[UK] Enzo Marchetti's D.E.A Special Agent application

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Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
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For how long have you played on CG SCP:
January 2022


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Enzo "Yankee" Marchetti

Civilian name:
Enzo M.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?:
Total level 187

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
D.E.A Senior Agent

Site Advisor
Overseer Assistant
Intelligence Ambassador
Executive Researcher
Security Captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM x2
NITRP warning (said O1 when it was still redacted)
LTARP warning (Had to get dinner, didnt appeal it)

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
3 - 4 days

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
The main reason I am applying for Special Agent is expanding my sight on the Department of External Affairs, with my experience as an Intelligence Ambassador I believe that I would be more efficient and useful as a Special Agent so that I will once again be able to lead operations, make departmental documentation and act as an active leader towards other agents

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I believe that I am suitable for Special Agent for the following reasons:

The first reason why I am suitable for Special Agent is my experience in multiple senior and non senior CL4 roles, especially Intelligence Ambassador who is extremely similar to the current D.E.A Special Agent. During my experience with these roles I learnt how to manage stressful situations, work on departmental documentation, train new agents, properly deal with misbehaving personnel and more

Paperwork skills
The second reason why I am suitable for Special Agent is my skills in paperwork, I have started making serious documents since I was an Executive Researcher, I am well aware on how to make an excellent document both in game and on google documents. I've passed my whole carreer in CN making departmental documents and I would love to do it more efficiently.

My last reason why I am suitable for Special Agent is my leadership, with my paperwork leading people is the other thing that i've been doing for my whole carreer on CN. I started leading when I was a Security Captain and managed to learn more during my time as Site Advisor, I have lead multiple successful operations when I used to be an Intelligence Ambassador

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written many documents for D.E.A (and Intel), I believe that to make a document excellent you must follow these steps:
- Make a good looking front page, it doesn't have to be anything crazy, but placing the department logo and some sub headlines (smalltext) would make the document more enjoyable to read and make the reader curious about what is going to be next

- Use correct grammar, it might sound basic, but using correct grammar makes the difference in a document, read your document after you finish it to correct spelling mistakes as the reader won't enjoy to interpret what you wrote

- Use a good looking format, it is essential to split the stuff that you are writing in a document, for example you will not stick the number of casualties in "Operation Objective(s)" section, the reader has to get a clear view about what the document is talking about, make different pages, use different paragraphs and especially use smalltext!!

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
The responsabilities of a Special Agent in RP are very similar to the Intelligence Ambassador's:
- Oversee the Department of External Affairs in absence of Agency Managers
- Train new Agents
- Work on documents to suggest possible changes that can improve the department
- Organize and lead operations for the department in order to keep it active
- Be seen as a responsable, reliable and active leader

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Archive [CL2] => Enzo Marchetti Biography
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Name: Enzo
Surname: Marchetti
Age: 23
Born In: Italy
Height: 186 cm
Eye Color: Green
Clearance Level: 4
Occupation: Department of External Affairs Special Agent
Would you like to view a thorough biography? [CL4][Y][N]
Welcome to Enzo's life.
Enzo was born in Italy in 1999. At the age of 16 it was reported his movement to the United States for studies purpouses. The database says that at the age of 17 the student moved to Virginia and entered 'The Farm', a notorious C.I.A. Spy training school. After years of studying Enzo became skillfull in the field of espionage. Thanks to this, recruiting Agent █████ ██████ was tasked in following Enzo's path and test him to see if he was worth to induct to the S.C.P. Foundation. From what the database tells us that Enzo managed to indirectly pass all tests given by the recruiting Agent so he was inducted to the External Affairs Department and was given a Non Disclosure Accord (N.D.A.) about the S.C.P. Foundation. During his time as an External Affairs Agent Enzo has shown excellent paperwork and espionage skills, shortly after he was promoted to Senior Agent and given Operative of the month by Director of External Affairs "Falcon". After he was promoted to Senior Agent Enzo started taking operatives into his own hands, he acted as an active leader, lead operations and wrote more documents to help the department, thanks to this he was given the rank of Special Agent.


Hello @MazuzaM

Thank you for showing interest in expanding your roles within the Department of External Affairs, after deliberation with members of the departmental leadership team we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request it to be put on hold until further notice, the reasons for this may be elaborated on should you decide to contact us.

Dpt. Director 'Falcon'

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This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​



CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020

Hello Enzo

Thank you for showing interest in expanding your roles within the Department of External Affairs, after deliberation with members of the departmental leadership team we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. We find you fit for the position.

Dep. Director 'John 'Smile'

Secure. Contain. Protect
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