[UK] James Dingle's ECA Appllication

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James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50085172
Discord name: Lewk_
For how long have you played on CG SCP: June 2024
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: United Kingdon
Time zone: GMT / BST
Character name(s): James Dingle / 'Matador'
Civilian name: John Dingle - Civillian
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 CPT (Held)
O-1 CSG (Holding)
Senior DEA Agent (Holding)
CI Gamma (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 expired warning for RDM back when I first joined the server

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I believe that I am the best candidate for the role of Ethics Committee Assistant as I am someone who values Roleplay on the server and want to be able to complete more Non-Combative Roleplay, and I think that the passion and desire I have to do this would also make me an ideal candidate. I believe that my experience as a Jr CL4 (Nu-7 CPT) and being a CSG within O-1 who work directly with the committee puts me in a position where I am able to comfortably create Roleplay related to the role and show my understanding of the Ethics Committee structure and FLC as well as follow and create orders to generate more RP.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
ECAs are responsible for the following:
- Being the "face" of the Ethics Committee, being the first point of contact for lots of Ethics related concerns and having the opportunity to investigate and follow-up with these. This also includes dealing with Department Directors, ISD and other members of Foundation personnel on behalf of the committee.
- Following orders given by the Ethics Committee, such as the completion of Audits or Tribunals.
- Creating and forming relationships with those on site to promote Ethics violations to be reported and dealt with appropriately.
- Ultimately making sure that FLC is followed to the letter.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Access Foundation Personnel file for...? James Dingle

Please provide adequate pass-phrase for Personnel file... James Dingle? He who heals, and he who watches.

Access status... Granted

Welcome, personnel file for... James Dingle... printing below...

James Dingle
Known as: Dingle
Age: 23
Height: 5'11
Blood type: O+
Originates from: England, United Kingdom.
Current role(s): Ethics Commitee Assistant
Previous role(s): Combat Medic, Senior Doctor, Doctor, Medical Trainee, D-Class.
Length of service: 3 years

Background of individual:
James Dingle first arrived on site as a D-Class level member of Foundation personnel, D-5467, after serving 2 years in
for armed robbery. He was scouted by the Foundation at after showing great diligence with his in-prison studies and extracurricular physical activity, catching the eyes of the Warden who just so happened to have ties with a particular department within the Foundation.

Not much is known about James Dingle before this as he was not on the Foundations radar. Attempts to track down known relatives or next of kin did not prove fruitful, and information about his academic history appears to be non-existent. It's almost like James Dingle did not exist before he entered England's prison system.

After spending a short while as D-Class, staying out of trouble and gathering credits from Foundation staff for his work-permit authorised work, he built enough trust and the Director Of Medicine at the time reached out to James Dingle about the potential of his turning his life of crime around and becoming a valuble asset to those within the Foundation by performing medical duties.

James Dingle, having had enough of the consequences that crime had brought so far and living with the pigs in D-Block, decided to take the DoM up on their offer and began working as a Trainee Doctor. In his tenure as a Trainee, he learned the ropes and continued to use his apparent academic mind to observe and retain all the information that his superiors were teaching him. Before the DoM knew it, he had learned every procedure and the precise way to perform it cover to cover, and had made his way to Senior Doctor within the department. Trainees were now looking to James Dingle to assist them with their own medical procedures.

It was during the writing of his application for Medical Consultant, the next logical step for James Dingle, that incident 1004
-XMJ956 took place which propelled James Dingle in a different direction within the department. After the aforementioned incident, James Dingle found himself once again with gun in hand, but for the benefit of others rather than himself. James Dingle graduated from Senior Doctor to Combat Medic, retaining his ability to save lives and create lasting relationships with those on site whilst having the ability to protect them from those that wish to bring harm to the Foundation.

During his time as a Combat Medic, James Dingle worked with various MTF Forces to help re-contain SCP breaches and fight off hostile GOIs who wanted to bring harm to the Foundation. James Dingle built relationships in particular with Mobile Task Force Nu-7 "Hammer down", Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Law's left hand" and Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red right hand" after serving with them in the line of duty and performing multiple medical procedures on members of these MTF's to make sure they could remain in the fight.

Ultimately, having come from a less than ideal start, James Dingle has attempted to repent for the sins that he had commited in his past life before the Foundation by putting 110% into his duties and prioritising the well-being and safety of those on site.

After multiple obervations of Medical malpractice within the department, and much contact with the Ethics Committee, it was a natural step for James Dingle to put in an application for the Ethics Committee to become an Ethics Commitee Assistant. The incidents that James Dingle witnessed and his past experiences with the Ethics Committee hardened his resolve to push himself out of his comfort zone and apply despite his past.

Clearly the Ethics Committee saw his past experience as a positive and alternative asset for an Assistant and approved his application, where James Dingle now is in charge of frequently auditing the Medical department and completing interviews with Medical staff to make sure that systemic Medical malpractice is stamped out. This includes frequent contact with the DoM and Consultants.

Incident report(s):

Whilst completing the paperwork to begin the process of becoming a Medical Consultant within the department, an enemy GOI known as the Chaos Insurgency raided the facility and began violently slaughtering all of those who dared so much as breath in their general vicinity.

No other Senior Medical personnel were on site during this time, which meant that James Dingle was the highest ranking Medical personnel. James Dingle cleared every surgery room available and co-ordinated the efforts of anyone with Medical Training to make sure that the wounded were tended to in a timely manner and monitored to make sure that they were able to fight another day.

Eye Witness reports state that James Dingle was witnessed to have headed to the Medical Armoury, usually only accessible to Combat Medics, and arm himself with a Glock-P80 just in case any hostile GOI members decided to commit the heinous crime of bringing harm to Medical personnel and the injured. CCTV cameras showed James Dingle having to resort to opening fire on the Chaos Insurgency as one of them stormed the Medical Wing in the hopes of taking out an Mobile Task Force Nu-7 "Hammer down" Captain that he was patching up.

The Chaos Insurgency were repelled soon after and after-action reports written by MTF involved thanks all Medical personnel for their hard work in saving the lives of the injured and more importantly providing painkillers to those who had been running around for what felt like hours around the facility.


The following transcript was recovered from body cam footage of an Ethics Committee Assistant.

Combat Medic James Dingle: "I would like to report an ethical violation by one of the Doctors on site."

Ethics Committe Assistant Shane McCloud: "Do you have any evidence of this violation?"

Combat Medic James Dingle: "Before you I present the CCTV footage. As you can see quite clearly, this Doctor is attempting to close this patient despite the fact that foreign objects are still present within the body. When I question him on this, his response is "I'm overworked and underpaid, if you want to fix this issue then you do so yourself" before storming out of the room."

Ethics Committe Assistant Shane McCloud: "This is quite a clear and cut case of medical malpractice. We will follow up with the relevant parties and ensure this person is dealt with appropriately as defined in the Foundation Legal Codex. Thank you for reporting this, Combat Medic...?"

Combat Medic James Dingle: "James Dingle, Combat Medic James Dingle sir."

Close personnel file...
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[COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]The Chaos Insurgency were repelled soon after and after-action reports written by MTF involved thanks all Medical [COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]personnel for their hard work in saving the lives of the injured and more importantly providing painkillers to those who had been running around for what felt like hours around the facility.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

[U]2311[B][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]█[B]█[B]█[B]█[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/COLOR][/B][/U][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][U]-YRB486[/U][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][I]The following transcript was recovered from body cam footage of an Ethics Committee Assistant.[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Combat Medic James Dingle[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]: "I would like to report an ethical violation by one of the Doctors on site."[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ethics Committe Assistant Shane McCloud[/COLOR]: [COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]"Do you have any evidence of this violation?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Combat Medic James Dingle[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]: "Before you I present the CCTV footage. As you can see quite clearly, this Doctor is attempting to close this patient despite the fact that foreign objects are still present within the body. When I question him on this, his response is "I'm overworked and underpaid, if you want to fix this issue then you do so yourself"[/COLOR] before storming out of the room."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ethics Committe Assistant Shane McCloud[/COLOR]: [COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]"This is quite a clear and cut case of medical malpractice. We will follow up with the relevant parties and ensure this person is dealt with appropriately as defined in the Foundation Legal Codex. Thank you for reporting this, Combat Medic...?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Combat Medic James Dingle[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]: "James Dingle, Combat Medic James Dingle sir.[/COLOR]"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Close personnel file...[/COLOR]
i assume this isnt intentional
New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr. Dingle,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been accepted. Please await contact from the Committee, we will come to you. We look forward to the prospect of you joining our team and how you will assist the Committee.

Ethics Chairman Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall
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