{UK} Harrison's Captain Application

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Apr 19, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:161281486
Discord name: VR8
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2-3 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): harrison
Civilian name: fred food
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic? yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
yes mostly due to me being new and i have now got my skill set and i have not been warmed for a while
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- i wish to make changes to GSD and make a better team of people with better skillsets and making sure our members of GSD have access to cross training and then normal training to sort they skillsets and more type blue training and how to deal with them
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- my skill in nu7 as a CSG working my way up and i have led raids on ci and learned how to pvp to a point where most ci raids are ended in 5-10 mins i have also negotiated with ci so i have a whole skill set of using my voice to gain what i want moreover to use my spot as cpt to help motivate GSD to become way better
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- make sure D block is safe
keep a eye on all gsd units
give thanks to units doing good work
and make sure all units have the right training or retrain
and making sure GSD unit that break the LC are taken to IA
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Harrison would be a gsd that was found to be a powerfull leader and was pushed to become cpt he once killed a D class type blue with his hands all of the time he wants to make GSD a better unit on the same level as mtf and his storyline would be making sure every GSD is fully comped with the skill set they need to be better.

Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
+\- Support
-Great GSD when your on which I haven’t seen you on for like a week or two.
-Application is stinky
-Can be mingey but tbh captains can’t talk about people being mingey…

Spend some more time being great on GENSEC and work on formatting on forums (it’s hard but matters) no one apart from a few people know you YET so try and be more known!
-Ace Linguini “Sigma looksmaxer”


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
- Had quite a few pretty toxic interactions with you
- In attempts to RP, you automatic response is to kill instead of RP out, even with me being a Sr.CL4.
- Rarely see you on GSD
- Support

- I've had negative interactions and seemingly so have others
- Unwillingness to RP
- Never seen you on GSD
- Lacklustre application with poor lore
- Also once told me he was above me as an Nu-7 SGT while I was an executive and seems to think that even if I was an insubordinate, it would be okay to treat me as lesser.
+/- Support
- Your a good member to NU7 and you do have the combat skills capable to hold a captain role
- I have never seen you on GSD
- I haven't seen your leadership skills as of yet however i do know you can do what you need to do for people to listen to you
- The previous comments on your application are not desired at all and it will lean to people denying your app

bro did bare fist a TB confirmed i am a witness to this.:freeze:
Apr 19, 2024
i don't think people that have never played with me or worked with me should have any say on the matter and about

Toaste his misacts on cl4 are huge if you want a frame have a look at his dep Resch app​

i like that not one people has anything to say about me breaking rules or sop this goes to show how i would follow the codex to the letter and i will make GSD a better place​

i don't think people that have never played with me or worked with me should have any say on the matter and about

Toaste his misacts on cl4 are huge if you want a frame have a look at his dep Resch app​

i like that not one people has anything to say about me breaking rules or sop this goes to show how i would follow the codex to the letter and i will make GSD a better place​

-Because of this response[ Doesn't seem like you can take criticism]
-Don't see why you have to compare with someone in a totally different department that has different standards
-Never seen you on Site or GSD either
-I think you need to improve your attitude before going for a CL4 position considering you said "someones mad i told him to move" instead of taking the feedback and working on improving it
Apr 19, 2024
-Because of this response[ Doesn't seem like you can take criticism]
-Don't see why you have to compare with someone in a totally different department that has different standards
-Never seen you on Site or GSD either
-I think you need to improve your attitude before going for a CL4 position considering you said "someones mad i told him to move" instead of taking the feedback and working on improving it
"take criticism" is all nice and good but when everyone has something to say its clear that you need to stand strong some times
i don't think people that have never played with me or worked with me should have any say on the matter and about

Toaste his misacts on cl4 are huge if you want a frame have a look at his dep Resch app​

i like that not one people has anything to say about me breaking rules or sop this goes to show how i would follow the codex to the letter and i will make GSD a better place​

I think there's a vast difference between what we've done as 'misacts', especially in regards to what's expected of us. You are clearance 3, there is plenty you get away with that I would not. The only -supports on my DoR application was targeted harassment and multiple messages from the same 2 people were deleted by staff; they were for an incident of me placing a document down and a techie stealing it. That's a far cry from what you do on a daily basis - I've had negative interactions with you in the last 3 days, and I don't see it changing if you're accepted as a captain. It's clear you can't take criticism, constructive or not, and you have to watch your behavior to have any chance at CL4. 5 minutes as an officer and constant poor behavior will not help you reach any position.

Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
Harrison I do think you have what it takes but as it stands your responses could be worded better. Most likely you will be denied and watched until you reapply again. Lets hope you dont have to lead sweeps, join headhunters, do 10 hours on GSD a day and apply 3 times just to get accepted for captain the first time! I need you to take the stuff people have said about you and try and keep them in mind before you apply again as I know you are a good GSD when you actually try to be a good one.
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