[UK] James “Hound” Rawlings’ Executive Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
General Questions
Steam ID:
Steam ID: 76561198272867155

Discord Name:

For how long have yo u played on CG SCP:
Roughly 38 hours, I’ll admit it isn’t much but I hope to sway your decision later on in the application.


In what country are you located?:
The United Kingdom

Time zone:
GMT +0

Character name(s):
Foundation - James “Hound” Rawlings

Civilian name:
James Cressy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Research Department Questions

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

There are many reasons I am applying, so I will split them into sections to make it easier and more coherent to read.

1) I am applying because I have seen too many good researchers leave the job they want to do in order to progress up the ranks in any way. Multiple Junior Researchers have had to leave due to wait times for feedback taking weeks at times. I want to be able to help them and give them feedback ASAP so they can progress and be the best Researchers they can be, something I can provide considering how active I plan on being.

2) I genuinely enjoy paperwork. Being a medic as my full time job, there is a stupid amount of paperwork for every patient and plaster I give out. I’ve always found paperwork and providing feedback for others therapeutic and would love the chance to do something I love which also helps others progress.

3) I have seen and reported multiple researchers for improper procedures. Be it Not briefing a Class-D whatsoever, or trapping medics inside of a test chamber, to their paperwork being incomprehensible. I want to be able to teach new researchers how to complete the job they want to do, and do it well.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

Again I will split this section up into more coherent arguments instead of one long sprawl.

1) I am active. Despite my relatively low play-time compared to my counterparts, I am active and I plan on staying that way.

2) I believe and have been told I act in good conduct. Be it glowing reports from members of Site Command, to members of GenSec telling me I am one of the nicer Researchers, to Class-Ds saying I’ve given them the most in depth RP to date for them and even other researchers asking to shadow me as they thought I was a senior because of how I acted. All of which leads me to believe I am a good candidate.

3) I believe and have been told I have some of the better paperwork inside of the research department. Be it reading and referencing other Researchers works, to conducting experiments which haven’t been done before and having other researchers ask if they can use mine as a template.

4)I have a large wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to leadership. When I volunteered with the local police I was often out incharge of sweep teams (a local initiative to remove weapons and stolen items from public places) and at my current medical job I am normally the one in charge or at the very least in charge of comms or treatment. I have ran GMod and minecraft servers in the past, both of which were extremely successful. In short I’m trying to say I have a large bank of leadership experience on offer which I would love to both use, and add to.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

To the best of my knowledge, currently three. Whilst this may not seem like much, every single document I’ve ever submitted bar these three have been ranked “Good” and I’ve had multiple people ask to copy mine or teach me how to do it.

In my opinion, an excellent document is one that asks questions that haven’t been asked before, one that genuinely makes you wonder and ask further questions. An excellent document should reference past works and include further plans for the subjects involved, instead of what is currently happening which is people writing the bare minimum and calling it a day. It should reference required materials and have a timeline of what occurs during the experiment, it should have a hypothesis regarding what the researcher believes will happen and it should answer if this was accurate or not.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

In my belief, an executive researcher should just carry out their own tests, but guide and mentor other researchers so they can go on and be promoted and better themselves.

1) Mentorship. I believe an executive researcher should strive themselves in teaching and mentoring researchers their junior on how to better themselves and conduct themselves better. An Executive should review paperwork as soon as possible, providing detailed and valuable feedback so others know where and how they can improve their works.

2) Leadership. As an Executive Researcher is quite high up the chain-of-command in the Research Department, they should hold themselves to a higher standard and show those their junior how to act and complete their jobs to the best of their ability.

3) Stewardship. Executive Researchers should take those their junior under their wing and properly show them how to effectively complete their job. If a researcher does something wrong, the executive should take it upon themselves to make sure that the mistake doesn’t happen again, and making sure that lessons are learn from the mistakes that were made.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
James first became involved with the foundation when he was imprisoned for drink driving, which resulted in the deaths of two people. He eventually found himself as a member of the D-Class program, assisting Researchers carrying out tests and doing data entry jobs for them.

During one particularly bad test, multiple SCPs got loose. James took it upon himself to protect those who had given him a chance and when the site was re-contained, instead of being given his orange jumpsuit again, he was rewarded for his bravery with a new lab coat and conducted to an internship with the Research Department. He looks for the best in everyone he works with, and believes in rehabilitation. Where possible he conducts non-lethal tests, but if there is no alternative then he will carry out tests with a higher chance of a loss of life, be it begrudgingly.

James has recently taken a fascination towards more mental based SCP’s, and has requested to be put incharge of such SCPs so he can have free reign to test on them after making groundbreaking discoveries on the matter of preventative measures of SCP-099 and the effects anti-psychotics have on it.

Closing Comments:
Whilst I don’t have any excellent feedback, or a high play time compared to my predecessors, or many reports to my name, I believe and ask you to look at what I am able to provide for the research department, look at how I can help train those already in the department to better themselves, and look at the dedication I can offer.

I appreciate all feedback and questions so please feel free to ask, and thank you for reading this application which admittedly turned out a lot more detailed and longer than originally expected.
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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022

I have amended several spelling mistakes I made, as well as other things such as how long I’ve played on the server and feedback I’ve received.
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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
Before I put any feedback, could you please tell me if you are a Sr. Researcher?
I’m currently a Researcher in PSI-5, but was told by a member of 05 and others to apply for the role regardless of my rank.

I’m currently Level 12 on the server so I’m close, but I ask you to look past the shortcomings and look at what I can provide and give to the department.

Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
+/- Support

Great Activity, Great work, Good mentor for Junior Researchers

Yet to reach Sr Researcher; Yet to sit in on a lecture and see how he handles those. I'm a sticker for lore, and that lore is lacking a bit, but it is only a Sr Lore, so not bad.

Give him a try is all I say.


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
+/- Support

Great Activity, Great work, Good mentor for Junior Researchers

Yet to reach Sr Researcher; Yet to sit in on a lecture and see how he handles those. I'm a sticker for lore, and that lore is lacking a bit, but it is only a Sr Lore, so not bad.

Give him a try is all I say.
Hiya, just wanted to say thank you for the kind words,

In terms of lectures I wasn’t actually aware I could lead / host them but I have quite a few ideas on some I’d love to host, if were ever on at the same time I’ll be sure to message you if you want to watch,

Once again thanks for the kind words and all the best
Mar 31, 2022
Hiya, just wanted to say thank you for the kind words,

In terms of lectures I wasn’t actually aware I could lead / host them but I have quite a few ideas on some I’d love to host, if were ever on at the same time I’ll be sure to message you if you want to watch,

Once again thanks for the kind words and all the best
You can’t until you reach Sr. Researcher.

+/- Support, he iss active and good but it would be unfair for the other researchers who failed the application because they didn’t host lectures.
Application Denied

Hi James,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

Whilst this application demonstrates your understanding, we would like to see you acquire the rank of Senior Researcher and gain some experience in that role before you apply for executive.

You may re-apply in 1 week.​
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