[UK] Gregory Steven's Executive Researcher Application

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Dec 16, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78902577
Discord name: luxpt
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been familiar with Civil Gamer's SCP-RP for a long time, having been a part of the community in its earlier stages. After taking a substantial break, I've returned and have been actively playing on the server for a few months now. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the server's dynamics and the SCP universe, making me well-equipped for the role of Executive Researcher.
Age: 21.
In what country are you located?: Portugal.
Time zone: UTC +0.
Character name(s): Gregory Steven.
Civilian name: Greg Steven.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Right now, I'm not holding any special roles like MTF or CI. Honestly, my heart's always been in the research side of things. I've been super focused on digging into the SCP lore and really getting into the nitty-gritty of how everything works in the game. So, I haven't really felt the need to branch out into other roles (although I did branch out slightly, in-order to experience what it's like). I'm all about the research life, and I think that's exactly what's needed for an Executive Researcher.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: As far as I'm aware, I haven't received any punishments as I've always tried to play by the rules and respect both the game and its community. Keeping a clean record is important to me, as I believe it reflects my commitment to a positive and cooperative roleplaying experience on this server.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? I'm applying for the Executive Researcher role because it’s where my passion for the SCP universe really comes to life. I’ve been a part of this community for a good stretch, and during this time, my fascination with the lore and the intricacies of the game has only grown. Research isn’t just a part of the game for me; it’s the part that gets me really excited and makes me love playing on CG's SCP-RP – you know, just diving into the unknown, piecing together the "puzzles", and really getting to grips with the SCPs.
Moving into the role of Executive Researcher feels like the right next step for me. I feel that my time here has given me a solid foundation and a real knack for this kind of work. I’m excited to contribute more significantly and bring my blend of enthusiasm and experience to the table. It's about making CG's SCP-RP experience richer and more immersive for everyone involved.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: Personally, I believe that my huge interest in the SCP universe, my experience in the community, and my skills in research and teamwork make me a good fit for the Executive Researcher role. I've spent a considerable ammount of time immersing myself within the SCP-RP lore, the server rules, producing Research Reports on various topics and even helping out newer researchers, most of the times I spend my time helping out new researchers to learn how to research and guide them to doing everything right - I believe that all of this has given me a solid understanding of what it takes to excel in a research-focused role. Another thing that personally has helped me was having good guides and having awesome Executive Researchers which I aspire to become and be just as good as them! I'm someone who pays close attention to detail and loves digging into complex topics, which is crucial for conducting important and impactful research. I also bring strong communication skills to the table, which I consider essential for collaborating with other departments and effectively leading a team.
As mentioned, I've demonstrated a consistent commitment to the community and the server's rules, which I believe is fundamental for anyone in a leadership position. My dedication to not just playing the game, but enhancing the role-playing experience for everyone involved, sets me apart as a candidate for the Executive Researcher role.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? Although the SCP terminal was quite bugged for me (due to recent issues with the terminal, where some files were not visible). I've been informed that at least 4-5 of my submitted documents have received excellent rating. This feedback was pretty encouraging as it reflected my work and dedication to producing good reports. In my view, what makes a document excellent is a combination of thorough research, clear and engaging writing, and a deep understanding of the SCP universe. An excellent document should not only provide detailed and accurate information but also capture the intrigue and complexity that is so characteristic of the SCP world. It’s about striking the right balance between factual accuracy and creative storytelling, ensuring that the document contributes meaningfully to the lore and enhances the role-playing experience for everyone involved. My approach to writing these documents has always been centered around these principles, aiming to create content that is both informative and captivating - and to achieve this, it is obviously important to have good spelling, some good formatting, to ensure that a good standard is followed on the SCP foundation. Ultimately I believe that a formal tone helps wrap the document, making it much more immersive. All in all, the focus should always be to maintain high standards (while ensuring these standards are challenging yet achievable).
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: The role of an Executive Researcher at Site-65 is multifaceted and goes beyond conducting experiments. It involves a significant amount of coordination and oversight. As an Executive Researcher, I would be responsible for authorizing testing, ensuring that every research activity is up to our high standards and aligns with the Foundation's goals.
Collaboration is a key part of the job, requiring regular interaction with other departments to secure samples for study or to share knowledge through lectures. It's about building bridges and facilitating a smooth exchange of information and resources.
A critical part of the role is evaluating research documents. It's not just about checking boxes; it's about doing in-depth analysis to ensure that our findings are accurate, reliable, and contribute to the SCP community's collective understanding. Staying well-acquainted with the Research Information Hub is vital, as it's the backbone of our operations, providing access to all necessary documentation.
Overall, the position is about guiding the research department with a steady hand and ensuring that our contributions are meaningful and of the highest quality. To be a role-model to others is to be a good Executive Researcher.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Dr. Gregory Steven, born in 1983, is a seasoned Executive Researcher with a focus on cryptographic anomalies within the SCP universe. Steven's entry into the world of SCPs came after a decorated academic career in cryptography and steganography, which naturally got the interest of the Foundation.
As someone who came of age just as technology began to rapidly evolve, Steven has always been at the forefront of digital innovations, particularly those with the potential for anomalous behavior. His work has been critical in both understanding and containing SCPs that manipulate or operate through data and communication networks.
During roleplay, storylines with Dr. Steven often touch on the intersection of technology and anomalies. One potential narrative could be his involvement in a project that deals with an SCP capable of data leeching, posing a threat to global information security. Dr. Steven's expertise would be essential in not only containing the SCP but also in deciphering the knowledge hidden within the corrupted data it leaves behind.
Another storyline could follow the ethical dilemmas that arise when a new SCP is discovered, one that has the potential to decrypt any digital security measure. As an expert in the field, Dr. Steven must navigate through the murky waters of Foundation politics and international law, balancing the SCP's potential for the greater good against the risks it poses in the wrong hands.
Dr. Steven would face challenges that test his moral compass and his commitment to the Foundation's ethos of "Secure, Contain, Protect." His ultimate aim is to ensure the safe use of SCPs within the digital realm, always wary of the thin line between innovation and catastrophe.
Personally, I enjoy doing a wide variety of SCP experimentation. There have been several situations where things didn't go as planned, but with some good improvisation it was possible to have a very memorable and fun experience, some of these experiences have happened a while ago and I'm sure most people that participated in it still remember it kindly.

Thank you for reading my application,


Dec 15, 2023
Great guy taught me a lot when I started to research, and taught me the basics about chemistry.
Probably the best person I could of ran into when I started.(y)
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Well-known Member
May 12, 2023
+Support this dudes is good and will be even better as a exec.
The Florida Man

The following message is composed via consensus of the Research Command .

Hello, @LuxPT . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage.

We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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