[UK] Jack "Cader" Raider's Ethics Committee Member application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since August 25th 2022, one year achievement shows 5.380.860 seconds, which is almost 1500 hours.
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +2
Character name(s):
Jack "Cader" Raider - Foundation
Jack "Rider" Cidre - Chaos Insurgency
"Nightshade" - United Nations Global Occult Coalition
Jack "Rader" Caider - Civilian
Civilian name:
Jack "Rader" Caider
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
Ethics Committee Assistant
SCP-096 whitelist

Director of Research
Executive Researcher
MTF Omega-1 LCPL
MTF Alpha-1 CSG
MTF Alpha-1 SPC
MTF Epsilon-11 CSG
MTF Epsilon-11 CPL
MTF Epsilon-11 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Only 3 through my time on the server.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for Ethics Committee Member role.
My primary objective is to enhance RP experience for newer players, with the aim of encouraging their active and devoted participation in the community. Throughout my tenure as a Director of Research, I've consistently aspired to advance within the foundation ranks. This ambition led me to become a Site Advisor, which offered valuable insights into the position. Having familiarized myself with the responsibilities involved, I firmly believe that becoming an Ethics Committee Member aligns perfectly with my aspirations. I have a deep passion for Site Administration and gladly welcome the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities. My character development would sky-rocket as Ethics Committee Member, I would be able to create much more in-depth SCP RP and encourage the server to take part in various interesting events.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?

Leadership Skills:
I have proven myself a very good leader in many situations that required a strong hand and a clear mind to deal with. It is often hard for many people to make adequate decisions in a split second in stressful circumstances. Fortunately, I always keep a clear and open mind when making such decisions due to them being a crucial part of RP and the site as a whole.

My documentation skills are on another level due to my being a former Director of Research, where I perfected writing both in-game and external documentation.
My documents are usually much more creative and refined; I always take a long time to think about the looks of the paper and make sure it is a pleasure to read and gives the vibe of a real scientific or administrative document that could be used at the Foundation.

Creating RP:
I always try to create roleplay for various departments by giving them small assignments outside of their regular duties. I also love to introduce new policies that allow other people to have much more roleplay capabilities, therefore increasing players interest in the server and making them more dedicated to their position.

Lots of Senior Clearance Level 4 experience:
As I mentioned before, I was the Director of Research for almost 3 months. During that time, I managed to create a lot of roleplay for my department, a lot of joint projects, and new interesting policies and contracts between the Scientific Department and other departments and organizations on Site. Now I am in Site Administration as a Site Advisor, which I very much enjoy, and though I have been in SA only for 2 weeks at the time I am writing this, I feel like I have adapted pretty well.

I am a very active member of the community at all places possible: discord, forums, and in-game. I always try to attend important meetings (unless IRL stuff comes up) or hop on if someone needs me for anything, and I am always happy to help.

Upon acquiring a new position, I wholeheartedly commit 100% of my effort and focus to fulfilling the responsibilities of that role. My dedication ensures that those who accept or appoint me to the position will not have any regrets about their decision.

Being Helpful:
I consistently strive to be as helpful as possible to anyone who seeks assistance, both with OOC and IC matters and issues. My approach is always friendly and respectful, regardless of the individual's rank or position. I firmly believe in extending support to newcomers who are navigating their way on the server, even in the face of potential disrespect from others.

I maintain a high level of professionalism, both IC and OOC I consistently conduct myself in a manner that reflects a sense of responsibility and decorum in all situations.

A lot of experience in various roles:
As I gained experience in both ISDs, MTF Omega-1 and MTF Alpha-1, I knew how Site Command operated and how certain things should be handled. Being a Director of Research taught me how to deal with very temperamental personas and made my character what he is now. As a Site advisor, I learned a bit more about managing not only one department but the Site as a whole, which is crucial for an ethics committee member to know.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?
Ethics Committee has a very important place on the server due to their having the highest Clearance Level possible (non-event characters), which is a high responsibility to maintain the entire Site and create RP for the server, which is the most important point of being a part of the Ethics Committee.

Committee has complete authority over MTF Omega-1, which is their personal Task force, and they are fully loyal to the Ethics Committee. They are deployed when an extreme violation of the Legal Codex occurs by High Clearance level personnel (even the O5 Council), and they are tasked with capturing a fugitive to then make sure he or she will answer before the Ethics Committee for such an inconvenience. MTF Omega-1 is also deployed to guard Ethics Committee Members and assistants; their duties vary according to Ethics Committee orders.

Committee also authorizes Advanced Armory or Mass Termination of d-class personnel outside of D-block if needed and there is no Site Administration available; those are to ensure that the Site is operating well and will not go into complete ruin during a breach or any other emergency that needs those two to be authorized.
When a catastrophic breach happens, they are to call Code Black, and once ERT fails, the Ethics Committee is to initiate the last possible option to ensure the survival of the human race, which is activating the Alpha Warhead located on F3. They also ensure that after Nuke is detonated, all players are aware that it is a RP reset and that they cannot remember anything that happened before or during the explosion. They can do it simply via OOC chat
!!!!NUKE IS RP RESET; YOU DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! Or by asking a staff member to do the announcement on screen for the entire server.

Approving/denying tests that require Ethics Committee approval, for example harming SCP's, Keter to Keter crosstest, due to those being on of the most dangerous tests. Possibility of losing a subject of testing would be quite harmful for the Foundation and Keter to Keter class SCPs are one of the most dangerous placed on Site and therefore it needs the highest possible signature.

Ethics Committee micromanages its Assistants by giving them various tasks to complete, whether it be sampling SCPs to brew combative chemicals for Omega-1, starting an investigation on someone, or just simply observing how personnel behave or if they act professionally and up to standards. On the topic of personnel following, or rather not following, the Foundation Legal Codex, The Committee organizes and hosts tribunals for Clearance Level 4 staff.

Ethics Committee Members are to work with Site Administration on departmental monthly reviews by writing an Ethics Committee Overeview, which plays a crucial role in seeing how Ethical a given department is.

One of the most important things is working very closely with The O5 Council to ensure the highest standard of RP possible, as there is no Site Command with only one half of it. They should never transfer IC stuff into OOC arguments, and every issue should be resolved by IC actions, which creates even more RP for various departments like ISD, Site Command, and maybe Internal Affairs for investigations, basically involving Site as a whole. Site Command members should always be ready to encourage RP and create it, as they hold the highest position on the server.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g., what applications do they handle?)?
The Ethics Committee handles following applications:
  • Internal Affairs Director
  • Ethics Committee Assistant
  • Ethics Committee Member (this includes voting and sharing opinions about the applicant)

The Ethics Committee also communicates with Game masters to set up events in RP, scheduling the time and place of said events.
The Committee must also be kind and professional in Discord and TeamSpeak chats so as not to set a bad example for others, because being Clearance Level 5 does not allow you to be an asshole OOC and IC.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

>/<Welcome to cairo.aic >/<
>/<Please enter access details>/<

> input:
<]> USERNAME: ███--█████ .ecc
<]> PASSWORD: ***********
**Eye Retina Scan Complete**
**Biometrics Check: Passed**

***Access Granted***
cairo.aic: Greetings, I am cairo.aic, an advanced version 2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript, specifically designed for the Ethics Committee. My primary functions involve archival tasks and facilitating communication within the committee's operations.

Ethics Committee Chairman ██████████ - Search anything about a potential candidate of mine Jack "Cader" Raider. I want to know every little detail about his entire life.
cairo.aic: Of course Sir, I will initiate search immediately.

**>input: search_Jack_Raider_Site_65**

cairo.aic: Three [3] folders found.
***Opening Personal File***
***Opening Operation Database***
***Opening Letter of Recommendation from Ethics Committee Member Catrina, of Site-42***
Ethics Committee Chairman

Dear Ethics Committee of Site-65,
This letter serves the purpose of informing you about an individual known by the codename "Cader", from what I could access, he is currently a Site Advisor at your Site. After a meeting that occurred three days ago, Mr. Raider was present alongside Site-42's Ethics Committee to discuss proposals for expanding our connections and making sure our Sites will work closely together for both facilities to benefit from this upgraded alliance. Mr. Raider's proposals were quite on point and up to every possible standard. Our Chairman decided to personally accept Mr. Raider's proposal, which will ensure our further cooperation. Some steps have already been taken; interdimensional doors were placed inside inanimate storage rooms in the Heavy Containment Zone on Sites 65 and 42.
We, as the Ethics Committee of Site-42, see great potential in this ambitious Site Advisor. Keep a close eye on him; you will not regret it.

Catrina Whinfield

Secure. Contain. Protect.

********LOGGED OUT********
>/<Welcome to cairo.aic >/<
>/<Please enter access details>/<

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Active member
Mar 7, 2023
+/- support

+ has experience with what ethics do.
+/- havent had enough interactions to say much about them
- still quite new to SA

Alex M.

Active member
Aug 4, 2022
+Long standing member
+Very good RP

= Just got SA but has a ton of experience as DoR

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- Mr. Raider for Ethics Committee Member

Good Evening Mr. Raider,

Thank you for showing an interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Member.

No further action is required of you.
  • Wow
Reactions: Jack Raider
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