[UK] Glasgow's O5-4 'The Consigliere' Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:574978103
Discord name: grong__
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2037 Hours (Since December 2022)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): F- 'Glasgow' CI- Harry 'Gong'
Civilian name: Harold Pritcher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently Alpha-1 Major
Alpha-1 Commander
Nu-7 SGT and LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Bans are all 3 years old and for shit which I would never do again, and warnings are all about 2+ years old. If you want to see a full list you can look at my old application.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the position of O5-4. The reason I am applying is because I believe that during my time as A-1 Major I have proven myself to be able to RP well and provide and encourage a good standard of RP for Alpha-1, I wish to do this for more than just one or 2 departments and I believe as an O5 I will be able to do this. Additionally, I think I have proven myself to be competent enough in my current position of A-1 major to move up and hold more responsibility within the foundation again.

Another reason I am applying is because my previous time in O5 was one of the most fun and engaging times I’ve ever had on the server and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the job both In character and Out of Character.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

I believe there are a fair few factors that make me the best candidate for this position:

Experience and RP
I have worked alongside the O5 Council for the vast majority of my time on the server including even being on the Council for 3 months until I stepped back down to Alpha-1 to try and help with ongoing issues within the regiment. Because I have worked so closely with the Council for this amount of time I am fully aware of the weight that the position holds and the responsibility that comes along with it. Alongside this in my over 2000 hours of playing this server and being around it since December of 2022, I have had the pleasure of working alongside every department the server has to offer and I am 100% certain I can create interesting and engaging RP for them all. This is very valuable as Overseers are expected to be consistently looking to create as much RP as possible for people to get involved with. My current main RP project, which I can’t go into too much specifics on as it’s an ongoing A-1 order. What I can say is that it aims to provide a regular source of RP between Alpha-1 and most departments on the server to do during downtimes or if nothing’s going on on the server. My personal favourite example of RP which I have created is is when as O5 previously, I was given a primary action document in character (Actual real thing that happened not even an event) which I managed to turn into a large scale event where A-1 and O5 staged a hostile takeover of the ethics committee. We kidnapped the ECC, which without our knowledge inadvertently activated Primary Action and resulted in Resh-1 Raiding the Site, hunting down and kidnapping all O5 and Ethics Committee members and killing us. This event resulted in the PKing of 3 Site Command Members. In terms of day to day RP I have been conducting spot checks on Alpha-1 and leading regular bunk inspections and infiltrations on other regiments and departments.

During my time as A-1 CO, Commander, and Overseer I have prided myself on being able to run things smoothly and efficiently. I believe specifically in A-1,I have been able to help lead and run the regiment both in character and out of character, always enforcing high standards for the regiment in both aspects. During my time as Reg Command in A-1 I feel that regimental activity and competency has increased dramatically in part because of my efforts and the efforts of the CO team at large. I am frequently trying to encourage A-1 NCOs to go off on their own and try and sort some of their own RP out which they find fun, I feel it’s an important part of leadership to allow the people under you to have their own autonomy and allow them to have their own fun. As a CO I am constantly looking for feedback about my style of leading and if I could be doing anything better in any way, both In-Character and Out of Character.

During my time as A-1 CO the first time round I was constantly creating and maintain the regimental documents which were in a fairly poor-ish state with several of the documents containing ridiculous amounts of bloat and unnecessary wording which made joining A-1 a fairly unfriendly process for new players and was all hugely daunting. Any examples of this are now unfortunately gone but anyone who was a CO at the time when I was around will remember how much I worked on the documentation at the time. I am someone who enjoys working with documents and is frequently looking to create new ones, or update existing ones. In my opinion any SC member must be at least semi-competent with documents which I can happily say I am.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
-Ensuring that all site personnel are going about their duties in a professional and timely manner to ensure that the site is running smoothly all round and dealing with it accordingly when this is not happening.

-Handling and calling of Code Black Scenarios mainly during Code 5s, where they will be expected to coordinate with Epsilon-11, SOP, Site Admin, and Ethics to try and ensure that they do not have to activate the nuke.

-Detonation of the Alpha-1 Warhead: Coming off the heels of the above point, when the site has been lost and or when RP has been disrupted for too long. An Overseer needs to make the choice to reset the Sites RP loop which has been destroyed by the breach and RC the breached SCPs

-Calling ERT: They now have the newly added ability to call in ERT early when they feel the breach is getting out of hand and the Site needs extra help.

-Deployment of A-1 and Overseer assistants to exact the will of the Council to the site.

-Create Interesting RP for the Site to get involved in.

-Approval of Termination Tests on SCPs as they are technically property of the council.

-Manage, Oversee and maintain relations with GOIs. While DEA are usually the main force in this realm, O5 are still expected to keep up to date on this.

-Conducting hearings on underperforming Departments.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-Handling, Voting on and giving Opinions on OSA and O5 applications.

-Handling appointment of Site Directors, and Research Directors

-Appointment of the Alpha-1 Commander.

-Creating interesting storylines that players will want to get stuck into and helping/mentoring other people who want to do the same.

-Creating and editing Site Policy and the FLC alongside the Ethics Committee.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

O5-4 'The Consigliere'
  • Love
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Feb 4, 2023
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Don't know you, maybe get some more hours around on different jobs and build up a rep. Can't comment much since no ideas who you are, but I guess good luck?
PS gl pookie XoXo

Note: Stop editing my message to say, "Love you grong." I literally do not know this guy and thus cannot have feelings as deep as these. Thank you for your time.
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