[UK] Executive Researcher Application - James Whittney

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Apr 10, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83396470

Discord name: Desired#6918

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1d, 42m, 55s

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: UTC-6

Character name(s): James Whittney

Civilian name: Charles Wyatt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Internal Affairs Operative, Intelligence Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 week ban for MRDM (Reduced to 5 days) (I do have experience as Senior Researcher but the required Research Level changed)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- Mostly because I would like to engage more with other researchers and to see their discoveries and rate them, also to make it easier for myself to perform Level 4 clearance tests. I find myself wanting to achieve the impossible and to perform the utmost excellency.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I'm hard working, I can be very professional and I have helped many Junior Researcher's. I showed to my superiors that I have a good understanding of Research and I have not gotten any document rating under Average. I get my work done properly, I look it over thoroughly and fix my mistakes and finish the job. I believe this job suits me very well, I have done over 10 tests with a rating of Average or Higher and I would like to achieve a higher understanding of research, and so that's why I'm applying.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- 1 excellent document at when I first became Senior Researcher I tested SCP-096. I believe what makes a document excellent is depth and a proper structure, every excellent document should have an Aim, Method, a Hypothesis and a Conclusion. A researcher should always make a test unique and must make it stand out.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- An Executive Researcher not only performs tests but now since they have a good understanding of writing reports they are now responsible for rating fellow Researchers reports as well. The Executive Researcher must be prepared and mature since now they hold a higher clearance. The higher clearance allows them to perform Level 4 tests easily and can now approve cross tests, although to keep in mind that the cross test should be performed in a safe matter with no breach risk or a risk that a D-Class could become deceased.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- James was born in Alberta, Canada, he was forced to move after his mother was forced to be deported, he never figured out the reason why though. James emigrated to the UK and began his journey practising how to research, he graduated University and saw a letter in the mail about the SCP Foundation, he opened it and it was a job application that included benefits and his dream job, a Researcher. When he went to the coordinates he found in the letter, it was peculiar, all the students gathered in a room with 4 vents in the ceiling that faintly said "Class-3 Amnesia" he pondered why there would be a gas outlet in a classroom, he ignored it and started signing contracts and government papers, the man up front said that if you don't wish to sign the papers you will have to stay in the room, those who did would have to exit. Since this was James's only chance at a job he signed the papers and left the room. James went through a brief training and made himself familiar with all the scientific instruments, he learned how to make documents and all that. His first test he never deemed to be including death. No one ever told him that some tests could kill the subject, it traumatized him but he had gotten used to it and continued testing, he enjoyed the job but he wanted to achieve something higher, he wanted to climb the ladder more, so he applied for the Executive Researcher role.
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Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
- Support

The reason I come to you with having multiple + Supports and on the contrary giving you a - Support is for the fact that at about 10:00 PM EST Time on 6/19/2022, you were warned for FailRP while representing the research department as a Senior Researcher, you had purposefully went into 035's chamber and put on the mask while having an assault rifle single handedly breaching the SCP ON PURPOSE and causing many casualties due to your ignorance while playing.

My overall opinion on your application remains a - Support due to you bringing a bad reputation to the Research Department while also breaking server rules.

The proof that correlates with this incident remains in this clip provided by staff.

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Apr 10, 2022
- Support

The reason I come to you with having multiple + Supports and on the contrary giving you a - Support is for the fact that at about 10:00 PM EST Time on 6/19/2022, you were warned for FailRP while representing the research department as a Senior Researcher, you had purposefully went into 035's chamber and put on the mask while having an assault rifle single handedly breaching the SCP ON PURPOSE and causing many casualties due to your ignorance while playing.

My overall opinion on your application remains a - Support due to you bringing a bad reputation to the Research Department while also breaking server rules.

The proof that correlates with this incident remains in this clip provided by staff.

That was not me and I did not have an assault rifle, that was another person. I went in there to check if the mask was there, thats why I went in. You are accusing the wrong person because I never breached 035. I don't know why you are targeting me on both applications but like come on man, you got the wrong impression. That one video clip only shows me going into 035 pinning me the bad person. I don't know why you have to be this guy but like come on dude. And I have to say, Tea, I think you are very biased and you always get the wrong idea. From what I hear is that you only do +Supports if you get bribed, and that you always try to find a way to -Support new people or so. I don't like you Tea. Also I see your comments/replies, and about 80% of them are -Supports, that's not a hoax, you do those purposefully because there is no way in hell that many people suck.
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Well-known Member
Mar 12, 2022
- Support

The reason I come to you with having multiple + Supports and on the contrary giving you a - Support is for the fact that at about 10:00 PM EST Time on 6/19/2022, you were warned for FailRP while representing the research department as a Senior Researcher, you had purposefully went into 035's chamber and put on the mask while having an assault rifle single handedly breaching the SCP ON PURPOSE and causing many casualties due to your ignorance while playing.

My overall opinion on your application remains a - Support due to you bringing a bad reputation to the Research Department while also breaking server rules.

The proof that correlates with this incident remains in this clip provided by staff.

I don't think Oyul would do that tbh, I have never seen him do such acts, and I don't believe you have the right impression of him.

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
That was not me and I did not have an assault rifle, that was another person. I went in there to check if the mask was there, thats why I went in. You are accusing the wrong person because I never breached 035. I don't know why you are targeting me on both applications but like come on man, you got the wrong impression. That one video clip only shows me going into 035 pinning me the bad person. I don't know why you have to be this guy but like come on dude. And I have to say, Tea, I think you are very biased and you always get the wrong idea. From what I hear is that you only do +Supports if you get bribed, and that you always try to find a way to -Support new people or so. I don't like you Tea.

I'd like to start out with the fact that you were warned under staff discretion, this meaning that you did indeed do this and it is now on your record, the clip was provided from the same staff member that had warned you. Moving on to your second point, you could have simply opened the first door to 035's Containment and looked within the Containment Cell, you would've clearly seen that the mask was both intact and within it's containment, you would have never needed to enter it's containment if you did not have other intentions while entering. Onto your third point, 035 was recently breached with your name on it and was heavily armed with assault rifles causing mass killings and so fourth. Onto your fourth point, my - Support was based completely on what I currently have proof of and what I have seen in game, no bias has been placed within my +/- supports that I have done here and in the past nor have I been payed to give a good reputation on some ones application. Onto your fifth point, quite honestly, it's fine, you don't have to like me and in fact nobody has to, everybody has their biases against people and if I am yours than so be it, I can't make everyone happy nor can I change your opinion on me.

- Private 'Lotus'
Apr 10, 2022

I'd like to start out with the fact that you were warned under staff discretion, this meaning that you did indeed do this and it is now on your record, the clip was provided from the same staff member that had warned you. Moving on to your second point, you could have simply opened the first door to 035's Containment and looked within the Containment Cell, you would've clearly seen that the mask was both intact and within it's containment, you would have never needed to enter it's containment if you did not have other intentions while entering. Onto your third point, 035 was recently breached with your name on it and was heavily armed with assault rifles causing mass killings and so fourth. Onto your fourth point, my - Support was based completely on what I currently have proof of and what I have seen in game, no bias has been placed within my +/- supports that I have done here and in the past nor have I been payed to give a good reputation on some ones application. Onto your fifth point, quite honestly, it's fine, you don't have to like me and in fact nobody has to, everybody has their biases against people and if I am yours than so be it, I can't make everyone happy nor can I change your opinion on me.

- Private 'Lotus'
I know I did not do this nor do I see the fact that it is on my record, I understand that my actions ended up with a warning and I take full blame for that, but not in any way have I breached 035. Secondly, you shouldn't really have the main door open (because if there were no containment blocker then a breach would happen) I could've gone to the observation deck instead. But because of my crappy computer I had to get up close to see if it was there. I'm sorry if my skill set is not to be desired but we aren't all perfect are we.

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
I know I did not do this nor do I see the fact that it is on my record, I understand that my actions ended up with a warning and I take full blame for that, but not in any way have I breached 035. Secondly, you shouldn't really have the main door open (because if there were no containment blocker then a breach would happen) I could've gone to the observation deck instead. But because of my crappy computer I had to get up close to see if it was there. I'm sorry if my skill set is not to be desired but we aren't all perfect are we.

Again, I'd like to start with the fact that you are currently denying ever doing the things that you have been accused of yet there being clear proof of you doing so with the clip provided above. Secondly you contradict your words and admit to the thing you have been accused of by saying that "your actions ended up with a warning and you take full blame for such". To address the third point you make, the Containment Blocker is there for a reason, and whether or not the Door was open or not, he wouldn't of breached without going through the system or someone forcefully breaching him. I was not the one who opened the main door so I cannot comment on that, lastly, instead of entering a containment cell, just use common sense and go to the observation room, it's not that hard. Otherwise it can be dealt with within RP with an arrest from Internal Affairs or a Staff Issue.
Jun 19, 2022
- Support

The reason I come to you with having multiple + Supports and on the contrary giving you a - Support is for the fact that at about 10:00 PM EST Time on 6/19/2022, you were warned for FailRP while representing the research department as a Senior Researcher, you had purposefully went into 035's chamber and put on the mask while having an assault rifle single handedly breaching the SCP ON PURPOSE and causing many casualties due to your ignorance while playing.

My overall opinion on your application remains a - Support due to you bringing a bad reputation to the Research Department while also breaking server rules.

The proof that correlates with this incident remains in this clip provided by staff.

He didn't do that ur just making stuff up he just checked it he didn't do all that stuff as u see in the clip
Going to 035's chamber is alright but bee-lining to 035 itself isnt in my books, given the clip and that there were a 035 breach with assault rifles as a researcher, and saying you are just checking doesnt really cut it for me considering you went inside its containment room when you can clearly see that the SCP is still contained. and if the blast door IS open you should head up to the observation chamber to close it instead of going inside the containment chamber, as 035 can pull people in to grab the mask from that distance. So it really seems to be that you were trying to breach 035's containment.
Going to 035's chamber is alright but bee-lining to 035 itself isnt in my books, given the clip and that there were a 035 breach with assault rifles as a researcher, and saying you are just checking doesnt really cut it for me considering you went inside its containment room when you can clearly see that the SCP is still contained. and if the blast door IS open you should head up to the observation chamber to close it instead of going inside the containment chamber, as 035 can pull people in to grab the mask from that distance. So it really seems to be that you were trying to breach 035's containment.
He isnt allowed to close it

Source: Code of Ethics 3.03, Amendament 1 and Amendament 6
Dec 21, 2021

-Never seen him in game, teamspeak. No interactions.
-Unsure of your rule knowledge.
-Internal Affairs Operative, Intelligence Operative doesnt count as whitelist.

-Bad in-game record.
-Low amount of time playing.
-You said you don't have Senior Researcher (CL3) experience.
-Willing to be Executive Researcher.
-Good application.

Good luck, no hard feelings.

You should gain more experience as CL3, Senior Researcher first before applying for an higher position like Clearance 4 holding whitelists.
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Application Denied

Hi James,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

We have decided to deny your application due to your previous conduct. You should attempt to build a more positive reputation on-site before reapplying.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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