[UK] Jack Manning's IA Ambassador App

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:75994617
Discord name: jmakamug
For how long have you played on CG SCP: since November 2021 (almost 3 years)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: CEST
Character name(s): Jack Manning
Civilian name: Other Manning
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Deputy Director of External Affairs (Former)
Agency Manager (DEA, Former)
Director of Intelligence (Former)
Intelligence Ambassador (Former)

Overseer Assistant (Former)
UNGOC Captain (Former)
CI Delta (More than once, Former)
CI Alpha (Holding, had to edit this in)

MTF O-1 SGT (Former)
MTF Nu-7 LCpl (Former)
MTF A-1 LCpl (Former)
MTF E-11 PVT (Current)

SCP-22415 (Whitelist, Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-For over half a year, none on UK. However i have been recently warned over at US for some tomfoolery.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
-I don't find other Departments suitable for myself, and MTF is not for me. So i've decided to play around in this Department and for almost 2 weeks and so far i've found myself to be enjoying it. That's why i wanna "climb the ladders" so to speak, to potentially improve the department but primarily to assist the Directors aswell. Personally though, aside from all that, i do want the Tranq Gun, would make my job alot easier.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-Aside from my honesty, and occasional critique, I'm obviously painfully overqualified as you can see, so i have a good amount of experience that i can bring to the department and i find no problem in punishing people that need punishment, HOWEVER i'm rusty due to my prolonged absence from the community so i'd appriciate some walkthrough/tutorial and pointers along the way.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

-Alot. My best one is..."Reality Altering Handbook" (CL4) in directory: Site-65/Departments/Intelligence/Groups of Interests
It has 20+ pages of nothing but small text and it's absolutely baller, so if you have time and you're bored. I suggest a read or atleast a skim through it.

Aside from that document there's plenty of other highly detailed CL4/CL3 Operation documents in the Intelligence category.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
-Management of Agents (eg. Station Assignments)
-Training Agents
-Overseeing the work of Agents + Rewarding/Punishing
-Conducting, Overseeing, Documenting, Highly-Classified Investigations

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Protected Site-7, 81km off the coast of Norton Bay, Alaska
RAISA Headquarters/Data Center
8:47 A.M. 22/04/22

Right after his designated coffee break, RAISA Archivist Hank walked with his wooden peg leg and decided to sit down in his chair at a desk filled with requests ranging from...Transfers...Identity Concealments and Rectifications...D-Class recruitment forms etc.

His job was simple...Archiving and Storing such information, transfer of information from digital to paper copies and lastly...sending over said information to appropriate people.

3 hours in, whilst sipping on his coffee, Hank realises there's a closed envelope on his desk, which he initially disregarded due to a potential error, getting mail especially on an Oil-Rig 81km from the nearest coast was quite uncommon, it was a Site Transfer and Identity Rectification request wrapped in an envelope from Site-120 situated in Poland.

on the front of the envelope a reason was provided for said transfer, alongside stamps of approval from Site-120's Site Director Council and IA Managers.

Reason for Transfer: I hate Magic and the food at the cafeteria sucks, IT'S TOO GREASY ! That and there's also the FAERIES !

Hank observed and thought..."Damn, this guy must have a bone to pick with the fae...then again it's the fae..."

Such sentiments towards the fae were not uncommon considering their history with the Foundation.

Hank proceeded to open the Envelope...within it all the information regarding the applicant.

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Applicant Information:
Name: Robert Ulmański
DOB: 20/10/95
Position: IA Agent
Reason for Transfer: I hate Magic and the food at the cafeteria sucks, IT'S TOO GREASY ! That and there's also the FAERIES!

Applicant Background:
Born in Wrocław, Poland. No known relatives, Raised in an Orphanage. Moved to Kraków later on.

Uniwersytet Jagieloński, Law and Administration, 2013-2014 (Unfinished)
Officer's Academy, Cadet, 2015-2017
Straż Graniczna (Border Guard),podporucznik (2nd Lieutenant) 2017-2019

Foundation, Internal Affairs, 2020-Present

This guy doesn't really stand out that much from other Agents who have a better record than him, but compared to everyone else he has no reports on him either. He's a bit lazy if you ask me. His...dislike for the fae is concerning.

Internal Affairs, Manager, Alexander Moss

Fuck this guy.

Cook Nathaniel Harris (part of the inter-site cooking apprenticeship program)

I feel like i could personally put my PhD to a better use, you feel me ? Oh this is not an audit ? Robert ? Fuck this guy. Is this on the record ?
It is ?! Listen here you little shit, i want my money ba-

Janitor Patrick Olsen


by the order of the, Site Director Council, Site-120

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Transfer Destination:

Site-666 (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)

Identity Rectification:

Pending RAISA approval and assignment.

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Hank looked at this for a moment and he thinked...he then proceeded to pick up a dart, he covered his eyes and threw the dart towards a list of names known as "Defaults list" he might aswell have just made the name up, but he was too lazy.

Out of all these names the dart picked, "Jack Manning"

Alright...let's see.

Hank then turned his PC on, and checked for the holders of this default name and their coresponding sites.

Hank muttered to himself "Dead...Dead...Dead...Dead............Oh, wow a coma...dead"

Hank noticed an irregularity, but didin't pay much attention to it, Majority of the name holders were stationed at Site-65 with some exceptions.

Hank felt compeled to do something and then proceeded to chuckle, he knew what to do next. He logged into SCiPnet, found the appropriate directories for this request and then he hit "edit"

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Transfer Request:

Site 65 (Pinewood, Saskatchewan, Canada)

Identity Rectification:


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