjust naturally instead of trying to force myself up, and a minute passes just like that, maybe I even blanked out for an hour, but how would I know? Finally I get up, ignoring the throbbing pain from the bruises I got when I was thrown a couple metres down a hallway. Looking around I see the walls are mostly covered in freshly ripped out organs and blood, then looking out in front of me I see a single laptop semi-open.

I approach the laptop confused at how it is still working despite what had happened, kneeling down next to it I open it fully and wipe the blood from the screen to see results that are... positive? I sit down cross legged smiling to myself as I place the laptop into my lap, looking through more data and graphs. The project has been successful and I sigh happily, finally at peace that everything is done. I feel a wet patch starting to build up on my leg, I raise the laptop to see blood dripping groggily from its upside, I flip the laptop and see part of a finger. I swipe it off and go back to observing the results.

After sitting happily for around an hour, I find a backpack from an MTF soldier, emptying its contents and placing the laptop inside, I throw the bag over my shoulder. I begin on my journey out of the mega-facilities largest research lab, chuckling softly at all the destruction around me. A murmur rings out behind me and I turn around, glaring softly but unemotionally at the person trying to get up. I instead walked up to him, kicking him in the ribs and taking out the pistol from his holster. With utmost efficiency I shoot him point blank with it, his head falling into the new pile of brains that are now strewn across the floor. Dropping the pistol next to his hand, I turn around and continue on my journey to the heavy duty elevator, my mood ecstatic and my face gleaming with excitement with the results on the laptop. I stop in front of the lift, pressing the button, already anticipating how satisfied Site-01 will be with me.

Maybe they are using me, or maybe my mental illness really doesn't matter to them. One thing I do know is they appreciate the intelligence that balances my negatives, and I'm content with that.

I leant against a tree watching the rain drops fall softly at my shoes, washing the purple flowers of their red hued glow. I breathe in, every essence of my existence fills with serenity, the air acting like an euphoria inducing narcotic. I raise my eyes slowly at what's around me, nothing but a forest and light fog with low growing vegetation that invites you to walk and poeticize.

I see her, who was she again? I know her, she loves me, yet I don't remember why. She holds me when my mind dissolves into madness… I love her… She makes her way to stand in front of me, a concerned look on her face, why is she worried? Then I feel my eyes getting increasingly wet, I hide my face in the nape of her neck and once again hold her tightly in desperation. She strokes and plays with my hair while pressing me closer to her. It was another one of those moments I guess, I didn't even know it myself, but she knew…

The forest held so much in itself, trees spanning hundreds of metres high, low mist hugging those same trees and finally the rain, always there as programmed, always at medium levels during the afternoons and in evenings and in nights it gets as heavy as can be. She smelled nice today… I can tell she tried for me, I love her… Why do I love her? Her affection is so warm, I would die without her… She is my warmth… She made me cry harder, maybe I'm obsessed, maybe she made me that way. I love her anyway. Mine.

I feel a small jolt at my feet, I look down and see a metal floor, then I look up and see two elevator doors. I open my arms and the corpse I was holding falls onto the floor, another spent task force member. I wipe my tears and walk out the elevator towards the entrance of the site, the identification checkpoints giving me an expressway to leave, not questioning a single thing that occurred within that research laboratory over the night. Being special feels nice. Being special hurts. I miss her.

I throw the bag onto the middle car of the convoy and climb onto the roof myself, they open the pod door for me and I drop the bag in before I slowly lower myself in. I sit down fixing the six point seat belt around myself, before letting myself slump into the shoulder rest of the reinforced seat. Some time starts to pass, the sun lowers from the sky. I feel myself slip away. I do not see anything. I do not remember nothing. I must remember something.

I am woken up by a jolt in the road, my head goes straight up, alert as can be. It seems my panicked reaction scared the rest of the operatives sitting with me as they stared at me from across the personnel carrier. Their eyes beaming at me like deer staring at headlights. They seem to relax after a couple seconds of adrenaline now clears from their blood. My head lays back on the headrest looking up at the metal pod door above me. My mind starts to wander once more…

The morning light pierces my eyelids softly, a warm yellow warms my retinas as my eyes slowly open. I look out towards the vast landscape, once more the fog wraps around my body. The mist of the clouds falls upon me, washing away any grip I had over the real world. I feel fingers intertwined with mine and then I remember once more why I am in such comfort. I clammer onto her and hug her tightly, burying my head in the nape of her neck.

The clouds above sadden. The world becomes melancholic again. The mist picks up into a heavy downpour, I hold her tighter, burying my face further. I look behind her and see a figure standing in a suit, I know who he is. I don’t like who he is, because he saved me. I start to scream at him and he simply sighs at me.

I simply cry as the real world is once more breathed into me. I do not care for the people around me because my pain cries louder than their opinions. I am better than them, so I cry harder. I scream at them to stop the convoy and they comply, I climb out the top and simply lay on the metal roof of the carrier, people in other vehicles not even bothering to look at what I am up to. slowly I roll onto my back, the cold desert breeze softening my heart to the wonders of the universe. My eyes take in everything, from superclusters, galaxies and stars to streaks of spacecraft, machines, and the other wonders of human hubris. My tears are still rolling, falling like comets leaving a trail of suffering with every drop. And not comets like the ones that burn up in beauty, but the ones that slam against the ground in a mighty show of force. I dream of a time where I once more fly through it, becoming beauty itself.
My mind still aches from the awe of my experience, and yet my suffering does not suffice to the universe. I must only suffer more, to see the beauty I once had, but never will I have again. My eyes shut once more in longing, I feel as if I am lifted back in the vehicle, and once more I feel the seat move beneath me. We continue north while I continue to suffer.

Jul 22, 2023
This man IS without a doubt the best DoR, so without a doubt he will become the best site advisor we have ever seen,
Engallagher you have helped me throughout my short time in research so I truly hope you get this role.
PS. its pointless even writing this, there is 0 chance you will get denied, unless Pennington is trying out a new kind of crack.

I wish you the best of luck even though you don't need it :D
Last edited:


Active member
Dec 16, 2023
All of my interactions with you were nothing short of great, wouldn't see anyone more fit for this role! Best of luck!


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
- good RP creator
- great work on DOR
- works well with others


Richard Patternson

Active member
Apr 6, 2024
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190763950
Discord name: engallagher
Playtime on CG SCP: 1420 Hours
Do you have a mic: Yes
Age: 17
In what country are you located: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT +0
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP UK
Character name: Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg
Civilian name: Moxxie Ludenberg
Do you have any kicks / bans / warnings and why?:
2022 Oct 15 - Shino - FearRP
2022 Oct 15 - Lily - RDM
2022 Oct 16 - James Henderson -RDM
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 28 - Undead - Toxicity
2022 Dec 4 - Yaren - LTAP

Currently all of my warns are expired, I am unsure as to how I got the ban on the 4th December 2022, as I usually log back into the server straight away if I crash in the middle of an RP situation. All the warns I received were when I was new to the server and was still learning the rules while also not taking it awfully serious, this however has clearly changed now.

Director of Research - x3
Executive Researcher - x3

Internal Affairs Agent

MTF Nu-7 SGT (held)
MTF Nu-7 PVT (held)

MTF E-11 CPL (held)

Overseer Assistant (held for short period)
Medical Licence
Heavy Weapons
Riot Control
Driving Licence
Heavy Vehicle Licence

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

After being director of research three times, I believe it is finally my time to move up the chain of command and assume the next rank for progression. I also personally wished to move up into a higher management position above that of a department director. As much as I love research and as much as it has allowed me to roleplay effectively, I now wish to progress into more character centric roleplay surrounding my lore as a character within the roleplay environment much rather than being in a position where I must focus on managing a department. This higher management position would allow me the freedom to roleplay with the character I wish to curate.

Similarly I wish to move to a higher position within roleplay also, again since site administration is higher in the chain of command, it would also allow me to be even more involved with the creation of roleplay projects for the server as a whole. With this I also wish to have more influence over the function of the site and to be able to communicate with more people.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?

I believe it comes down to three factors; Experience, Roleplay, and Leadership.

Experience; I have been within the community for a very long time now, and I have also spent most of that time within a senior clearance 4 role, that being Director of Research. I have achieved this role three times and for a good reason, because those who selected me asked for me to achieve and I have done just that. Within three weeks of returning for the third time, the department of research received their monthly review for May. We achieved an 8.5 / 10, beating out all other departments. Since then we have also continued to make further improvements and strive for RP. It was also the highest rating from site administration out of all departments. This clearly shows I am a capable individual that can use the experience to become extremely effective within my role.

Roleplay; Within research, roleplay is at the core of the department. As a director of research I have been responsible for directing roleplay for the department, whether that be projects with gamemasters, projects created by myself or with the second director, or interdepartmental projects. The RP was also conducted on many levels of clearance, from projects for all researchers to projects for site command. I wish to further progress this however within Site Administration however as also mentioned before with my wish to progress my character lore and curate RP out of that.

Leadership; In my opinion I believe I have been an extremely effective leader. This has been shown within my time as Director of Research and the choice of the higher ups to instate me that many times. I have been able to act as a hardliner when needed and have been able to act as a people person also when needed. I am able to hold the in-between of the two extremes to maximise the effectiveness of my leadership. I ensured my executives were cared for while also ensuring that they still acted in line ensuring they knew they had benefits under my leadership but still had to act as an according clearance 4. Similarly within that role I have also been able to show effective skills in general with managing projects for the department and for roleplay which I believe would all allow me to be an effective member of site administration.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?

1 - Overview of all departments within Site-65 and ensure they are functioning smoothly
Site administration is responsible for the departments that run within Site-65 and as such must ensure that they are operating smoothly, ensuring personnel are acting in line, ensuring the departments have what resources they need, and ensuring the policies / guidelines within those departments are up to an adequate standard. Similarly they are also responsible for creating monthly reviews for the departments they are assigned to for the month, this can entail interviewing personnel of said department, auditing the departments offices, and monitoring them in general. In general they are to ensure each department is up to a certain standard.

2 - Management of Site-65 as an entire body
There are five codes that Site-65 may experience, site administration is responsible for handling each of them effectively. For code 5s; they can authorise AA, termination outside D-block, suspensions of testing and liaise with departments of site to divert extra resources towards the incident. Code 4s; they can announce certain procedures to be observed to ensure safety of personnel. Code 3s; these procedures are similar to code 5s while they can also close off certain parts of the site. Code 2s; they can divert resources towards the containment of the riot through liaising. Code 1s; they also can divert resources towards containing the infiltration as well as managing the resources available effectively. Finally they can also consider code blacks with Site Command authorisation.

Secondly they can act as the upper bodies to resolve any issues or conflicts that departments may have within their own structure or interdepartmentally. They may also act as liaisons with departments and site command in order to bring about effective policy change or clarification on all levels of the site.

Thirdly they are responsible for appointing Nu7 and E11 Commanders, Chief of Securities, Directors of Medicine, Directors of External Affairs. They are similarly responsible for helping the Site director choose people for site administration.

Fourthly they are responsible for tribunals of lower clearance offences and with assisting IA in performing investigations or enquiries. On the same topic they are also responsible for assisting Site Command through liaising of site wide policies such as the FLC or the Zone Jurisdiction Policy.

3 - Being in the management position
Lastly you will be responsible for managing relations with other sites and the overwatch site in a roleplay wise manner. You will also be responsible for managing relations with groups of interests within the Sites area of influence, that being pinewood. On another similar topic you will be responsible for managing roleplay scenarios to a certain degree from the standpoint of site administrator. This may be from a visitor standpoint or from a site management perspective.
It is also the job of site administration to create the bureaucracy that GOI relations may require. For example the contact that was created for Foundation and the GOC.

They will also be responsible for authorising certain levels of research tests or act as the next step in the CoC before those tests are brought up to a higher level.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Continuation from previous apps, building into a small story.

I wipe my eyes and try to look forward, orienting my eyes with the flurry of redlight pouring in from the ground and the ceiling. I place my hand on the floor to try to get up, but it slips, my face falling back into the pool of blood beneath me. I pat myself down trying to find an injury, but yet I find nothing, I am somehow uninjured. I decide to just lay there for a minute letting my body adjust naturally instead of trying to force myself up, and a minute passes just like that, maybe I even blanked out for an hour, but how would I know? Finally I get up, ignoring the throbbing pain from the bruises I got when I was thrown a couple metres down a hallway. Looking around I see the walls are mostly covered in freshly ripped out organs and blood, then looking out in front of me I see a single laptop semi-open.

I approach the laptop confused at how it is still working despite what had happened, kneeling down next to it I open it fully and wipe the blood from the screen to see results that are... positive? I sit down cross legged smiling to myself as I place the laptop into my lap, looking through more data and graphs. The project has been successful and I sigh happily, finally at peace that everything is done. I feel a wet patch starting to build up on my leg, I raise the laptop to see blood dripping groggily from its upside, I flip the laptop and see part of a finger. I swipe it off and go back to observing the results.

After sitting happily for around an hour, I find a backpack from an MTF soldier, emptying its contents and placing the laptop inside, I throw the bag over my shoulder. I begin on my journey out of the mega-facilities largest research lab, chuckling softly at all the destruction around me. A murmur rings out behind me and I turn around, glaring softly but unemotionally at the person trying to get up. I instead walked up to him, kicking him in the ribs and taking out the pistol from his holster. With utmost efficiency I shoot him point blank with it, his head falling into the new pile of brains that are now strewn across the floor. Dropping the pistol next to his hand, I turn around and continue on my journey to the heavy duty elevator, my mood ecstatic and my face gleaming with excitement with the results on the laptop. I stop in front of the lift, pressing the button, already anticipating how satisfied Site-01 will be with me.

Maybe they are using me, or maybe my mental illness really doesn't matter to them. One thing I do know is they appreciate the intelligence that balances my negatives, and I'm content with that.

I leant against a tree watching the rain drops fall softly at my shoes, washing the purple flowers of their red hued glow. I breathe in, every essence of my existence fills with serenity, the air acting like an euphoria inducing narcotic. I raise my eyes slowly at what's around me, nothing but a forest and light fog with low growing vegetation that invites you to walk and poeticize.

I see her, who was she again? I know her, she loves me, yet I don't remember why. She holds me when my mind dissolves into madness… I love her… She makes her way to stand in front of me, a concerned look on her face, why is she worried? Then I feel my eyes getting increasingly wet, I hide my face in the nape of her neck and once again hold her tightly in desperation. She strokes and plays with my hair while pressing me closer to her. It was another one of those moments I guess, I didn't even know it myself, but she knew…

The forest held so much in itself, trees spanning hundreds of metres high, low mist hugging those same trees and finally the rain, always there as programmed, always at medium levels during the afternoons and in evenings and in nights it gets as heavy as can be. She smelled nice today… I can tell she tried for me, I love her… Why do I love her? Her affection is so warm, I would die without her… She is my warmth… She made me cry harder, maybe I'm obsessed, maybe she made me that way. I love her anyway. Mine.

I feel a small jolt at my feet, I look down and see a metal floor, then I look up and see two elevator doors. I open my arms and the corpse I was holding falls onto the floor, another spent task force member. I wipe my tears and walk out the elevator towards the entrance of the site, the identification checkpoints giving me an expressway to leave, not questioning a single thing that occurred within that research laboratory over the night. Being special feels nice. Being special hurts. I miss her.

I throw the bag onto the middle car of the convoy and climb onto the roof myself, they open the pod door for me and I drop the bag in before I slowly lower myself in. I sit down fixing the six point seat belt around myself, before letting myself slump into the shoulder rest of the reinforced seat. Some time starts to pass, the sun lowers from the sky. I feel myself slip away. I do not see anything. I do not remember nothing. I must remember something.

I am woken up by a jolt in the road, my head goes straight up, alert as can be. It seems my panicked reaction scared the rest of the operatives sitting with me as they stared at me from across the personnel carrier. Their eyes beaming at me like deer staring at headlights. They seem to relax after a couple seconds of adrenaline now clears from their blood. My head lays back on the headrest looking up at the metal pod door above me. My mind starts to wander once more…

The morning light pierces my eyelids softly, a warm yellow warms my retinas as my eyes slowly open. I look out towards the vast landscape, once more the fog wraps around my body. The mist of the clouds falls upon me, washing away any grip I had over the real world. I feel fingers intertwined with mine and then I remember once more why I am in such comfort. I clammer onto her and hug her tightly, burying my head in the nape of her neck.

The clouds above sadden. The world becomes melancholic again. The mist picks up into a heavy downpour, I hold her tighter, burying my face further. I look behind her and see a figure standing in a suit, I know who he is. I don’t like who he is, because he saved me. I start to scream at him and he simply sighs at me.

I simply cry as the real world is once more breathed into me. I do not care for the people around me because my pain cries louder than their opinions. I am better than them, so I cry harder. I scream at them to stop the convoy and they comply, I climb out the top and simply lay on the metal roof of the carrier, people in other vehicles not even bothering to look at what I am up to. slowly I roll onto my back, the cold desert breeze softening my heart to the wonders of the universe. My eyes take in everything, from superclusters, galaxies and stars to streaks of spacecraft, machines, and the other wonders of human hubris. My tears are still rolling, falling like comets leaving a trail of suffering with every drop. And not comets like the ones that burn up in beauty, but the ones that slam against the ground in a mighty show of force. I dream of a time where I once more fly through it, becoming beauty itself.
My mind still aches from the awe of my experience, and yet my suffering does not suffice to the universe. I must only suffer more, to see the beauty I once had, but never will I have again. My eyes shut once more in longing, I feel as if I am lifted back in the vehicle, and once more I feel the seat move beneath me. We continue north while I continue to suffer.

Speaking as your fellow DOR I cannot think of anyone I would rather see get this position.
Hard working, genuine and a pleasure to work alongside.

R. Patternson, DOR


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022
Massive +support
your one of the first players that I experienced serious RP with and been exec under your watch for 2 times and 1 time as a fellow second DOR , I truly believe that you are ready to take on a much higher challenge and responsibility in the server .

I wish you all luck
  • Like
Reactions: Richard Patternson
May 17, 2024
  • Approachable and Friendly: Always available to help and engage with others in the community.
  • Level-Headed and Serious: Handles challenges with professionalism and calm, making sound decisions even under pressure.
  • Exceptional Roleplayer: Brings depth and creativity to RP, enhancing the experience for everyone involved.
  • Proven Leadership: Demonstrated success as Director of Research multiple times, leading the department to many improvements.
  • Professional in Handling Big Issues: Capable of managing complex scenarios, maintaining a balance between being a hardliner and a people person.
  • Innovative in Roleplay Projects: Actively contributes to creating engaging RP scenarios and character lore.
I wish only the best to you!

Boba Chichi

Active member
Apr 20, 2024
  • Friendly, kind and overall a nice person
  • Lovely to roleplay with
  • Professional DOR and took the role very serious
  • treated people with respect within roleplay
Overall a very nice person, able to perform good quality roleplay with is both fun and engaging, would love to see them progress in there RP career!
I hope you get the role and good luck! :D
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