[UK] Engallagher Kazimieras Ludenberg's Executive Application

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6811
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Deleted member 6811

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190763950
Discord name: engallagher
Playtime on CG SCP: 1100+ Hours
Do you have a mic: Yes
Age: 16
In what country are you located: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT +0
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP UK
Character name: Engallagher K. Ludenberg (K - Kazimieras)
Civilian name: Moxxie Sonya Ludenberg

Do you have any kicks / bans / warnings and why?:
2022 Oct 15 - Shino - Fearp
2022 Oct 15 - Lily - RDM
2022 Oct 16 - James Henderson -RDM
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 28 - Undead - Toxicity
2022 Dec 4 - Yaren - LTAP

Currently all of my warns are expired, I am unsure as to how I got the ban on the 4th December 2022, as I usually log back into the server straight away if I crash in the middle of an RP situation. All the warns I received was when I was new to the server and was still learning the rules while also not taking it awfully serious, this however has clearly changed now.

Director of Research (held) x2
Executive Researcher (held) x2

Internal Affairs Agent

MTF Nu-7 SGT (held)
MTF Nu-7 PVT (held)

MTF E-11 CPL (held)

Overseer Assistant (held for short period)

Medical Licence
Heavy Weapons
Riot Control
Driving Licence
Heavy Vehicle Licence

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I am applying for executive researcher as I once again wish to have a larger part in the department that I love so much. SCP RP has acted as a creative outlet for me for quite a while already, and I would like to take it further with my projects and roleplay using the position of executive. Similarly I believe that I would be able to help a lot of people access their own creativity from this role as it acts more as a managerial job in regards to research, hopefully letting many more players strive higher within the roleplay ranks of the server.

I always believed firmly that knowledge is key, and being able to bring that through lectures, lessons and maybe even personal tutoring for lower level researchers would help progress and aid server roleplay if more players are up to a certain standard to roleplay properly. Being able to help the next generation of researchers would be a great privilege for me personally as it helps everyone, once again, in terms of roleplay.

I also personally have many ideas that would thrive in the environment that is research command, that being both for the department and research in general. Getting back into the clearance four loop would also allow me to personally get more from roleplay.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?

Generally speaking I am a very creative thinker and person in general. I have come up with many crazy ideas and the SCP RP environment provides the perfect environment for me to express the creativity. In terms of roleplay this is very beneficial as I can work closely with others to expand on ideas or curate them into actually executable plans. This also means I am quite good at working with larger storylines or projects that take a little while to complete, resulting in more passive roleplay and active roleplay over a longer period of time.

I am also quite efficient when it comes to working on these sorts of things, from my previous two directorships my hard work was clearly seen in the projects I produced, and the effort I put into the department from every aspect. Similarly I am also quite a knowledgeable person, involving myself with more intellectual activities, paired with my creative drive and effectiveness, I can also provide more in-depth projects in relation to certain topics of interest such as maths or physics, creating more interest in the roleplay from others due to its complexity.

Generally I am quite an articulate and literate person, which allows me to present and document my research in quite an effective manner. This creates good research records of projects and also allows me to effectively review others work with a good perspective. This allows me to be quite helpful to people who may need a little assistance with their documentation and research.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes an excellent document?

I have written around twenty to thirty excellent graded documents in-game. Most of my documents however are external for the purpose of better formatting as well as ease of sharing with gamemasters and others. I am able to transcribe documents in-game if need be however.

Excellent documents consist of the following;

Creative idea / concept; The actual concept of the research study itself constitutes to an interesting idea or provides the SCP foundation a unique solution to an issue they face. Usage of SCPs outside of what is kept on site also can result in a higher grade, as the idea of "bringing in other SCP" results in a decent amount of roleplay for departments besides research.

Good formatting and structure; The document itself is laid out in a nice format with consistent headers, reporting structure and clear goal throughout the entire document. Furthermore, relative consistency across many pieces of work would bring the grade higher as well. General flow of the document is also very important to take into consideration for readability and conceptualisation. Using scientific formatting for documents is also highly recommended.

Good vocabulary (both scientific and literature related); Usage of the correct terminology and usage of a variety of vocabulary would similarly bring the grade higher, the goal is not to fill the document with fancy words however using words that describe certain things, processes, emotions, feelings, etcetera can result in a better research document as your idea and research is better portrayed with the better use of language.

Good usage of lore / SCP wiki; Using the correct lore or adding your extensions of wiki articles or stories can result in quite interesting research as it can send you down a larger rabbit hole. Using certain parts can also add a good anchor to not go overboard with your own creativity and once again provide a very comprehensive and good flowing document that would be more appreciated than other documents.

Varied type of research; Going beyond what is considered standard research and instead doing things like an analysis or literature of an SCP or a statistical hypothesis test for example can also grade higher as it is out of the ordinary.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Research in RP?

Firstly executive researchers must act as role models to the general research population as they are given much higher responsibility in the role of the ones who guide the rest of research and also manage larger research projects when they occur or are delegated to them.

The main managerial aspect of the role is to help lower clearance personnel help conduct their research and help with guidance on research and foundation policy. It is their job to look over research documents and grade them appropriately, afterwards then bringing in the researcher to provide constructive criticism and help them move onto the next project with a mind more knowledgeable than before.

Executives should also be at the forefront of managing conduct within the department, overseeing tests and personnel conduct to ensure it is inline with research policy and foundation legislation. If violations occur it is also the job of the executive to ensure corrective punishment or reflection is brought about.

Ensuring good communication is flowing through all departments is another job for executives to handle, although not as important of a job to executives as it is to directors, they are still responsible for ensuring communication is thriving when projects or incidents occur.

Clearance four rights also give clearance four responsibilities. This can include escorting lower level authorised personnel to higher level areas, closing blast doors when necessary, switching on or off electrical components when necessary, and potentially the operation of advanced armoury, again only, if necessary.

Lastly, reading over foundation and department legislation and policy respectively and if they find any mistakes or potential amendments, they should communicate it to the correct people.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in?

I wipe my eyes and try to look forward, orienting my eyes with the flurry of redlight pouring in from the ground and the ceiling. I place my hand on the floor to try get up, but it slips, my face falling back into the pool of blood beneath me. I pat myself down trying to find an injury, but yet I find nothing, I am somehow uninjured. I decide to just lay there for a minute letting my body adjust naturally instead of trying to force myself up, and a minute passes just like that, maybe I even blanked out for an hour, but how would I know? Finally I get up, ignoring the throbbing pain from the bruises I got when I was thrown a couple metres down a hallway. Looking around I see the walls are mostly covered in freshly ripped out organs and blood, then looking out in front of me I see a single laptop semi-open.

I approach the laptop confused at how it is still working despite what had happened, kneeling down next to it I open it fully and wipe the blood from the screen to see results that are... positive? I sit down cross legged smiling to myself as I place the laptop into my lap, looking through more data and graphs. The project has been successful and I sigh happily, finally at peace that everything is done. I feel a wet patch starting to build up on my leg, I raise the laptop to see blood dripping groggily from its upside, I flip the laptop and see part of a finger. I swipe it off and go back to observing the results.

After sitting happily for around an hour, I find a backpack from an MTF soldier, emptying its contents and placing the laptop inside, I throw the bag over my shoulder. I begin on my journey out of the mega-facilities largest research lab, chuckling softly at all the destruction around me. A murmur rings out behind me and I turn around, glaring softly but unemotionally at the person trying to get up. I instead walked up to him, kicking him in the ribs and taking out the pistol from his holster. With utmost efficiency I shoot him point blank with it, his head falling into the new pile of brains that are now strewn across the floor. Dropping the pistol next to his hand, I turn around and continue on my journey to the heavy duty elevator, my mood ecstatic and my face gleaming with excitement with the results on the laptop. I stop in front of the lift, pressing the button, already anticipating how satisfied Site-01 will be with me.

Maybe they are using me, or maybe my mental illness really doesn't matter to them. One thing I do know is they appreciate the intelligence that balances my negatives, and I'm content with that.
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William G Gawber

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
Massive + Support

  1. Great RPer
  2. Knows what he's doing as he has previous experience
  3. Professional
  4. Approachable
  5. All-around great man

Keep up the good work and good luck!
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