From: Harvey.Bridger@Site-65.scp.fn
To: SiteAdministration@Site-65.scp.fn
Subject: Reassignment to Site Advisor
Dear whomever it may concern
Below is a copy of my Application to be Reassigned to Site Advisor from my current of GSD CPT. I hope that you will carefully consider my reassignment to Site Advisor.
Kind Regards
Harvey Bridger
I feel that it is time for me to attempt to elevate to a more senior position in this case Site Advisor. Right now I have been in GSD for 2 months and before that 4 months in E-11 and 2 in IA as an Ambassador and from this I have been in the state of mind of someone who is heavily combative based on roleplay experience (E-11 and GSD) but also one with a decently passive-based roleplay experience Through investigating (IA Agent & Ambassador) I also believe that from my time in IA, I have gained an understanding of the FLC which is suitable for a member of Site Administration. overall I am applying as this position would allow me to use my set of skills which I have learned on the way with the help of the members of this community to give back to me through being a Site Advisor.
A diverse set of experiences
During my time in the foundation, I have held 3 cl4 positions IA Ambassador, E-11 LT, and the one which I currently hold GSD CPT which shows that I have experience in many fields FLC related matters, SCP containment and running a MTF Regiment but also in leading a department in daily operations and maintaining that those operations are running smoothly in many occasions and with everyone being unique to itself.
During my time in E-11, I worked in the Jackals squadron as a supervisor, and during that time I focused on updating their policies and helped promote the squadron in my case, it was through setting up quality cross-training to promote the squadron and what it has to give for anyone interested in joining to give them a somewhat taster. The main document I helped make during my time as Jackal's supervisor can be found in my Lore
My time in IA was mainly a welcomer for me into being a Junior Cl4 member, But during that time I was able to gain knowledge of the FLC and how to deal with personnel who are under my command and how I can ensure that they are first of all doing their job properly and secondly that they have all the knowledge/information at their disposal concerning the duties which they shall be performing. From all of this, I have gained a POV that not a lot of people might have which allows me to spread my experience and properly spread how it was to work in IA and deal with upholding the FLC daily.
As GSD It has been mainly a repeated situation most of the time, such as dealing with d-class, doing sweeps, organizing personnel to POIS, and making sure that they are all Msin POIs are manned. But with that, it allows for you to get a hang of the key basics that are required to lead such as delegating, During sweeps you have to be able to communicate what is happening to everyone efficiently and you also have to be able to use all the resources you have available in an efficient way such as having a respectable amount of personnel assigned to each position. Which I believe goes perfectly with SA. As with being a Site Advisor, I believe you have to be able to delegate, as in a situation such as where CI is in Garden and they have a hostage, You would notify DEA to get there if they are not already and to start negotiations and that you would like to be kept notified of the status of the situation whilst getting MTF personnel to close up the area and ensure that it is fortified, but whilst doing so have a fail-safe in place such as if CI get out of garden alive and through HCZ that there should be a site-wide and that all available MTF and SOP should go to EZ ASAP But whilst doing so you should always ensure that respectable parties in this situation know such as in this case Cl4 Personnel mainly MTF and DEA Cl4 so that they know what to expect and that they are being told the whole story and that transparency is occuring (to an extent such as if it is above their clearance for some reason). When it comes to delegating you must always use everything which is at your disposal appropriately.
Understanding of departments and their duties
During my time as IA, I have gained a knowledge of how the FLC works and how it is enforced which I believe to be a key factor of being a Site advisor as you need to know how the enforcement of the most crucial part of the foundation's policies (FLC) is done by IA daily.
As E-11 you have to deal with researchers and when doing so you do have to know their protocols and policies to do your duties properly which in my case has been done through learning them over time. This has allowed me to perform my duties properly throughout my time in E-11 through having such an adequate knowledge of the RSD policies. But while a factor in being able to perform my duties another is being able to decide what shall be done next depending on your current situation and being able to do so in a way that is properly using the resources that you have available to make sure such happens.
As GSD you do deal with research protocols but barely such as the adequate amount of D-class for a specific SCP test and being able to know that from the top of your head, But really from GSD, it shows you a perspective of how D-block is maintained and that how it is done, is complex at some points and that in these moments you need to communicate as without that your plans are going to fail.
From all the Positions that I have held in the past or currently hold I have been able to further my experiences and knowledge which makes me a unique candidate due to my broad range of positions and experiences that I have had during my time on the site, which will allow me to perform duties of a Site Advisor even better from experiencing hands-on being things such as being an IA ambassador, E-11 LT, and GSD SGT and currently a GSD Captain. Where I have learned many new skills which I shall further even more with SA.
My Experience in making documents
During my time on the site, I have made various types of documents such as cross-training proposals, Squadron documents, and guides such as the GSD Containment Unit Guide. All of these documents can be found in my lore.
My published documents
Being involved with roleplay situations
I worked on an EC project where they aimed to review all the files that we had on the SCPS which we had in the site and see if we thought there was any information in those files that needed to be changed whether related to risk assessment or safety procedures. In the project, there was Myself at that point LT as the E-11 Rep, Executive researcher Richard Patterson, and the EC project lead Assistant Kurt Gunshe. For myself and Richard, our job was to review the documents and write notes where we thought changes were needed and then to get them to Kurt for a summary to be made which in mine and Richards's case was done and after doing so we moved onto the testing phase which was only required for 008 where our only change was to close HCZ BD so that E-11 was prioritized on Garden and after doing so the sampling went smoothly. Before this, I wrote a memo on the changes that would occur during this test and then relayed it to my personnel who were assisting. When it comes to whether the changes that we recommended were implemented that is unknown however in my case it was a success as my part was done to its fullest and all that was left in the project was to do with Kurt i am unaware of what is going to happen next in the project but all I know is that my part was fully done.
I was involved with RSD and 05 project puppeteer being an E-11 rep during the time of RND for the required equipment for the test. I also actively ensured that I was kept in the loop by both Toaste and Jesse.
I was briefly a mentor in the IA mentorship program during its early stages before my retirement.
I have led many cross-training during my time as both E-11 and GSD. For E-11 Early on I did a hostage situation training with GSD and also a Mock breach with NU-7 and more recently my cross training which involved SOP (DEA+NU-7), CI, and E-11 in a massive surface operation that involved the Foundation trying to recapture a SCP that was in CI Custody which was sadly not a success in the end however was very fun. As GSD I have only done 1 as of this moment which was a mock breach and Hostage situation with E-11 but I don't believe it will be the last. The mentioned surface operation has a summary which is here
E-11 X CI X DEA Cross-Training Proposal
Maintaining policies- Making sure that policies are up to date and that they do not contradict other policies but also that they are straight and simple to allow for no misunderstandings to occur.
Overseeing the development of Departments and MTFs.
Appointing people such as DPT Directors, and MTF Commanders (unless they are appointed by Ethics Committee or The 05 Council)
Audits of Departements- Recording how a department has done over the last month and seeing how their overall presence on the site has been and whether or not there have been any major issues such as tribunals unions etc. and recording that in a more metric way which also shows where they can improve and what the steps to being able to do so are.
Representing the Site
Delegating with other GOIs- Making sure that relations with other groups of interest are stable and that there are no major issues that might cause issues in the future.
Authorization on behalf of SA
Authorizing AA- When needed in situations where there are 2 SCPS keter+ breached in most situations or unless it is Authorizing the use of matadors which are for Armoured vehicles, not SCPs.
Authorizing Test- Authorizing tests when they require SA to sign off on them for whatever reason that might be.
Authorizing of passive breaches- Under the condition that they have a BM of Less than 10% and that they have an E-11 Escort at all times during their passive breach.
Authorizing side-wide lockdowns- In situations such as CI having flowers and now exfilling the site, and possibly during breaches. In situations where a SA+ is present on Site.
My plans for being a Site Advisor
My main aim is to help give the best possible experience to newcomers by giving them all the information that they need to properly be involved in roleplay experiences such as an introduction to the purpose of every department on-site and what their duties are, but also what site-wide policies we have in place to allow for a better roleplay experience and what their purposes are, such as the FLC being a set of guidelines for how long you might be charged for committing specific crimes and what those crimes are.
I would also create a survey that would be given to Sr CL4 members on what they think of the overall state of the site and just some general questions on where there needs to be change in the site to allow for a better roleplay experience for everyone. Depending on my results, I would also expand my survey to Junior CL4 personnel to see if their opinion differs from that of their subordinates.
I would ensure that there is a good relationship between SA and other departments and aim to be able to assist where needed on behalf of SA and also to ensure that relations between other departments are stable and if not then I would work on making that change as we need all departments to be able to work so that we maybe have cohesion between departments in our Site.
A full list of my plans for being a Site Advisor can be found below:
As of 15/07/24, I had 26.5 hours on Gmod and 940 total. I am unable to get VTIME as of this moment due to being out of the country for personal reasons which have extended my LOA period.
Thank you to anyone who leaves a response on my application & Good luck to all the other candidates.
To: SiteAdministration@Site-65.scp.fn
Subject: Reassignment to Site Advisor
Dear whomever it may concern
Below is a copy of my Application to be Reassigned to Site Advisor from my current of GSD CPT. I hope that you will carefully consider my reassignment to Site Advisor.
Kind Regards
Harvey Bridger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:808706279
Discord name: lil_pat.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):
Harvey Bridger
EX E-11 LT and EX IA Ambassador
Gerald Partino
Harold Bridger Jr
Currently a GSD CPT
Civilian name:
Raymond Fisher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GSD CPT [Holding]
IA Agent [Holding]
Combat medic [Holding]
CI-B [held]
IA Ambassador [Held]
MTF E-11 LT [Held]
GSD SGT [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Discord name: lil_pat.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s):
Harvey Bridger
EX E-11 LT and EX IA Ambassador
Gerald Partino
Harold Bridger Jr
Currently a GSD CPT
Civilian name:
Raymond Fisher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GSD CPT [Holding]
IA Agent [Holding]
Combat medic [Holding]
CI-B [held]
IA Ambassador [Held]
MTF E-11 LT [Held]
GSD SGT [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I feel that it is time for me to attempt to elevate to a more senior position in this case Site Advisor. Right now I have been in GSD for 2 months and before that 4 months in E-11 and 2 in IA as an Ambassador and from this I have been in the state of mind of someone who is heavily combative based on roleplay experience (E-11 and GSD) but also one with a decently passive-based roleplay experience Through investigating (IA Agent & Ambassador) I also believe that from my time in IA, I have gained an understanding of the FLC which is suitable for a member of Site Administration. overall I am applying as this position would allow me to use my set of skills which I have learned on the way with the help of the members of this community to give back to me through being a Site Advisor.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
A diverse set of experiences
During my time in the foundation, I have held 3 cl4 positions IA Ambassador, E-11 LT, and the one which I currently hold GSD CPT which shows that I have experience in many fields FLC related matters, SCP containment and running a MTF Regiment but also in leading a department in daily operations and maintaining that those operations are running smoothly in many occasions and with everyone being unique to itself.
During my time in E-11, I worked in the Jackals squadron as a supervisor, and during that time I focused on updating their policies and helped promote the squadron in my case, it was through setting up quality cross-training to promote the squadron and what it has to give for anyone interested in joining to give them a somewhat taster. The main document I helped make during my time as Jackal's supervisor can be found in my Lore
My time in IA was mainly a welcomer for me into being a Junior Cl4 member, But during that time I was able to gain knowledge of the FLC and how to deal with personnel who are under my command and how I can ensure that they are first of all doing their job properly and secondly that they have all the knowledge/information at their disposal concerning the duties which they shall be performing. From all of this, I have gained a POV that not a lot of people might have which allows me to spread my experience and properly spread how it was to work in IA and deal with upholding the FLC daily.
As GSD It has been mainly a repeated situation most of the time, such as dealing with d-class, doing sweeps, organizing personnel to POIS, and making sure that they are all Msin POIs are manned. But with that, it allows for you to get a hang of the key basics that are required to lead such as delegating, During sweeps you have to be able to communicate what is happening to everyone efficiently and you also have to be able to use all the resources you have available in an efficient way such as having a respectable amount of personnel assigned to each position. Which I believe goes perfectly with SA. As with being a Site Advisor, I believe you have to be able to delegate, as in a situation such as where CI is in Garden and they have a hostage, You would notify DEA to get there if they are not already and to start negotiations and that you would like to be kept notified of the status of the situation whilst getting MTF personnel to close up the area and ensure that it is fortified, but whilst doing so have a fail-safe in place such as if CI get out of garden alive and through HCZ that there should be a site-wide and that all available MTF and SOP should go to EZ ASAP But whilst doing so you should always ensure that respectable parties in this situation know such as in this case Cl4 Personnel mainly MTF and DEA Cl4 so that they know what to expect and that they are being told the whole story and that transparency is occuring (to an extent such as if it is above their clearance for some reason). When it comes to delegating you must always use everything which is at your disposal appropriately.
Understanding of departments and their duties
During my time as IA, I have gained a knowledge of how the FLC works and how it is enforced which I believe to be a key factor of being a Site advisor as you need to know how the enforcement of the most crucial part of the foundation's policies (FLC) is done by IA daily.
As E-11 you have to deal with researchers and when doing so you do have to know their protocols and policies to do your duties properly which in my case has been done through learning them over time. This has allowed me to perform my duties properly throughout my time in E-11 through having such an adequate knowledge of the RSD policies. But while a factor in being able to perform my duties another is being able to decide what shall be done next depending on your current situation and being able to do so in a way that is properly using the resources that you have available to make sure such happens.
As GSD you do deal with research protocols but barely such as the adequate amount of D-class for a specific SCP test and being able to know that from the top of your head, But really from GSD, it shows you a perspective of how D-block is maintained and that how it is done, is complex at some points and that in these moments you need to communicate as without that your plans are going to fail.
From all the Positions that I have held in the past or currently hold I have been able to further my experiences and knowledge which makes me a unique candidate due to my broad range of positions and experiences that I have had during my time on the site, which will allow me to perform duties of a Site Advisor even better from experiencing hands-on being things such as being an IA ambassador, E-11 LT, and GSD SGT and currently a GSD Captain. Where I have learned many new skills which I shall further even more with SA.
My Experience in making documents
During my time on the site, I have made various types of documents such as cross-training proposals, Squadron documents, and guides such as the GSD Containment Unit Guide. All of these documents can be found in my lore.
My published documents
Being involved with roleplay situations
I worked on an EC project where they aimed to review all the files that we had on the SCPS which we had in the site and see if we thought there was any information in those files that needed to be changed whether related to risk assessment or safety procedures. In the project, there was Myself at that point LT as the E-11 Rep, Executive researcher Richard Patterson, and the EC project lead Assistant Kurt Gunshe. For myself and Richard, our job was to review the documents and write notes where we thought changes were needed and then to get them to Kurt for a summary to be made which in mine and Richards's case was done and after doing so we moved onto the testing phase which was only required for 008 where our only change was to close HCZ BD so that E-11 was prioritized on Garden and after doing so the sampling went smoothly. Before this, I wrote a memo on the changes that would occur during this test and then relayed it to my personnel who were assisting. When it comes to whether the changes that we recommended were implemented that is unknown however in my case it was a success as my part was done to its fullest and all that was left in the project was to do with Kurt i am unaware of what is going to happen next in the project but all I know is that my part was fully done.
I was involved with RSD and 05 project puppeteer being an E-11 rep during the time of RND for the required equipment for the test. I also actively ensured that I was kept in the loop by both Toaste and Jesse.
I was briefly a mentor in the IA mentorship program during its early stages before my retirement.
I have led many cross-training during my time as both E-11 and GSD. For E-11 Early on I did a hostage situation training with GSD and also a Mock breach with NU-7 and more recently my cross training which involved SOP (DEA+NU-7), CI, and E-11 in a massive surface operation that involved the Foundation trying to recapture a SCP that was in CI Custody which was sadly not a success in the end however was very fun. As GSD I have only done 1 as of this moment which was a mock breach and Hostage situation with E-11 but I don't believe it will be the last. The mentioned surface operation has a summary which is here
E-11 X CI X DEA Cross-Training Proposal
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Maintaining policies- Making sure that policies are up to date and that they do not contradict other policies but also that they are straight and simple to allow for no misunderstandings to occur.
Overseeing the development of Departments and MTFs.
Appointing people such as DPT Directors, and MTF Commanders (unless they are appointed by Ethics Committee or The 05 Council)
Audits of Departements- Recording how a department has done over the last month and seeing how their overall presence on the site has been and whether or not there have been any major issues such as tribunals unions etc. and recording that in a more metric way which also shows where they can improve and what the steps to being able to do so are.
Representing the Site
Delegating with other GOIs- Making sure that relations with other groups of interest are stable and that there are no major issues that might cause issues in the future.
Authorization on behalf of SA
Authorizing AA- When needed in situations where there are 2 SCPS keter+ breached in most situations or unless it is Authorizing the use of matadors which are for Armoured vehicles, not SCPs.
Authorizing Test- Authorizing tests when they require SA to sign off on them for whatever reason that might be.
Authorizing of passive breaches- Under the condition that they have a BM of Less than 10% and that they have an E-11 Escort at all times during their passive breach.
Authorizing side-wide lockdowns- In situations such as CI having flowers and now exfilling the site, and possibly during breaches. In situations where a SA+ is present on Site.
My plans for being a Site Advisor
My main aim is to help give the best possible experience to newcomers by giving them all the information that they need to properly be involved in roleplay experiences such as an introduction to the purpose of every department on-site and what their duties are, but also what site-wide policies we have in place to allow for a better roleplay experience and what their purposes are, such as the FLC being a set of guidelines for how long you might be charged for committing specific crimes and what those crimes are.
I would also create a survey that would be given to Sr CL4 members on what they think of the overall state of the site and just some general questions on where there needs to be change in the site to allow for a better roleplay experience for everyone. Depending on my results, I would also expand my survey to Junior CL4 personnel to see if their opinion differs from that of their subordinates.
I would ensure that there is a good relationship between SA and other departments and aim to be able to assist where needed on behalf of SA and also to ensure that relations between other departments are stable and if not then I would work on making that change as we need all departments to be able to work so that we maybe have cohesion between departments in our Site.
A full list of my plans for being a Site Advisor can be found below:
As of 15/07/24, I had 26.5 hours on Gmod and 940 total. I am unable to get VTIME as of this moment due to being out of the country for personal reasons which have extended my LOA period.
Lore my Site Advisor Character would be involved with?
<!> Clearance level Required 4 <!>
Override Prometheus Engaged
Hello Chief overseer
What can I do for you today sir?
Access the personnel files of the Bridger Family.
Here you go, sir, the requested files are linked below
SecureNet Terminal
<!> Clearance level Required 4 <!>
Override Prometheus Engaged
Hello Chief overseer
What can I do for you today sir?
Access the personnel files of the Bridger Family.
Here you go, sir, the requested files are linked below
SecureNet Terminal
Thank you to anyone who leaves a response on my application & Good luck to all the other candidates.
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