[UK] James K. ECA Application

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Jul 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196792033
Discord name: Kinlep
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 7 Months
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK, England
Time zone: GMT (+0)
Character name(s): James K.
Civilian name: James Kennedy
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Warns / Bans / Kicks:
ERP: made a bad joke (Inactive)
FearRP: Broke out of cuffs whilst under gun point (Inactive)
Metagaming: Used a persons "God Name" (Inactive)
FailRP: Entered Foundation as a Civ (Inactive)
Mic Spam: My sound board was louder than I wanted (Inactive)
Whitelisted roles / MTFs
Whitelisted Roles,

Executive Researcher (Held)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Held)
Overseer Assistant (Held)

MTF Ranks,
Epsilion-11 LCPL (Held)
Nu-7 SPC (Holding)

What makes you the best candidate for ECA?
There are 3 main reasons for why I believe I am the best candidate for ECA, these include Writing Skills, Job Experience and Activity, these 3 categories are the reasons for why I am suitable to become an ethics committee assistant.

Writing Skills,
Due to my experience as an IA Ambassador | Overseer Assistant | Executive Researcher, all these roles required for me to write documents in some way or another, for IA I was required to write arrest reports, for OSA I made interviews, For Executive I wrote detailed research documents, my point is that I have lots of experience with documentation, this allows for me to write almost anything.

I am not just great at writing internal documents, I can also write excellent external documents which I did during my time as executive, therefore any required use of external documents can be easily fulfilled by me.

Job Experience,
I have been in many Junior Clearance Level 4 roles, meaning that I already know how I am expected to act and what is needed from me, this allows for me to learn anything I need to quickly and efficiently, I have also been in several different working environments and have been able to fit in easily and able to gain strong connections and friendships, which allows for me to become not just an excellent worker but also someone who anyone can come to if help is needed.

Furthermore, since the Ethics Committee overview the internal affairs department, I am, able to easily assist in these duties because as an ex-ambassador I know how internal affairs should be acting and how they should be enforcing the FLC, this is a benefit due to the fact that it allows me to easily report any misconduct within the department.

Another reason why I am the best candidate for ECA is because of my activity, I am often in-game and when not, I am always free to send a DM on discord for help, activity is needed as an ECA due to the fact that the Ethics Committee are often in need of tasks needing completing for them, since I am very active I can fulfil theses tasks in a very short amount of time whilst maintaining a high quality of work, this also means that I am free to help others when it is required.

Additionally, since I am very active it means that I can take on large workloads, this means that I can get lots more thing done compared to the standard ECA, this means that lots of orders will be completed at once, which as a result allows for other ECAs to have reduced work load.

What are the responsibilities of ECAs in RP?
  • Performing the Ethics Committees wishes, tasks and commands.
  • Performing duties that would benefit the Ethics Committee even when they are not present.
  • Authorising Advanced Armory when no-one else is available.
  • Helping the Ethics Committee with decisions to do with the site's safety and / or operations.
  • Ordering MTF Omega-1 to do what the Ethics Committee needs.
  • They are expected to maintain a strict rule of professionalism.
  • They need to ensure no risk will be made to the Ethics Committee Members life.
  • Authorising SCP-008 tests with permission of an Ethics Committee Member.
  • Organising meeting for / on behalf of the Ethics Committee.
  • Operation of CL4 blast doors
  • Activating site lockdown if needed and if is the highest rank on site.

ECA Lore
Click Me
If you have any issues with this application / think I'm missing something, mention it and I will fix it as soon as I can.
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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Kennedy,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been accepted . Please await contact from the Committee, we will come to you. We look forward to the prospect of you joining our team and how you will assist the Committee.

See you soon, and best of luck.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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