[UK] Enzo Marchetti's Security Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Steam ID:
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For how long have you played on CG SCP:
January 2022
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Enzo Marchetti
Civilian name:
Massimo M.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 2 Warnings:
1 For RDM because we were joking in CI base like always and I finished someone that was down, unfortunately I did not recieve the verbal for the first offence.
The other warning is for Failrp|RDM I was not aware about the rule update that non combative couldnt pick up guns and kill someone with a valid RP Reason.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am currently applying for Captain for two reasons:
Unfortunately I did not have the chance to experience any Clearance 4 Jobs at the moment, I believe Captain is currently the best choice to start this experience.
The other reason why I am applying for Captain is because I would like to organize the Security Departement. Usually I see people minging around because they do not recieve enough attention by their Sergeants and Captains, I believe organising the departement would be possible with small debriefs and involve everyone so that they can have fun as well.
After taking advices from Captains, organizing D-Block as a Sergeant multiple times and hosting sweeps I believe I am ready to become a Captain
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I believe that I am suitable for Captain because of one thing, which is also the MOST important one:
Patience, you see I am very patient and I almost never get angry In Character for small errors that people make.
I think patience is the most important thing that a Captain should have since they encounter each day new players, the fact that they are new means that they will probably make mistakes while playing and Captains need to be understanding instead of banning them from the job or making Internal Affairs arrest them.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The Security Captains oversee the Gensec Departement:
They will be the first ones to punish if necessary any Security members that broke multiple rules in a specific time frame.
Security Captains are also able to do two other things:
Organize the Security departement for sweeps in D-Block, Host Rapid Response Team and Heavy License tryouts.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Enzo Marchetti, born in Milan in 1983, is the son of a farmer and a housekeeper: Enrico Marchetti and Annalisa Priore. His family was not rich at all, they lived in Milan outskirts in a small apartement. His father came always home late and brought a very little money that were not necessary to buy enough food for the month. At the age of 14 Marchetti had enough of the life his family was having so he decided to steal in stores with his friend Dario. Everything was going uphill for Marchetti's family until his 18th birthday when he decided to go celebrate in the woods. After partying with his friend Dario, Marchetti found a supply box full of food and they screamed: "This is a miracle|". But something was not right: There was an orange suit close to the stash that his friend Dario decided to pick up and wear. After messing around Dario screamed jokingly: "AHH I'M A PRISONER I'M HERE TO KILL YOU" and approached Marchetti and something shocking happened.
A bullet came from the woods and hit Dario in the head, Marchetti was desperated, he cried, screamed for help until a black figure appeared in the woods: It had a big hammer logo on his shoulder and he was carrying a submachine gun. Marchetti approached the unknown operative and screamed at him "WHY DID YOU SHOOT HIM?" the operative answered: "Stop screaming! he was going to kill you if it was not for me" and the operative injected a tranquilizer in Enzo. After 38 hours Enzo Marchetti woke up in an Office where he found a woman, she was beautiful, she had blonde and long hair with blue eyes. Her appearance tricked Marchetti, in fact she sat down on a chair and explained who were they and Enzo discovered about the SCP Foundation and she made him learn about his only two options he had: Be on trial period as a Cadet or be executed for stealing Nu-7's food stashes. Obviously the man chose the first option. After a couple years of Service as Cadet Enzo was promoted to Officer for his amazing work. As an Officer Marchetti entered in the Rapid Response program and experienced for the first times recontaining SCPs with other Task Forces, such as E-11. After being promoted to Sergeant Enzo applied for Security Captain and after being accepted a successful carreer was waiting him.

PS: The lore was taken from my other Application and was edited since I could not think of a fourth different lore

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Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
+ good rp
+ an excellent SGT
+ knows the code of ethics
+ Overall a very good SGT and is suitable to be a captain.

- CPT Dennis Fredriksen.


New Member
Jun 5, 2022
+ Support (but the better green)
Great rper
+ Easy to communicate with
+ Understanding
+ Have seen him manage D-block with 7-8+ Gensec
+ Great leader and makes sure everything is in check
+ Mature

GL man i know you can do it


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022

Application Accepted

Hello @MazuzaM
I'm happy to inform you that your application has been accepted. Congratulations.
Please contact the Chief of Security to proceed to the next steps.

Signed by:
Chief of Security Nate Mercer
This has made me very happy, he deserves to become a CPT.
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