[UK] Ido Jukin's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

Feb 22, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:494587824
Discord name:cup_of_coffee100
For how long have you played on CG SCP: from around oct 10th 2023 (will provide the achievement photo)
Age:16, 17 in august
In what country are you located?:Israel
Time zone: UTC+02:00
Character name(s):Internal affairs agent Ido Jukin (formerly Harold)
Civilian name:Michael "coco"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?: yes i do (not a microwave mic)
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: if being in CI counts Then CI-A but other then that no
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I got 3 fail RP warnings, 1 for accidentally bodyblocking as 073, one for talking as 999 and another one for talking as teddy if im correct, i cant pinpoint why the RDM though
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: i feel like im a good, functional and helpful part of the DIA, and i believe that my addition to the team of DIA leaders would benefit the department and the site overall. aside from that i really enjoy this department and generally having those interaction with people as IA (infuriating at some cases).
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: what makes me suitable for this position are my leadership skills, my strong will for seeking justice, my ability to look deeper into problems while seeing the broad issue, my ability to keep my composure and to be able to make both sides happy and agree on the issue that is being talked about. being a good leader is a necessity when having people under your command, being a person who can satisfy both sides will make the interaction between that person and others much easier and docile, rather then both sides not being able to give up a little bit to achieve a consensus. keeping your composure will allow that person to have a much calmer and be more "one sided hostility" then both the ambassador and the aggressor yelling, which will not bring the interaction to anywhere. seeing the broad issue while seeing the little details will let the person to have much more control over his side of the situation, and getting the conversation to a point that is manageable by the ambassador.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:just about 20 at this point.
in my opinion what makes a document good is staying side netural, staying loyal to what happened and the truth and keep your document on point and not to write based on emotions
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: Training, training new agents and keeping an eye out for any FLC violations with in the department. keep the department disciplined and in check. preforming investigations, in a case that an investigation is being opened, Ambassadors are to help handle the investigation. arresting, being able to arrest clearance 4 personnel, Ambassadors can help with enforcing the FLC on another level (pun intended). safety, Ambassadors are holding a part of the responsibility to keep the agents safe, and other departments safe. public picture, a part of the role of Ambassadors are to keep the public image of IA good and positive, which can allow the agents and Ambassadors to preform their job more effectively and safely
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Ido was born into a middle class family in a medium city in ████, he went to a normal school located next to ████. along his teenage years he was relentlessly bullied at school and generally had a rough time. around his 18th birthday his parents gave him a flying ticket to ████ ██, when he arrived he lived in a small studio apartment. on ███ around █████ in ██ he started looking for a job in the national security area, after some time he found a job at the ████. after years of working there, at around ██ AM, he got off work, and when approaching his apartment building, a foot step was heard faintly and everything went dark.
ido woke up in in a small room with a one sided mirror, cuffed to a metal table and a foundation personnel sitting infront of him. the "interview" went on and on and it was decided he would start working in the SCP foundation, because of his previous expirience in internal security he was assigned to the internal affairs department, started with doing more paperworks and small deal arrests, climbing up the ladder he achieved an agent position, after some time working in this position, he got on site and got his coffee, reading the foundation newspaper, and his eyes lit up when he saw that an Ambassador has resigned his position, after finishing his duties at work, he filed the application to the Ambassador position.
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Application Denied

Good day, Agent Jukins,

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the
ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Liam Reed
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Merrick Travolta