[UK] Jack Kincaid/'Cerberus' Site Advisor Application

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Jack Kincaid

Active member
Mar 14, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_01429293001

Discord name: Nova#1548

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month and 2 weeks since I first started playing and 2 weeks in Vtime

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: Kuwait

Time zone: KSA

Character name(s): Jack Kincaid / 'Cerberus' on Foundation, Jack 'Vendetta' on GOC

Civilian name: 'Shiba'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Holding: Omega-1 LCPL, GOC, SCP-096, ECA, GSD Captain. Held: Nu-7 SGT, Chaos Insurgency CI-A PVT.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: No I have not

Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I wish to not only increase my experience with initiating role play and broaden my understanding of being a SA but also bring my own spin on being an SA and hopefully bettering myself by being someone who initiates RP with and as other roles to better the experience of everyone involved.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: not only am I very active and a very quick learner and can pick up on anything I need to learn fast but I also have a lot of interest and ambition to lead and add to the site as a whole with more RP and more events for people to experience and partake in. I also believe I can assist anyone who may require my help by giving them a way to start an RP situation more often or giving them advice on what or where to do what they wish to do.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Leading Site-65
Site Advisors are to lead all personnel within the facility and oversee the happenings within it too. Site Advisors are also highly required during containment breaches and/or other significant events within Site-65 and are also expected to efficiently and professionally work with all regiments and departments with anything that may need the attention of a SA+.

Dealing with MC&D, CI, and GOC
MC&D often request to enter the facility to sell their wares and it's the Site Advisors' job to be the ones to print permits and hand them to the MC&D when needed. in case MC&D infiltrates or breaks the terms of the permit Site Advisors have full authority to perform a blacklist. it is also a site advisor's job to deal with any GOI that needs their attention, especially during sensitive or critical matters that may also affect the facility and its personnel.

Departmental Reviews
Every month, Site advisors are to supervise and watch over the state and workings of their assigned regiment/department and write a review at the end of every month of what they saw, what they think would improve the regiment/department and it to be given to the appropriate lead(s).

Authorising Advanced Armory
When Containment Breaches are Archaic and standard equipment is not enough to deal with the anomalies breached, Site Advisors may authorize the usage of the weapons in the Advanced Armory to all MTF Non-Commissioned Officers and above to assist them in dealing with the threats wandering the facility.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Interviewer: Good Morning! My name is [DATA EXPUNGED] and I am here to interview you for the position of Site Advisor at Site-65.

Jack Kincaid: Good morning Mr.[DATA EXPUNGED] Nice to meet you.

Interviewer: Firstly, tell me a little bit about yourself. what brought you here and why do you wish to be a site advisor?

Jack Kincaid: Well sir where do you want me to start from?

Interviewer: The beginning of your time here in this facility.

Jack Kincaid: Well, when I first got here, I felt overwhelmed by the sheer scale of everything. Monsters capable of incomprehensible feats were captured by mere humans and studied for the betterment of humanity and it was a mesmerizing experience, to say the least. I started my life as a member of this facility ages ago as a cadet as I was most experienced in combat and I did my job quite well as I have climbed up the ranks quite quickly compared to my peers. I have decided to finally try to help as many people as I can by taking up the position of GSD captain. I have done my best and have brought order to D-Block and have done a good job at taking care and keeping people safe from dangers be it a breach or rogue D-Class.

Interviewer: So I've heard. you have done a good job too from what I have seen myself.

Jack Kincaid: Thank you sir I highly appreciate it.

Interviewer: So what have you done after that?

Jack Kincaid: After a while, I decided to join MTF Unit Nu-7 and try to protect the facility from as many threats as possible be it from within or from the outside. I have done my best with my time in the regiment and have met many great people there which has let me grow as a person. I have also done quite well there too before [DATA EXPUNGED].

Interviewer: Quite the career so far.

Jack Kincaid: Thank you, sir.

Interviewer: I also see that you have gotten the chance to be an Ethics Committee Assistant. considering your combative history, what made you choose such a passive position?

Jack Kincaid: I needed to broaden my horizon. I needed to understand the life of personnel holding pens and clipboards instead of guns and Grenades and becoming an ECA was the perfect role for that. I hoped that looking at the facility from a more ethical perspective would not only help me learn more about the lives of the rest of the personnel within the facility but also look at the lives and situations of everyone involved within the facility with the mindset of a non-combative.

Interviewer: I see. then let me ask you, why do you wish to be a site advisor?

Jack Kincaid: I wish to help the facility even further. I want to see it grow bigger and bigger, make the people within it capable of more, and protect it from anyone who wishes harm upon us.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Mr. Jack. We shall get back to you very soon.


Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2023

Great Interactions,
Great App
Great person

Overall very suitable for SA, Goodluck Jack


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @'Cerberus'

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

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