[uk] gales gamemaster app.

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Jun 27, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):g97777
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:5 days in game vtime
In what country are you located?:usa
Time zone:est
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): vespera "gale" night
Chaos name (include your rank):cs vespera ghostflowers
Civilian name: gale
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448160311
Discord ID (name#0000): yougene#2330
Do you have a mic?:yes
What server are you applying for?:uk
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- one ban rdm/nitrp one rdm meta one meta one rdmx2 all different in kind of offence
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: yes was cn mrp tgm
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-yes 3 years playing on mrp plus about 3-4m of that was as tgm
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 4min hours – 8+ hours
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- to be a gm again, I left mrp due to toxicity. I want to go back to hosting and writing events.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
i was mrp tgm for 3-4m and did some well received events. I also have fun playing and rping. I have good interactions and am well liked.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

goc have to break up a fight between Anderson robotics and mcd They try to stop it only to have both party's turn on the goc and fight goc instead. The goc then call the foundation to stop the fighting once and for all and they are fire upon immediately and kill auth is given. The fight wraps up soon after and they go back to base.

Foundation has to seal a large hume field in pw. No Scranton's work only the power of both type greens however they are to be breached by a ci raid and as the research team goes to get both tgs they and killed and the tgs breached. Foundation must rc the tgs and seal the hume field.

Ci raid f3 to steal the anomaly's bibles photocopy. They are met by a-1 and o-1 and the o5s and told to give up. the tb bullet stops and the ci press the elevator button. the a-1 and o-1 chase the ci all the way back to ci base.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server) highland deadlock
Foundation ci and goc would fight an all-out wargame in the highlands of redacted [mrp highland is the map.
They would all be given tanks and smaller armored vehicles as well.
they would all have war funds.
Ci would be set up in csb base.
goc in nato base.
Foundation in nwo.
Mcd would give a prize winner of each war and the overall event and would be the host of the games.
mcd would add more rules that changed for each war.
mcd would also give peacetime missions.
The bases would be modified for the teams.
They would then duke it out with 3 wars and 3 peacetimes

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: black moon howls o-1 would attack f3 in a recreation of black moon howls to kill the O5s
A-1: black moon howls would defend f3 and the O5s in the same manner.
Nu-7: would escort a member of Anderson robotics into the site to f3 facing ci.
E-11: would go into deep research and find lots of Anderson robotics products inside. They would work with research and dea to see how it got there. they find out but then get class ed
CI: would attack a member of Anderson robotics going to f3.
UNGOC: face fake mcd who are killing people of pinewood. They have 3 hostages and want 3l of Potent Duloxetine. The goc refuse to negotiate however it will possibly cause hostages to die.
Foundation Staff: research and dea would help e-11 with finding out how lots of Anderson robotics products got inside deep research.
they find out but then get class ed
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Very short and not detailed for a GM app. I'd recommend looking at the detail of other accepted GM applications and improving yours.

+ Experience as MRP TGM, although unsure of what events you did and what quality they were

- Map event change is just MRP, down to the map we just had campaigns on. If people want to play MRP, they can hop on that server.
- A1 + O1 events are the same
- E11 + Nu7 + Foundation Staff events are extremely similar, seem like all the same event
- CI small event is just an MR with some objective
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Jun 27, 2022

Very short and not detailed for a GM app. I'd recommend looking at the detail of other accepted GM applications and improving yours.

- Map event change is basically an MRP war
- A1 + O1 events are the same
- E11 + Nu7 + Foundation Staff events are extremely similar, seem like all the same event

- CI small event is just an MR with some objective
Not to be harsh but ci don’t like not being able to raid, a-1/o-1 is a joint event e-11 and foundation staff are helping each other and n-7 is the set up for the e-11 foundation staff event. Oh ya ci is raiding the nu-7 event. Did I forget to mention the detailed small events. the map change is so that scp has a mrp like mrp had a scp event.
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Not to be harsh but ci don’t like not being able to raid, a-1/o-1 is a joint event e-11 and foundation staff are helping each other and n-7 is the set up for the e-11 foundation staff event. Oh ya ci is raiding the nu-7 event. Did I forget to mention the detailed small events
Having been in CI multiple times and for long periods, and seeing loads of CI events, there have been loads of great ones where there was no combat involved. I don't understand why you are speaking on behalf of CI saying "CI don't like not being able to raid", when your rank is CS and to my knowledge have not been in CI for a long period of time. There is a lot more lore and possibilities to CI than just "fuck foundation, let's raid em".

That's all I will say. I maintain my -support. I am by no means any expert for events, but I think this is an application that isn't sufficient for a GM position.
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Apr 6, 2023
Unfortunately I am gonna be giving you a -Support

+Your a nice guy and have MRP GM Experience
-The event ideas as seem rushed
-In particular I haven't seen you follow the rules in past but I understand a lot of it was due to simply not knowing and not just sheer mingery

( If you decide to change you application based on this criticism I may change my view but as always do try and improve <3 )
Hi Gale, glad you made a GM application and hope you take my feedback onboard.

The three small events seem very undetailed and very generic. The general theme of this is combat and little roleplay. My advice is to look outside the box a bit and see what could be fun for the players.

The map change event, whilst it actually sounds fun, doesn't quite hit the mark for what we look for in a Game Master. Look into some alternative SCPs we rarely get to see that we could introduce on a map change as we can import models for the event. Be as creative as you possibly can be with this section.

The A1/O1 event is just a normal Tuesday afternoon, try diving into their lore a bit more. I highly suggest browsing the wiki on their backstories.

The Nu-7 event needs a lot more detail, all this entails is a 5 minute escort.
With the rest, you reuse the idea of Anderson Robotics a lot and it doesn't demonstrate your overall knowledge or creativity.

I suggest taking some time to familiarise yourself on the basics of each regiment/department and looking back over this.

Hope the feedback helps you and best of luck!
Jun 27, 2022
Hi Gale, glad you made a GM application and hope you take my feedback onboard.

The three small events seem very undetailed and very generic. The general theme of this is combat and little roleplay. My advice is to look outside the box a bit and see what could be fun for the players.

The map change event, whilst it actually sounds fun, doesn't quite hit the mark for what we look for in a Game Master. Look into some alternative SCPs we rarely get to see that we could introduce on a map change as we can import models for the event. Be as creative as you possibly can be with this section.

The A1/O1 event is just a normal Tuesday afternoon, try diving into their lore a bit more. I highly suggest browsing the wiki on their backstories.

The Nu-7 event needs a lot more detail, all this entails is a 5 minute escort.
With the rest, you reuse the idea of Anderson Robotics a lot and it doesn't demonstrate your overall knowledge or creativity.

I suggest taking some time to familiarise yourself on the basics of each regiment/department and looking back over this.

Hope the feedback helps you and best of luck!
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal-ii the nu-7 event is connected to the e-11 Event. Oh and read the link on how it’s a big event for a-1/o-1 and It has Lore.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Gale,
Your application does not go into enough detail on its events for me to be able to confidently support you becoming a member of the GM team.

Additionally, you confuse lore concepts and seem to only hold a basic understanding of them. You seem to have confused "Black Moon" which is Tanhony's second proposal, with "Dead Men" which is Tanhony's first proposal. Black moon does not in fact deal with a conflict between Alpha-1 and Omega-1, and instead focuses on the eponymous Black moon and its relationship to the Administrator.

Until this application is expanded significantly, i feel unable to properly evaluate you and your viability as a game master
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