[UK] Jack Kincaids Ethics Committee Member Application #3

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Steam ID: STEAM_01429293001

Discord name: Novatastical

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 900+ hours or Started early March of this year

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Kuwait

Time zone: KSA

Character name(s): Jack Kincaid on Foundation, 'Vendetta' on CI, and 'Obvious' on GOC

Civilian name: 'Shiba'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: SCP-096, Site Advisor, Ethics Committee Assistant, Overseer Assistant, UNGOC LCPL

Held: GSD Captain, MTF Nu-7 SGT [GA-HS], MTF O-1 LCPL [Prosecuters], CI-A [PVT-TEU], CI-G [SSGT-TEU], UNGOC SGT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: None

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: I wish to become an Ethics Committee Member because I wish to not only bring more RP to everyone within the server in many different ways but also Enforce the FLC to make sure that people are staying ethical at all times and more importantly are not randomly disrupting the RP of others for their own amusement. I have put in a lot of time in Site Administration and believe that I have shown my capability as not only an RP leader but also as someone who can be relied upon to deal with any issues that may arise and to properly add to/continue any RP situation well whenever it may arise.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I have had the pleasure of having ISD experience as a former Omega-1 member in which I learned how an ISD operates and what is expected of them, A lot of experience as a Site Advisor for 5 months in which I have been a part of many RP scenarios, events, and managing the site as a whole, Experience as an ECA and OSA in which I would fulfill any orders and responsibilities given to me by the Ethics Committee and Overseer Council to the best of my ability and the chance to work with O-1 and A-1 as their VIP during said orders. I also had experience as a Head Supervisor during my time in Nu-7 for doing great work in GA [Formerly known as Aa] and GSD Captain where I would exhibit my skills in leading and managing Gensec, Hosting and logging RRT and HWL tryouts and leading GSD during sweeps and Code 5s.

I have a good understanding of what makes a good document as I have done multiple reviews as a Site Advisor for many different departments and had to look at and review many documents in my time in Site Administration. I have also created multiple Documents in my time as an ECA and OSA for different orders in-game that were to be shown to Site Command members. I also have done GSD RRT and HWL tryouts in which I would have to log all attendees, reason for passing/failing, and review the questionnaire among other things.

I make it a point that in RP and OOC I always make sure to be as professional as possible when it comes to dealing with anything that requires my attention or presence especially if it will reflect on the reputation/status of the Ethics Committee. I understand the importance of professionalism when conducting my duties, and speaking with Foundation personnel, and other Foundation Command members.

I am very active on the Server, Discord, and Teamspeak. If my presence is ever needed, I will be available most of the time and would show great activity to the members of the server for whatever reason be it RP scenarios, events, or dealing with anything that may require the attention of an Ethics Committee Member.

I am competent at communicating with any party involved be it Foundation, GOC, CI, MC&D, or any event GOI. I am also very good at communicating with Ethics Committee Members, Overseer Council members, Site Administration, Assistants, etc. to name a few. I believe it is a very important quality to have and I have complete confidence that my communication skills are very good.​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

Approving Tests/Crosstests that require ECM approval
Any Research/Test that involves the use of SCP-008 or Keter x Keter class SCPs must be brought to a member of the Ethics Committee for approval or denial. As an ECM, we must make sure that proper documentation is presented with the goal of the test, the reason why they wish to do said test, and What they wish to test with be it D-Class, Chemicals, Thaumaturgy, or a mix of the aforementioned, the safety measures that they will be taking in the event that the test goes wrong, and the outcome of the test.

Managing Internal Affairs and their Relationships with other departments is a very important duty of the Ethics Committee. They must work with Internal Affairs to make sure that not only everything is going smoothly, but also that their relations with other departments are also well maintained. It is also the Duty of an ECM to manage and work with ECAs by either liaising them with departments and regiments and by issuing ECA Orders. Guiding and training ECAs to deal with tribunals that involve CL3 personnel or lower is also an important part of an ECM's Duties.

Hosting/Authorizing tribunals against Foundation Personnel
It is the duty of an ECM to be the Judge in a tribunal against personnel who have broken the FLC, give a final verdict, and either host or authorize tribunals whenever it is deemed necessary. It is also important for an Ethics Committee member to show no bias toward the prosecution or the defense in any way. They are to look at all the evidence shown to them and are to give a verdict after carefully reviewing everything.

One of the duties of an ECM is to audit different departments and make sure that all documentation is up to date, The department is abiding by the FLC, That the Ethics Committee knows about all of the operations that the department is involved with, and that it continues to do its job efficiently and properly. Another reason why we audit is to make sure that a high standard for RP is being held at all times and that they are not straying from their basic tasks/objectives.

Omega-1 Utilization
The Ethics Committee is the direct superior of O-1 and they are used for many different situations with some examples being:​
- Escorting ECMs
- Escorting ECAs and other VIPs
- Assisting in audits
- Upholding the FLC (Primarily ethical violations)
- Assisting around the site where they may be needed
- Initiating Primary Action if the Overseer Council strays from the purpose of the SCP Foundation and begins to do things for their own self-interest

Dealing with Code Blacks and activating the Alpha Warhead
One of the important duties of an ECM is to make sure to call a code black if the situation deems it necessary, take care of organizing the escape of non-combative personnel to the garage, keep updated on the situation within the site, await for ERT's arrival, and if nothing else is left to stop the breach that caused the code black, activating the alpha warhead. The reason as to why and when we activate the Alpha Warhead is because when ERT has deployed and failed and the breach shows no signs of stopping anytime soon, an Ethics Committee Member will activate the nuke to initiate an RP reset. The reason why we do this is because if a breach has gone on for too long, it disrupts RP for the rest of the player base for far too long and it starts to affect the enjoyment of players negatively.

Authorization of AA and Mass Termination
An ECM has to not only keep up-to-date during any breach but also have good judgment on when to authorize Mass Termination of D-Class. It is also their Duty to authorize AA in the event of either 2 Keter class SCPs being breached or 3 SCPs being breached and E-11 is struggling with re-containing the breached SCPs.

RP Leaders
Arguably the most important duty of an ECM is being an RP Leader. It is their duty to constantly create RP for all members within the server to participate in be it the foundation or other GOIs. It is also their duty to properly lead RP without disrupting or ruining the experience of anyone else who may be involved with an already ongoing RP event but rather to improve upon it.​

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

One of the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee is handling the applications of:

- Ethics Committee Member applications.
- Director of Internal Affairs applications.
- Ethics Committee Assistant applications.
- Working with the O5 and giving advice/helping whenever needed.
- Updating the FLC whenever there are any major changes that are implemented to the site.

Another responsibility is organizing RP with each other or with other people/Event team members which would lead to engaging RP for players within the server.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Before I even read this app i will 100% confused you with ECM Jack "Cader" Rader if you get ethics, just saying
now that i've actually read the app
-Active Member of SA
-good vibes
-Understands the Duties of Ethics well

-Use of [DATA EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] a LOT in lore

Best of luck to you Kincaid
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Reactions: Jack Kincaid
now that i've actually read the app
-Active Member of SA
-good vibes
-Understands the Duties of Ethics well

-Use of [DATA EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] a LOT in lore

Best of luck to you Kincaid
I understand where you are coming from but I did that on purpose because it leaves some mystery and gives me the freedom to use that for future events.
Mar 20, 2022
Hi @Jack Kincaid

I'll be giving you a +Support on this application.

You've shown tremendous growth over the past couple of months and the increased quality of your roleplay and the initiative you have taken in the creation of stories is to be commended. This is a prime trait of a Site Command member.

Best of luck Jack, you are deserving of this position and you'll do very well.
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Well-known Member
Mar 31, 2022
+ Support

+ Friendly
+ Great dude
+ Active
+ Knows the duties of an Ethics Committee Member
+ Dedicated
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Reactions: Jack Kincaid
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