[UK] James K. Director of Research Application

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Jul 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196792033
Discord Name: Kinlep
Time Spent On SCP-RP: I Have played for around 7 Months
Age: 17 Years old.
Time Zone: BST (+0)
Character Name: James K.
Civilian Name: James Kennedy.
What Server Are You Applying For: SCP-RP UK.
Do You Have A Mic: Yes
List All Whitelisted Roles: Executive Researcher, IA Ambassador, Overseer Assistant, E-11 LCPL, SCP-096, CI-A, GOC PFC.
Kicks / Warnings / Bans List: FailRP, Mic Spam, Meta Gaming, FearRP, ERP.
NOTE: If any more information is wanted, please send a message in the comments and I will fix the issue as soon as I can.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

I am applying for the Director of Research because I believe that I am ready to lead a department. I have only been an executive researcher for a short time but I have managed to do so much in this time, which has allowed me to be ready for a senior role such as this.

Another reason for my application is that I want to get further into deep and meaningful role play, whether that is by managing executives and handing out projects or by meeting the 05 to talk about potential research proposals and developments, I am also planning on implementing a few ideas of my own into the department, which includes new training programs for all researchers, from executive to Jr, and developing the external websites to make them more accessible and more widely used.

Again, another reason for this application is due to the fact that I would love to develop the research department further, I have countless ideas that may not just benefit the department but the site in its entirety, in the departments current state, it is active and has a healthy balance of executives to lower level staff, so now would be the perfect time to test for new ideas and further ways to improve this already outstanding department.

The main reason for my plan to apply for Director of Research is because after personally experiencing how Ex-DoR E.K.C. Ludenberg has managed to improve the research department as a whole, they also managed to affect me by helping me improve, not just as a researcher but as a role player in general.

Finally, my last reason for applying for Director of Research is because at the moment I believe there are only 2 staff that are ready for Director of Research, and that is myself and Jesse Soul, so I am applying to make sure this department stays excellently ran and does not fall into the lacklustre state like it was in before the most recent Directors of Research were in charge.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?

I believe I am suitable for the Director of Research for many reasons, firstly I believe I am an excellent candidate because I am great at maintaining and creating external documents, this includes sheets, docs, slides and forms, this is essential for Director of Research as they have to regularly maintain the research hub and other resources such as the roster, I am used to using these external resources because I use them in day to day activities such as college, but I also use them often for in-game situations, an example of some external documents I have made includes: The New RsD SCP Manifest, which includes the updated SCPs featured in-game as well as extra information about them.
And a sheet for logos to be used on clipboards:
I have created more but I don't want to litter my application with links.

Another reason for why I am suitable for Director of Research is because I am very active, this is important especially for Directors of Research as they are often needed on and off site for several reasons, some of these reasons can include, for meetings, this is needed as they often need to talk to SA or Site Command for multiple different reasons, next for managing of executives, Directors of Research are needed to hand out projects and out source work to their staff which provides RP for other players, this wont be done if the project is either CL5, or has been assigned especially to them by the Council or the Committee, finally they are also needed offsite for managing of external resources, this includes checking the forums for executive applications and denying / approving depending on their quality of work, managing the Research Department website and external documents as mentioned before the previous paragraph.

Again, another reason why I believe I am suitable for this role is because of maturity, throughout the last several weeks, I have gotten further into RP and am now able to be serious when needed while keeping the roleplay light, fun and enjoyable to all players, this is necessary for the role of Director of Research, just because they are in a senior role doesn’t mean that all RP has to be lore accurate, strict and serious, as the Director of Research it is your job to make it fun for others and to make your department a better place by letting others and yourself have fun with RP through scenarios such as testing, projects and more.

Furthermore I have a love for the research department, I am willing to put as much effort as needed to gain this role and more, I used to believe IA was the only department I would ever enjoy but after being treated so well and being respected by Research Department's previous leadership, I can say with %100 honesty that I would love to invite more people to join this hidden beauty of a department as the Director of Research and hope that others have a passion for it like me, the reason for why I am suitable is because I am happy to train and teach anyone how to become an executive and higher as long as they are willing to put in the work.

From what I have saw from the current Directors of Research, creativity is needed for this role, whether it is for a unique idea to expand the department or to come up with an exciting new project for the researchers and executives, I believe that I fulfil this need, I am ready to come up with new ideas not just for myself but for other people to allow them to RP and enjoy their time on the server in a more unique way.

Again, I believe I am suitable for the role because I can make simple RP fun, an example of this is that I managed to come up with a unique idea for lectures, this included using the external recourse "Kahoot" by using this it turned a simple lecture where the all that would happen is researchers being talked at for up to 30 minutes into an interactive game that I found people to enjoy, I also added an incentive of $5K which resulted in it being turned into a competition for people to enjoy.

Lastly, I am a great candidate for Director of Research because I am good at being a leader, this is fundamental for this role due to it being a senior role in which you are required to lead several different people in order to help them improve, by helping them improve it allows for the entire department to become better as a whole.

What are the responsibilities of the DoR in RP?

The Director of Research is an incredibly important role with may responsibilities that must be acted upon regularly to keep the department of research running smoothly at all times,
Firstly, managing executives, this is one of the Directors of Research main responsibilities if not the most important, the Director of Research needs to make sure that their executives are doing their job effectively and are not abusing their position, this can be done several ways, by reading documents and reports written by the executive, by overviewing them in a test / project / while interacting with lower level staff or even by joining in a lecture of theirs to make sure they are teaching researchers correctly.

Next, the DoR needs to deal with external resources, this can include the Roster, The Trello, The RsD Hub, The Webpage and more, it is incredibly important that these are updated regularly because it allows for less confusion and more productivity for all staff, it is also essential for CN forums to be checked regularly so that no application is missed.

Another responsibility includes that, policy updates, the Research Department policy needs to be updated regularly to prevent loopholes being abused, to allow staff to know what they are aloud and not aloud to do and finally to allow for more RP to be created, this is done regularly and was done recently to allow for Sr. researchers to have more activities to do, this recent change, altered how sampling works and added a much needed signature depending on what SCP needs testing.

Again, another responsibility includes outsourcing work and projects, this means that any projects that have been given to the Directors of Research by any department can be handed out through the Research Department to their assigned researcher depending on their clearance level, this is very important due to this being one of the main ways to create RP for lower level staff and executives, therefore making this one of the most crucial responsibilities.

Grading documents that have been either made by an executive or ones that have been nominated for exemplary status, this is only a small task and after the grading the author should be paid however much the document is worth, and then told how to improve.

Next, the Director of Research has to promote RP, this can be done several ways, firstly by assigning researchers to work on event SCPs, assigning projects, using the medical department for psych evals and more, this RP should be intriguing and should make the researchers that are involved in it to want to move up and progress in the research department, by actively pushing for RP it allows for the staff within research to be more creative and have more fun, which is the most important thing when it comes to SCP-RP.

Another important part of being the Director of research is to uphold departmental relations, this can be done in many different ways, firstly, by actively cooperating with each other, a way this can be done is by allowing researchers to work with another department on projects and tests, another way this can be done is by establishing common communications, this means by talking to them regularly or by trading with them, this is being done at the moment, where the research department is selling chemicals in bulk to other departments to maintain a good reputation.

Conducting interviews on Sr. researchers that are applying for executives, in these interviews you must remain unbiased and remain respectful even if they answer incorrectly.
You must also use your judgement to decide if the researcher is knowledgeable enough and has shown dedication for the role of executive.
You can also attempt to comfort the person as some people get nervous from interviews, so by making the environment more friendly it allows for the person to answer to a further extent without feeling judged.

Making announcements on the discord, this is used to announce things such as new projects for people to involve themselves in, to announce policy changes and for trainings, the latter option is not used as much at the current moment in time by the Research Department although I would love to change this by creating regular trainings.

The day was dark, cold and empty, all he could see was black, where? what? who? thousands of questions racing through his mind, he was lost in a black void of emptiness.

He felt a rag be lifted from upon his head and a glowing white light covered his view, as his eyes adjusted he realised where he was, blood pumping, adrenaline rushing and fear enveloping him, he was sat on a cold metal chair with a cold metal table in front of him, he was on the floor 3, locked into the dark interrogation room, the shock of his location had lifted now, he remembered who he was, he was Overseer Assistant “Wolf'', he proceeded to glance around and saw a tough A-1 behind him.

Then the A-1s radio lit up the room full of sound saying “he is coming” who is he? Should I be scared, he asked himself.
Questions filled his mind, was it his boss, the Overseers?
The door flew open, and a man in a large black suit appeared, “You have fucked up too many times!” The man yelled “your intentions are misguided and your thoughts unclear, you are being removed from this role, as you are no longer needed, although I do admit your work is satisfactory, I will not kill you but you will go to Site-██ for amnestication and retraining, understand!?”, “Yes…” wolf muttered, he was going to forget everything he thought, at least he wasn’t killed, what will he do to him? throw him out on the street like a beggar? Or make him something else, something new….

6 Months Later

Newly arrived at site-65 was James K. The place felt dark, cold and empty, he had never been here before yet the place seemed so familiar, he couldn’t place these feelings and just pinned it down to an anomalous like affect.
James walked down through the several corridors and reached core sector, the home of his new job, executive researcher, James came accustomed to this role almost immediately, he wrote documents, managed researchers and came up with theory’s to do with new SCPs, but something always seemed off, cameras watching him, ISD tracking his every move and that familiarity that he could not quite shake, there was something wrong with this place and he needed to find out what it was, he decided his best chance to learn about this place was with the overseer council.
James knew very little about there activities and who they really were, every attempt to learn more about them was quickly shut down and access to the secret floor was limited due to documentation being needed for entry, he knew if he had to learn more,
that this was the place.
This is when he learnt about the role of department director, after investigating it, he found out that they have an interview with the council themself to demonstrate if they are suitable for the role, this was the perfect opportunity he thought, he was already doing outstandingly as an executive but getting the role of director of research was still no easy task, with his seemingly superior intelligence he managed to catch the eye his fellow executives and researchers who proceeded to support his climb to director, everyone believed he had one purpose, to become the best, but his real intentions were more selfish, he wanted to meet with the council and to demand answers.
After countless planning he knew that the role was his.
James was just waiting for the email when he decided he would need a course of action for when he got to floor 3, would he bring a gun and force the answers out of them? No that couldn’t work, they would certainly search him prior he believed, that’s when he stumbled across an old file, this file was titled “memetic kill agent” this was his golden opportunity, he could reprogram a cognitohazard to work with him, his plan relied on one fact, that the interview room would have a computer in it.
He slaved away for countless hours reprogramming the kill agent to instead cause distress and harm when telling anything but the truth, he downloaded this file onto a small USB stick, this is when he heard a small “ding” it came from the computer, a small notification popped up saying “new email from ██-█” he clicked on the message and read “James K, congratulations your application to Director of Research has been moved up to stage 2, the interview, please report to floor 3 at 12:30 on the 12/7/████” James knew it was time, these fuckers better know why he has these feelings, why he recognises all these things, why he feels people watching him, if they don’t he may just lose it…….

3 Days Later

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Click* *Ding* Now was his time, he felt the familiarity way stronger while going up the elevator, it was so familiar that he didn’t quite understand why, but he was getting answers, he knew that for sure, the elevator doors shifted open and a member of ISD was there waiting for him, something seemed familiar about him also, the best description he could think of for him was tough, the ISD looked at James “You….. I remember you” The ISD spoke in a dark and druid tone, unsure of how the ISD knew him.
James guessed that they were trained together on foundation basics, hence the similar feeling, James proceeded to be escorted into a dark office room.
4 men waiting for him, “Welcome James, you probably know who we are, but don’t know much about us,” One man said “let’s keep it that way, A1! Leave the room and give us some privacy now!” James glanced side to side around the room, a computer, next to a projector! This was the perfect opportunity and he needed to seize it, he was asked a few basic questions by the men including why are you suitable for this role and what is your biggest weakness, then the biggest question came up, “what makes you stand out from other candidates”,

“I cannot tell you why I am better than the other candidates” James argued “but I can show you, if you allow me to present something on this here projector”, 3 out of the 4 men looked left and right before fixating on one man in the middle, he must be the leader James believed, “You may” the man in the middle said, James walked up to the projector and placed in his USB, he made sure to not look at the projection before hitting play, “Okay, listen up you son of a bitch! You will tell me everything right FUCKING NOW! Or this memetic kill agent will destroy you all” James yelled, “Sir! Are you alright?” Yelled a guard from outside the door, “Yes… we’re fine” said the middle man, “James, you always were smart, I should’ve known that you would’ve not settled until you figured out what happened, so I’ll tell you, you used to be my right hand man James, your code name was “Wolf” you were perfect, you could do almost anything, predict a CI raid or even infiltrate departments to gain information, until you fucked up, operation unity, you called it, it was a project about harnessing SCP-079 for the good of the site, this fuck up of a project resulted in the death of an ethics member, but I argued for you and managed to save your ass from a simple execution to an amnestication and retraining program , you cost the foundation a lot of resources, there is no doubt about that, but with this current outburst there is nothing other than to say congratulations, you are the new Director of Research” “What…..” James questioned “You hired me? After I could’ve killed you?”

“Yes James, you may be a liability and a risk, but if this foundation does one thing, it is containing these risks and using them for our benefit, so I advise you to take this job, and do not tell anyone of this new information you have learnt here today, because you can believe me when I say, you will not be given another second chance…..”

Personnel File
(I may of cooked with this lore)

Vtime:Screenshot 2024-07-02 191002.png
^Chronically Online^
(Note: Time AFK is usually when I'm writing external documents, I stay in-game so I can measure how long I'm in for)
Roster Status:Screenshot 2024-07-02 190552.png
RP CREATED, I am violating rule 5 by adding this but it was requested so I feel it may be necessary.
Due to me being executive for a little under 3 weeks this list may be limited,
I am currently overseeing a project to do with D-Class, I was assigned this by DoR Richard and handed it to Sr. Researcher ragamuffin who I am helping with anything to do with the project, he has also recruited Jr & Researchers to help him with this which creates a small amount of RP for the lower level researchers, I have also been tasked to keep a close eye on ragamuffin for this, for reasons to do with us looking into how good he is at leadership.
I am also currently involved in project Eden's Gate which closely works with DEA, I have expanded the amount of people involved in this project to allow for more people to enjoy the RP, this includes Sr. Researchers due to it being a CL3 project for trusted CL3 only.
I also made a project to do with surface SCPs, this one is very new, I plan to involve several researchers in this and I will allow them to freely explore with how they want to test on these SCPs, I am also planning on involving medical in this project for autopsy ect.
Finally, I was involved in a project with toaste, I was given a highly classified version of the document so I don't know details about this, but we managed to involve a thaumatologist in this, the project only lasted 1 day due to us managing to work so effectively.
I have also managed to involve researchers into event SCPs which allowed for unique outcomes and more fun for them.
I am aware this is quite short, this is in part due to me focussing on external parts of the role and I have been helping the directors directly with things to do with the RsD hubs and Command hub.
(Note: I am aware that I am still new to the executive role, so all I ask is for you to allow me to prove myself in the interview)
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Fuck that was a long read...

You are active, Your app is good, though its abit long, I have only had good interactions with you and I think you would bring goated RP to RsD.

You also have pretty good lore not the best though, The start of it is a bit overdone but the personal file is done pretty well, you get your chachters personality across though which is good.

Also nice beard bro.
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- Professional
- has a lot of deep research towards the site
- Ideas are well done and achieved for documentation
- Knows how to write a good LORE
- Overall i can see you also being a great Director of Research
- VERY Active
- I like the bio of your character :D

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Reactions: James K.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
The contents of this thread have been cleansed due to the topics discussed being inappropriate within the community. Any SA/SC voting on this application who desire to view the deleted messages may DM me privately.

Any attempt to continue the argument will have their posts removed and warnings issued to their account.
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Jul 22, 2023
Replying to a bunch at once, me & toaste will deal with matter in DMs due to the nature of the incidents, Kayla if you are referring to the project that you assigned to RsD, Engallagher has been over this with you, the project was impossible within lore and it was not me denying your project it was the research department as a whole, I am more than happy to work with you on a project, just DM me and I can get you sorted for a proper format and more.
I will edit my app to do with projects / RP creation soon, once I am home.

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello, @James K. ,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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