Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for nearly 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul [DR-1]
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive researcher (held)
GOC R&D - Lcpr (Holding)
Nu7 Spec (held)
E-11 Lcpl (held)
Licenced doctor
Heavy weapons licence
RRT licence
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-7- total warn {Checked}
FailRP [C] warn
RDM [x2] warn
ERP [x2] warn
Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for nearly 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul [DR-1]
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive researcher (held)
GOC R&D - Lcpr (Holding)
Nu7 Spec (held)
E-11 Lcpl (held)
Licenced doctor
Heavy weapons licence
RRT licence
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-7- total warn {Checked}
FailRP [C] warn
RDM [x2] warn
ERP [x2] warn

<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
-I am applying for Ethics committee assistant as i have a deep passion and goal for working and creating extensive pieces of work that can benefit the foundation. as well as having a great knowledge and understanding for creating and working for projects. this means that I have a deep knowledge of creating detail and making sure to have as much effort as possible when creating any kind of documentation, as well as creating ideas and expansions to have a more in depth skill towards the testing and completion of documentation for the foundation. I also have the ability to create completely new types of documentation, towards any department that is needed.
So far my experience as an executive researcher for years has teached me how to be professional and interactive with different personal. This means treating different types of personnel with respect and finding a critical conclusion to an argument and critical thinking for coming up with ideas. This means creating constructive criticism to withhold a professional standpoint for the ethics committee. I have the ability to create excellent work, making sure that it is only submitted when I believe it is reached above and beyond standpoint. My work is an executive researchers also taught me responsibilities as well as the requirements as an assistant, in which I would try turn myself into the very best of the best assistances for the efforts committee. Making sure to listen to The advance, demands and follow orders.
My activity on the server has proved to be consistent time and time again making sure that I am as active as possible in the foundation to ensure that my work is completed, as well as keeping a professional standpoint. I focus on one job which means I will be mostly active on assistant as well as ensuring I answer questions with the best response. Making sure to not go afk when I am on the job and actually doing something.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
The main role of an ethics committee assistant is to support and follow their command. This means following their every instructions given with the best of your ability because sure is done in a professional manner as well as this quickly as possible to ensure they have their results they wanted or the information they want to receive. Assistance in also complete tasks for the ethics committee so an example can be requests to creating amnestics, for the ethics commit to use at any point when they believe they want to use it.
Another beneficial role needed for the assets committee assistant, is to complete tasks needed for the efforts could be even when they are not on site. Using intuition as well as common sense to complete needed requests or assignments as well as updates on common projects and gathering information for the ethics committee when they return. Basically completing tasks for them even if there is no orders as long as they benefit the efforts the ethics committee.
During the time as an assistant you are required to act professionally when it comes to either speaking to different departments, or speaking and interacting with personal. This means maintaining professionalism as well as making sure when interacting with other personnel not to mess around, when you are needed to withholder professional standpoint.
With the higher status of an assistant, you have more responsibility as well as authority when it comes to authorization. One example of this is the authorization for QRF, for the GOC to be authorized into the site to help with the foundations efforts. Another example when it comes to authorization is authorizing the AA armory. However these responsibilities are only to be authorized when there is no other personnel available to authorize it, and you have the correct judgment in the situation to authorize the depending need. This means not authorizing the AA armory when it is not needed, making sure to not allow unjust actions within the foundation as well. Another thing regarding the authorization is operating the Blast doors for heavy containment zone when requested. As well as operating the clearance for Blast doors for personal Wing during a containment breach. Making sure to announce these actions on communication devices in order for other personal to know that they are closed.
Similar to the authorisation for the ethics committee, an assistant is also able to authorize scp-008 tests if it deems to be safe in the documentation as well as withholding safety regulations and information recording the test in detail. Making sure to only sign the test with the ethics commit permission, an example of this can be when a senior researcher is asking for authorization for SCP 008 test. And you will give an a documentation, the best steps in order to authorize it is to notify the ethics committee member and either show the documentation or read. The documentation for them to understand the Instance of the test the objective as well as involving the safety regulations making sure if they deem necessary you are allowed to authorize it.
Having your voice heard, this means giving help to the ethics committee members for ideas as well as safety regulations to implement into different departments. Or creating ideas for them to use freely as well as giving out constructive criticism to the ethics committee ideas to make sure they realize all the benefits and drawbacks towards there decision. As well as giving ideas for different operations within other departments and operations to withhold within the foundation for the ethics community use if they deem it.
Other responsibilities involved with the ethics committee assistant, is managing MTF O-1, to complete tasks set tasks by the ethics committee managing them so that they complete tasks successfully in a professional standpoint.
Organising meetings for the ethics committee, this means creating or organizing meetings for the Ethics committee from their request and speaking about the information and Gathering feedback from different personnel about their opinions and relaying them to the ethics committee members.
Another responsibility for the ethics committee assistant is to ensure the safety of the members, this means making sure they are in a safe environment or safe location during any event when they leave the safety or area. This basically means making sure they have it MTF O-1 with them to ensure to safety.
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<end of application>

< Secure . Contain . Protect >
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
This information is classified any personal below the correct clearance level seen with document could be arrested or worse.
### Data log entry: - Ethics Assistant: Jesse Soul ###

I'm doing it, I thought that would be no way for me to complete this task again however I was given another opportunity. This time I'll make sure it counts that they still struck me as my biggest mistake this time it's going to be different. I'll make sure, I'll find him this time. First thing I need to do is write down this data log. It should help me remember since I did get him amnesticated before. Which meant my brain was a bit f***** at the time. Hopefully writing down this detailed should help me remember I've just gotta write down everything. Every step that I took.
It all started in the foundation so site-17 to be exact, I was transferred over to that site to have some research done as well as an evaluation on the current stature the site. This basically meant know was transferred there to make sure everything was running smoothly and then lay everything back to the Ethics committee, is basically men know was there to be in an evaluation on their research. Noting down significant progress in their Project. However the object they were research you on was not an object anymore. Somehow during the process of their research they managed to meet the object transform into a living instance.
The research is the information saying " well assistant, I'm afraid the research is going to be have cut into a different topic. As you know the object you transferred over to site 17 for the research study has suddenly Transformed. This instance or subject himself seems to be a male six feet in height. We've not had class-d transferred yet to do an intelligence evaluation. However I want to warn you seems to be thinking. If my observation is correct I think this instance or entity has an intelligent minded is currently thinking of away for escape. I would highly suggest contacting your mtf to allow us to have a bit more security. "
After the words security ended out of that researchers mouth. A large crash could be heard from the containment cell. I was confused stunned and his shock. I thought to myself how the hell saw made that loud " bang! " that containment cell could not be broken out of. The cell will specially designed to be bulletproof on all sides a five meter by 5 meter round cell. Even the containment blast door was used with the same material to guard both heavy containment zone checkpoints. What the hell made that sound?
I turned to the researcher after the sound had finished, and advised all of them to try and escort themselves out of the observation area, as you could be in danger if you stay in that location for any more time. Small group of security guards were tasked to split up by me. Requesting two of the officers to escort the researchers and non-combative personnel out to the containment area. While the two of their officers were advised to find the location of where the sound was coming from or the breakage into the containment chamber.
About five minutes past after that I kept watch while the two officers were escort in each research around. After the researchers had left the room that were on their way to the medical Wing in case any of them were injured. I turned back toward the area at where the sound was coming from before. And where I sent the two other officers. I made my way over to that side of the containment observation area. Smoke scattered across the room after I opened up the door, a fire must have started I thought luckily enough there was an alarm and sprinkler system next to the door my first Instinct was to pull it until I saw that thing.
He was standing six feet tall holding both heads at the offices that I sent over to scout the area of the containment breach. I froze. I couldn't move I couldn't speak. After I saw the heads of both the officers. Then out of shock a spoke " why are you here who are you ", after those words left my mouth he dash towards me. Since the smoke and the door was open I was able to have a better view of him over than just him being a figure. He was tall black with white hair. Covered in bruises chains and no clothes. It's changed however covered most of his body he was littered with them. chains covering his chest legs Arms the only parts of his body that I was able to see over then chains was his hands head of feet. I thought to myself if he was alright. Then I remember that he was dashed towards me probably with the intent to kill me. I can't really remember much else after he ran towards me.
Slightly remember visions of me pulling the sprinkler system making him distracted. Maybe he was locked in that object for a long. Of time until being released it looked like you barely knew a water was, either that to reburns his skin. After that most of my memory just kind of cut out.
I then returned out to the observation area and locked him in the containment observation wing. This means that pulled the emergency lockdown to close all entrances into the observation area. Effectively trapping The Entity. Most of the researchers were actually with me when I pulled the lever, I advise them to stay calm and so once called the MTF Squadron to head over and try recontain him. Reminding everyone to stay calm.
After that I head over to the medical wings pull out phone and dialled the intake number for the ethics committee. A layed all the information that I gathered as well as the events that occurred during that short. Of time of my transfer. They then stated to me that my objective was not changed into a new one. This was to figure out a way to contain him and keep everyone else safe. Keep the department safe. Then i was given a code to the AA armory inside of Site-17 and was advised to authorize MTF O-1, for the termination of that instance now code named "chained".
I was then able to organize a recontainment or termination of the Instance advising 01 above the current information of how he acts and how to Distract him, informed them that he seemed to be in a disoriented state he may not know what he's doing, best advice and authorization I can give is for you to recontain him to remains of confusion. Placing gas areas at the observation room. In order to confuse him and take him down.
However after I informed the MTF, The Entity managed to break out the containment lockdown. Somehow that entity managed to break out and run away. The consuming reach then turned to a site wide lockdown due to an uncontained anomaly roaming the site. However he was able to break himself out to surface? After that he disabled all the CCTV systems and we will unable to locate him. I failed...
I was to careless and was not fast enough or quick enough to give immediate reaction and then blamed myself for the loss of the SCP,, however this new opportunity is hopefully able to give me another chance to redeem my failure and capture that SCP is a determinate or recontained an either one. That thing does not deserve the Freedom it seeks.
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
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