(UK) Eric Peterson's Consultant App

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Mar 1, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:571487790
Discord name: mrlei
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since December '21.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Lithuania
Time zone: UTC +2
Character name(s): Eric Peterson, Dr. Eric Peterson (PSI-5), [LDR] Eric Peterson (Aa), Eric Peterson [OP], "Pragmatist".
Civilian name: Thorim Von Heiler
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Monthly v-time: List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher
Nu-7 LDR Sergeant
Omega - 1 Command Sergeant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Last infraction was at 2022 August 20th.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

The idea of consultant was something I originally thought I'd never go for back in my days as an executive during 2022 summer, however based on the changes that have significantly affected the way medical systems work in the server during the past year of my leave, I see medical department in new light. Given my experience with long and relatively detailed document skills that I have improved during my stay under the guidance of DoRs James Lyndon Pennington, Hamster, Jeremy Siens, Millzy. Such document skills will be demonstrated during surgery reports and/or psychological evaluations.

1) Attempt to generate a new model within the department to be used as a template or a guidebook to those new to such aspects as surgeries and/or psychological evaluations;
2) Facilitate the need of roleplay during medical procedures (surgeries and psychological evaluations) by encouraging roleplayers to interact more in-character;
3) Optimize the department suitable for people that want to have an alternative way to increase their documentation skills and creative writing via creating roleplay and then documenting (this is different compared to research model, where roleplay is limited by one's rank and the SCP);
4) Organize a handbook to be made which includes major documents so that each and every personnel may access information they need in a few clicks.

Alongside these 4 key points, I am here to generally provide more roleplay experience in-between departments. Sometimes this is very lacking as some departments have been known to isolate themselves. It would be my job to change this. Creating roleplay with a single department is fun, but the possibilities REALLY open up once a leader starts talking about multiple departments participating in a single storyline.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

Typically, I would say that everyone is unique and deserves a chance to explore something new *especially if medical department is their first choice to get a CL4 at *, yet such reasoning may be seen as bold, therefore I will focus on logical reasoning. When it comes to each individual, in CN community I can judge everyone based on 3 categories: roleplay quality, understanding of the SCP Universe, adaptability in serious situations. Let me briefly explain why these are important not just for the some individuals, but for each and every player that decides to give our servers a go.

1) These are, in my opinion, the most important 3 factors that everyone needs to improve in order to make the community more lenient to new players. Keeping a community alive is one of the hardest things, but as mentioned earlier I will put in my all in order to allow others around to experiment and understand "what makes them tick". Deeper understanding leads to more professional interactions later down the line which is why these key factors should be not be skimmed;
2) The ability to adapt in an ever-changing environment that is Site-65, whether a new SCPs are contained on site, new departments being introduced or even special lore individuals visiting our site. Each and every one of the departmental staff represent their departments by helping to paint a greater picture of the entire Site-65. Given my background as a long term executive, I have witnessed the change and have managed to improve my quality to adapt in a various scenarios that involve not just the daily tasks of a roleplayer, but also as a departmental executive. Same can be said for consultants as well due to the variety in their gameplay loop ranging from simple healing on the spot, to complex operations lasting up to 30 minutes or more of real life time.

I like to pioneer these 3 "qualities" to achieve an outstanding yes from others on the site. While my knowledge of medicine and its vocabulary may be limited, I believe that I more than make up for it using my SCP Universe knowledge, ability to adapt and most importantly allow others to prosper though roleplay scenarios. Roleplay also extends to every day interactions - SCPs and anomalies that may induce harm or fear, which is why the medical department should allow for a longer game loop when dealing with patients post-research studies and trainings that had them exposed to different variety of anomalies. I firmly believe that I have the resources and time to dedicate to the cause of improving the medical department standards.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

To begin with, any and all interactions should be accompanied by a goal without taking into consideration its size. This is especially true when it comes to Foundation personnel and the limited resources a medic, or a surgeon, can allocate. In spite of the limited resource, 3rd factor from above ("adaptability in serious situations") comes into play by providing opportunities to develop more sophisticated scenario. Under no condition must the roleplay deteriorate to facilitate the needs of one or the other party (does not involve OOC reasons). A person of interest must always have the ability to facilitate creativity from himself/herself.

I will use my own situation I have managed to cook on the spot between me, DoEA (Director of External Affairs) and a CI. I will provide my full surgery report and comments on why certain decisions were made as well as attempt to explain how they impact the procedure and the quality of roleplay this provides.
Here's the document explained

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

The way I see the consultant (as a position) is very simple. On the contrary it can be a very complex and very scary (if that is the right word put it), which is why I will attempt to explain it in different aspects.


As a junior clearance level 4 personnel, they are expected to be avid at creating and maintaining roleplay. Creating roleplay is self-explanatory, yet many may question: "What does he mean by saying "Maintaining roleplay"?", so to put it briefly, I believe it is just a phrase I use when I mean to say "maintaining specific route". If a specific way is acclaimed as the standard, it is the job of the Consultant to enforce it. For example, Combat Medic "introduction" or "tryout" has very specific procedures that must be followed either by the Consultant or people allowed to host them (Combat Medic Managers - Vex and Niox). Roleplay can also be introduced in a different matter.
Take a scenario where the Director of Medicine is not on-site. Then, the consultant should be the next in line to command medical staff in the Chain of Command. Which leads me to the second aspect that a consultant needs to embrace (or alternatively speaking, be good at).


Leadership is key. I hope that SOME PEOPLE will start taking this a bit more seriously when looking down upon and thinking: "This is a junior cl4, which means they are just learning and shouldn't be allowed to do X;Y;Z.", because not only can it be demotivating to start a new project a bit above yourself, but it may also hinder your self esteem. Both of these matter in the long run because of how roleplay is done. Nobody is forced to roleplay, they can just minge and be banned. Hooray, one minge down. HOWEVER. This is very important: these "junior cl4 position holders" are likely the future of the staff stationed at Site - 65. Keeping leadership as an all-time high personality trait might embrace others to seek more quality roleplay compared to being a douche and annoying everyone they see. Great leadership skills also simultaneously integrate into roleplay quality. How? A great leader can always micro-manage their staff more efficiently. This is especially true when it comes to trainee doctors (cl1) and doctors (cl2), combat medics and senior doctors are more or less familiar with their role within their department. (Or at least I have not seen any examples of the opposite). Either way anyone puts it, it is a game where we need to teach each other how to play. Consultant can do exactly that using great leadership and teaching skills.
But what happens when someone from another department fails to do their part? Continue reading!


Third most important part is the cross-communications between departments. As mentioned earlier, sometimes people like to trash on departments and ruin well-established relations. Consultant has the right to investigate and fix such issues. The position is special in this case due to it's ability to communicate with other CL4 people without having to go through your department leadership. Specifics can warry, but most of us seek to be friendly between each other.
Long story short, Consultant is a position that should have the capability and the right set of skills to be able to represent the entire department should the need arise.


Supervision is the least important out of these 4. Reason for that is the high level cap that most medical department employees have. The standards are being improved on a daily basis, so providing groundwork for a department is highly sought after. Supervision is mainly important for those lower clearance level personnel such as trainee doctors (cl1) and doctors (cl2) - they need the most amount of supervision to ensure that they do what we expect them to. Sometimes it is best to leave some people alone and let them develop on their own as a roleplayer.

These 4 covered, it is time to move onto the Protagonist that is Mr. Eric Peterson.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I am Chief Overseer "Chimera". Logging in for duty.
> Hello, please authenticate your identity.
*audible keyboard noises and a scratch is heard*
> Welcome, Overseer. How am I help you today?
I wish to access personnel file - Combat Medic Eric Peterson.
> Opening file Mr-Eric-Peterson_BloodVowToServe.
> I've sent it to your email. Please review.
Log out.
> Goodbye.

P.S. Yellow - important parts/questions, cyan - comments/explanations, red - sensitive information.
Last edited:
Sep 15, 2023
This is the one application where I’ll be completely honest. First off, Eric is an amazing individual who can effortlessly create roleplay scenarios from scratch. He maintains professionalism, even out of character, and has provided me and others with excellent tips and creative roleplay ideas. I can’t imagine him in any other Foundation role besides medical. He truly deserves the position of Consultant. This is why i am leaving a +MASSIVE SUPPORT.
  • Cool
Reactions: Eric Peterson
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa


The following message is composed via consensus of the Medical Leadership Team.

Hello, @Eric Peterson

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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