[UK] Jack Raider's re-employment as an OSA

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since April 2022
(I am aware that people will ask for my monthly vtime, so there it is!)
Monthly Vtime
One year achievement shows 3 018 hours played on the server.
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
'Vodka' - Foundation Alpha-1
Isaac Veil - Foundation outside of Alpha-1
'Hog' - Chaos Insurgency
'Cigarette' [000] - United Nations Globat Occult Coalition
Jack 'Cader' Raider - Civilians
Civilian name:
Jack 'Cader' Raider
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Alpha-1 CPL 'Vodka'
Internal Security Department Investigator Isaac Veil
UNGOC PVT 'Cigarette'
SCP-096 Whitelist
Held whitelists:
O5-2 'The Affected'
UNGOC MAJ 'Scud' and 'Deadeye'
Ethics Committee Member Jack 'Cader' Raider
Site Advisor Jack 'Cader' Raider
Director of Research Jack 'Cader' Raider
Ethics Committee Assistant
Executive Researcher

Chaos Insurgency Alpha
MTF roles:
MTF Alpha-1 MAJ 'Halberd'
MTF Omega-1 LCPL
MTF Alpha-1 SPC
MTF Epsilon-11 LCPL
MTF Epsilon-11 SPC

MTF Alpha-1 CSG
MTF Epsilon-11 CSG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I received a total of 3 warnings back when I was new to the server and the community.


What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

Leadership skills
After holding several high-ranking positions on the server I can gladly say that I am not afraid to take a lead and due to my experience I do not believe that anyone will question my leadership ability, as I proved myself multiple times.

I absolutely love creating documentation and I am very good at it due to my past experience as Director of Research, Site Advisor, Ethics Committee Member, UNGOC Major and O5-2. These roles are heavily focused around RP and all in all paperwork that most of the playerbase would deem boring, but for me this is not the case - writing RP or lore documents brings peace to me and each piece created gives me a reason to be proud of something, because I always give all of my heart and mind to anything I create.

Being Helpful
I always try to be as helpful as possible to anyone who seeks my assistance, both with OOC and IC matters and issues. My approach is always friendly and respectful, regardless of the individual's rank or position. I believe that many new players are lost on the server, and they usually seek help in OOC chat or on Discord. If I see that message, I always try to help them as much as I can.

I always keep a professional approach to anything that happens, OOC and IC. I keep everything in RP and never take out in-character hatred/arguments to real life situations.

Upon acquiring a new position, I instantly commit 100% of my effort and focus to fulfilling the responsibilities of that role. My dedication ensures that those who accept me to the position will not have any regrets about their decision.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
The most important role of the OSAs is to be representatives of the Overseer Council around the Site, which means that they have to stay professional all the time and do not bring shame to the O5s - basically, they are the first point of contact between site staff and Site Command.

Assistants primary responsibilities highly depends on the Councils orders, their duty can vary from interviewing site personnel to even punishing Senior Clearance Level 4 members by the order of the Council.

Examples of some OSA duties:
- Authorise AA when they are the highest personnel on Site - only if needed.
- Observe day to day site operations and report back to the Council
- Creation of documentation requested by the Council
- Making sure that nobody is going against the O5s will and if they do, they are to report it.
- Working closely with Alpha-1 to complete O5s orders.

I could go on and on with the rest of the responsibilities, but the point being - they are to do whatever the Council wants them to do.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Edit: I forgot to mention that if I do get accepted, I will prepare a small event for Alpha-1 regarding the whole capture Jack Raider thingy, which will be the beginning of a new storyline and employment chapter of my old character.
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Engallagher K. Ludenberg

Well-known Member
Nov 17, 2024
+Major Support
1 - More than overqualified for the role.
2 - Has been site command, O5, and A1 so is very experienced in that sphere.
3 - Has a great understanding of how the site functions and does not take unpleasantries from people which is a great trait for OSA.
Jul 30, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @Jack Raider,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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