[UK] Greg Williams - 2nd Executive Researcher Application

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Sep 20, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168882016
Discord name: wojtekpolska1013
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3,054,600s ≈ 848.5h
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Greg Williams
Civilian name: William Gregs
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes. while I usually prefer not using it for personal reasons, If there is no option to use text then I will use it.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: SCP-096, SCP-22415, IA, DEA, Combat Medic.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received some warns in the past, and 1 ban, but i believe i am behaving much better since then. i sometimes might get a singular warn for an honest mistake, but i never do things on purpose that might break the rules, and i keep myself in check to not accidentally break any rule either.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I have spent quite a while on Sr. Researcher and done a lot of tests, participated in many rp scenarios, and overall i would say i've done quite a bit more than your average Sr. Researcher. I was also suggested by an Exec. to maybe try and make another application, as i might have a better chance having it accepted this time.
The reason I want to be an Exec. Researcher, is because i wish to have access to participate in more rp scenarios (that are simply off-limits to a CL3 Sr. Researcher), and to progress in my career as a researcher - applying for an Executive is the next step for me after being a Sr. Researcher.
I've seen what the other executives on the server can, and i thought that i would also fit quite well in that position.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have done quite a lot in the research department, i conducted multiple tests on my own, and also assisted in tests of Exec. researchers multiple times, including multiple SCP-008 tests.
I also enjoy assisting new Jr. Researchers (or anyone who asks for help) and showing them how to be a good member of the research department. I have helped multiple people this way, and all of them told me that they understood what to do much better after i helped.
I know that assisting other researchers is part of an Exec. Researcher's duties, so I believe im completely ready at least for that part of my duties.
I believe that these experiences would give me a good start at being an Executive researcher myself.

My previous application was denied 2 months ago, and i was told it was because many people didnt have enough experience with me on the server, and didnt believe i did enough tests (or at least thats what i understood), i have rectified this by conducting many tests since, and involving many people in them, probably the largest test i did since then was "SCP-912 Combat Test", which was even observed by ethics, and many other people.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have written multiple excellent-graded documents, i dont really know how to check the exact number, but there are a lot of them. Most of the documents i submit end up being graded excellent.
A document should always follow the general layout (Aims,Method,Findings,Conclusion). to be excellent it needs to be descriptive and extensively cover the experiment. good documents should cover topics that were not extensively covered before. they should be original and creative. Excellent documents should also show proof for roleplay, such as having images that clearly show the described test actually happened. They also should have a hypothesis with potential outcomes.
In short, the document should be of high quality, original, creative, and follow the basic document layout so that they are easily readable and not just a wall of text. Researchers also should take care to avoid any grammatical errors in their writing.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
An Executive researcher has many responsibilities - they assist other researchers, answering questions, and helping in general with any issue that another researcher might have. Executives should ensure that research is being conducted smoothly, such as ensuring that other researchers arent breaking department policies or the FLC, and issue jobbans in extreme cases.
Executive researchers also authorize tests for other, lower clearance researchers (depending on the type of the test, it might require DoR or Ethics approval, in which case an executive could assist the researcher in how to get this approval if they don't already know how to).
Executives also must remember they are still part of the research team - they should conduct tests of their own just like any other researcher.
Executive researchers also have the responsibilities of holding a CL4 keycard, which might require them to do such things as let people inside the breach shelter during a major Code5, or to operate blast doors, let technicians into an electrical room, etc. (They also need to not misuse their keycard, as a CL4 keycard would grant them access to most areas of the map, some that they shouldn't be entering without a proper reason)
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Greg Williams graduated from █████ university, after which he has been trying to make a name for himself in the science community. Unluckily for him he has failed to do so for many years. That all changed when in his research he had stumbled upon SCP-███, which he decided to write a paper on. He attempted to send the results of his research to be published, however his paper has been intercepted by the SCP Foundation to prevent the spread of knowledge about the anomalous world. Greg's colleagues have all been amnesticated, but he wasn't. the SCP Foundation had recognized Greg Willaim's potential, and decided to offer him employment in the SCP Foundation RsD, which he accepted.
Since becoming employed in the SCP Foundation Greg has managed to rise up the ranks all the way to Sr.Researcher, now looking to become an Executive. His stay in the foundation wasn't all perfect however, he has often ben caught in various trouble, and once was even on the brink of getting fired. However he managed to clear his name and continue working for the Foundation.
During his work at the Foundation, Greg Williams joined Research Task Force Upsilon-6, which was created to combat and research Sarkic threats in the facility, his work for RTF U-6 resulted in the creation of a Reality Bending Dampener, which is a modified Scranton Reality Anchor used for combating Sarkic Abominations.
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Active member
Mar 17, 2024
Greg has always been an overall kind person.
I've seen him participate in an event, and he was a damn good researcher in it, throwing out creative ideas and doing a proper job as a researcher.

He's goofy sometimes but is serious when he wants to be.
One notable negative I can think of is that I prefer people to have a mic, but I understand everyone has their reasons so it's not a hard requirement.
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