+/-Neutral leaning towards -Support
-From what I’ve seen you are a pretty active and helpful SA members to their DPT’s (such as E11 and Medical from my time there) and as a Director/Organiser I think you would do fine, and you are someone that people inside F can go to about issues, but past that, that’s really it.
I won’t go into toxicity and unprofessional since that’s already been covered above - but I quite frankly haven’t seen you create much RP as a SA or SM member past negotiations in comms, and from what others are saying when you do RP it is not up to standard.
-There have also been instances with you doing negotiations with CI instead of DEA - taking away from DEA’s main source of RP. I feel as though having you as a Site Director may enable this more.
Overall I do believe you can take the position of SD given some time - but right now I just can’t give you a +Support with everything mentioned.
Best of luck,