(UK) Gustavo Sling's 3rd captain application

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Gustavo Sling

Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 18, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:704603483
Discord name: Gustavo Sling
For how long have you played on CG SCP: more than a month on the server
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Spain
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Gustavo “Genesis” Sling
Civilian name: Louis “S” ha
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): Uk
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Hold: IA agent, DEA agent
Held: Nu-7 Pvt, CI-B SGT, GSD CPT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 8 warns, though they are all expired, the last one having been in march

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I believe I am a good candidate for being a captain because of my prior experience with GSD. Captain is a position I believe I can take as my next step into this server, and I want to further my experience with clearance 4 incase I wan’t to apply to any future roles.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
As stated beforehand, I have a lot of suitable experience in the Gensec department. I’ve been regularly playing GSD since last year, and have racked up plenty of hours on old sergeant, riot sergeant and officer. Another point to mention is my two prior experiences as captain, both lasting for several months and ending with honorable discharges for real life problems. I am regarded as a really good captain by my peers, including several (sometimes former) senior members of the Gensec department like Grog/Gungus, Benjamin and Max/Maksim.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Captains have several responsibilities both in and out of RP. It is important for them to stick to these responsibilities to set a good example for GSD.
Some responsibilities include:
Leading over Gensec and D-block
Training and organizing tryouts for members of GSD
Writing documentation for Gensec leadership
Maintaining positive relations with other departments
Maintaining a secure environment in the facility
Aiding MTFs in C1s and C5s when needed
Dealing with C2s in D-block
Organising sweeps when needed
Training high level GSD into becoming Sergeants or Captains
(HU only) Training HU trainees as a pathway into combat seniorship.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Gustavo Sling de la Mancha III was born in Spain in the late 1800s. Born into minor nobility, as his great grandfather was a high ranking nobleman in charge of part of colonial Spain’s south american colonies, Gustavo was put into a high end school, and later enrolled in the Spanish militia. In 1898, Gustavo would be sent out to fight in the Spanish-American war, where he would fight for a few months. At some point, He was separated from his squadron, and found himselfchasing down an American soldier into a cave in Cuba, now known as SCP-XXXX(redact). Upon coming out with the soldier prisoner, he found himself in the modern day world.

Due to the incident, Gustavo was detained by the SCP foundation before they hired him for his advenced combat training and calm response to anomalous phenomena. Soon after, he was moved to site-65 in Pinewood, Canada. Starting as a GENSEC cadet, Gustavo soon started climbing up the ranks, before reaching the rank of riot sergeant. Soon later, he was promoted to captain, and helped with the restructuring of Gensec that made officers cl3 and removed RRT. Gustavo stayed as captain until Easter, where due to a breach of SCP-7722 and SCP-939, Gustavo was left bedridden for several months until he could recover to get back into Gensec.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 4, 2022
Its been a long time man. I have seen you having your ups, and downs in the department, or in general on the server. I hope you get into the Captain role back again, as i do believe that you have both the knowledge, and experience required to poses this job. It will probably one of the last times you hear from me so please, carry on your legacy and dont forget who you are.

Jeff Lancelot, signing off.
Dear @Gustavo Sling
After careful consideration of your application, as well of your qualifications, we have come forward to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Security Captain.

Please message either @Skinner or @Zack Baker to begin with the on-boarding process. This process will include an Interview as well as a trial phase in order to let us finalise the decision that will possibly let you take on the duties of a Security Captain. Once again, we congratulate you on passing your application in becoming a Captain, and we hope to see you as a fully-pledged member of our team.

- James Siegel

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