[UK] Ethics assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:72163519
Discord name: Nissan Local
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 2 weeks
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Dr. Darsun
Civilian name: Michel Larnfield
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Only whitelist 096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: no
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?

: id like to become an ethics committee assistant and belive id suit the role well because i always see and hear people asking for ethics, always wanting help always being abused but no one being able to help them or be there, this is where im able to shine, im capable of being active and attending to most matters quickly. I understand that even the D-class wish to have certain rights and to be treated with a level of respect, i want to help these people speak out and sort out this kind of abuse.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

The responsobilities of an ethics committee assistant is to help the ethics committe watch departments and the site as a whole to see if people are following guidelines and being humane, reporting the actions or members of the departments to the ethics committee memebers.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

My ethics committee character feels a level of empathy towards those who dont have a voice, such as the D-class or the lower ranks in certain departments. my character is there to help give people a voice on how there treated and to help the situation if possible, primarily spending time with distressed D-class or cadets/trainees to help them understand if there doing the right thing or not.


Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2021
Please, I like you but spend more than 10 minutes on a post. Most posts about whitelist (Excluding 096) take 20 - 40 minutes. I have to give you a -Support but please next time put some effort in and don't rush it.
Please, I like you but spend more than 10 minutes on a post. Most posts about whitelist (Excluding 096) take 20 - 40 minutes. I have to give you a -Support but please next time put some effort in and don't rush it.
as normal i appriciate the feedback, but in all honestly it was more so i wasent 100% sure what else to put for the application as im blatantly just not very good at them ?

Very short application
No CL4 or MTF experience
i cant deny no ive got no CL4 or MTF experiance and ive spet ny time primaily as research, support and SCP having 0 actual combat level, my current possition is a senior scientist. but i was unaware MTF experiance was required to become assistant, its why i went for assistant instead of full member, due to lack of combat experiance.

And my reason for the length of the applicaiton is again being unsure what to actually put on the application to beef it out and make it longer, for research documents i have a few times to go over them before i get them looked at properly. but when it comes to forum apps i dont really have that luxury im affraid, so it tends to just be the first shoot if that makes sense, but as always i appriciate the feedback, even if it is similar to the feedback i was given previously
i cant deny no ive got no CL4 or MTF experiance and ive spet ny time primaily as research, support and SCP having 0 actual combat level, my current possition is a senior scientist. but i was unaware MTF experiance was required to become assistant, its why i went for assistant instead of full member, due to lack of combat experiance.

And my reason for the length of the applicaiton is again being unsure what to actually put on the application to beef it out and make it longer, for research documents i have a few times to go over them before i get them looked at properly. but when it comes to forum apps i dont really have that luxury im affraid, so it tends to just be the first shoot if that makes sense, but as always i appriciate the feedback, even if it is similar to the feedback i was given previously
MTF experience obviously isn't required, however I consider assistant to be somewhat more "senior" junior CL4 position, I believe that you should get some more experience on the server before getting this role, whether that be ambassador, executive or MTF NCO. That's just my personal opinion on this. Good luck with the application nonetheless.
Dec 21, 2021


- You do not have any CL4 experience or any Senior position experience.
- Your application is very brief and short. It could use more details.
- Grammar and punctuations are very bad.

+/- I have never seen you on the server, nor interacted with you.
+ No warnings.

Nothing personal, you simply require more experience. As it has been stated you require Clearance 4 experience before applying and you do not have any Clearance 4 experience. You also applied for Executive Researcher when you hit Level 15 in research, obviously doesn't have any experience. My suggestion for you is to observe other Seniors and see how they are handling situations and conducting their duties and get experienced within the server. When you feel like you're ready for any CL4 position, then you could try applying.

Good luck.
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Darsun's application for a position on Ethics Assistant
Thank you for showing your interest as a member of being an Assistant for the Ethics Committee. The committee has decided to deny your application. Contact me on Discord/Teamspeak to discuss this further.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

Signed and Approved
Broda Kagen
Director of the Ethics Committee​
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