[UK] James Mafioso's Director if intel application

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James Mafioso

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
Steam ID: - STEAM_0:1:190195434
Discord name: - naskoxx#8892
For how long have you played on CG SCP: - Around 6 months
Age: - 17
In what country are you located?: - Bulgaria
Time zone: - EEST
Character name(s): - James Mafioso - [REDACTED] "Seven"
Civilian name: - Kompota
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): - UK
Do you have a mic?: - Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: - E-11 CPL(Held) ; - Nu-7 LCPL(Held) ; - O-1 LCPL(Holding) ; - Intel ambassador(Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - I have 1 warning for failrp when I just started playing

Why are you applying for Director of Intelligence? -I am applying since Director Jack Manning resigned and I think intel should need an active director - I want to implement some ideas that I have in mind for the department - I want to improve the department
- I want to revive intel and get it in a great state again
What makes you suitable for Director of Intelligence?: - I have been an ambassador for the last 3 months and I have learnt a lot about the department, I have the leadership skills needed to be the director, I am liked by the other ambassadors

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Intelligence in RP?:
- The intelligence Director has to manage the ambassadors, Implement new things which improve the department, keeping good relations with other departments, Organize CI raids, Drive the department in the right direction, give verdicts on ambassador applications
Please give some lore about your Director of Intelligence character and what storylines they would be involved in: * A week after Jack Manning got captured by the GOC * James Mafioso is sitting in the Director of intelligence office alone making plans in his mind of how he can get Manning back.

* Knock Knock*

James Mafioso opens the door and seen an agent who just came back from an infil of the CI base, the agent
was holding a document about CI raids and 3 CI keycards and he says : * I was able to kill a delcom and get all of their Foundation keycards.

James Mafioso rated the document and congratulated the agent on his good work and sent him on his way after.

After the agent exited it hit him, he could infiltrate the GOC to save Jack Manning and exited the foundation, without telling Site command.

After 2 days of driving he finally got to the GOC base but he had his normal everyday clothes, after a minute he had an idea

He went up to the entrance and told them with a suppressed pistol in his pants: *I am the Janitor but forgot my keycard*

*Come in* said the GOC guard and got him to another room with a fingerprint scanner.

They got to the room and just as the door closed behind the a silent shot was fired in the eye of the guard.

James put on the clothes of the guard and got the keycard. He started walking around the base and was searching for the cell where they had Manning.

After around an hour of walking an a quick stop at the bathroom he found the room which was heavily guarded and was able to enter with
the keycard. acquired by the guard.

He was able to find Manning lying in bed, half asleep, shivering in fear

I knocked on the door: *GET UP AND GET TO THE DOOR NOW!* ; Jack said: *Ahhhh are you going to beat me up again* and stood up

He came close and I lifted up my mask, he exclaimed: *James, you do not know what they have been doing to me*
* Do not worry Jack you are going to be out of here in a minute*

*DOOR OPENS LOUDLY* [UNKNOWN]: *PUT YOU HAND UP IN THE AIR NOW!!!*, James saw it was not the GOC but could not see who they were due to the poor lighting in the room

[UNKNOWN] *STEP AWAY FROM THAT CELL*, James: *Sure thing*. James saw that there were 4 dudes that were coming towards him.

James thinks :*I can definitely win this*

As they came closer he saw a hooded figure with a snake within a tree emblem on the shoulder

James thought * Why are the serpents hand trying to capture Jack?*

The serpents hand operative opened the door and started to get Manning out.

James: *pulls out pistol while throwing a smoke on the ground and shoots the operative near Manning*

The other operatives are able to get out in the chaos and the fight triggered the alarm.

James shoots himself in the shoulder so it can look like they killed him.

After exactly 2 minutes 42 seconds around 4 GOC burst in and start looking around

GOC guard: *FUCK THEY TOOK THE INTEL DIRECTOR* and they continue looking around for intruders

James got up and starts going towards the exit.

When he got to it he saw 10 guards guarding it.

He had a grenade in his back pocket so he threw it with another smoke.

He was able to kill 6 and exit the base running full power at his volvo, which he got to after around 5 minutes .

He started driving to the foundation and when he got there he fainted

*Wakes up in a medical bed by CoM Huff* "Hello there James, you received a gunshot wound but it's ok now"

James: *Thanks a lot huff* and left

Mafioso told O5 on cl4 comms he needs to meet with one of them and directly went to f3

He got to floor 3 and O5-1 greeted him *Hello James, you needed to talk*, *Yes I do, in an isolated place*

They got in the server room and Mafioso told him about the GOC infiltration, *We already bought Manning off Serpents hand *

*Is he coming?*

*Yes he is coming in around 5 minutes*

*Jack comes to f3 and is escorted by A1 to the server room*

*Unjust I am resigning as a Director I can not do it anymore after what the GOC did to me* and left

James and the Unjust looked at each other for around 2 minutes without a single noise going out of their mouths.

*Why did you go do the infiltration, James?*
* Manning is my leader and my friend, I would do anything for the team and intel*

The Unjust told James to wait in the lobby and after they will discuss the situation.

*After 15 minutes*
*James come in*, they go back in the server room.

*By the order of the overseer council you are the new Director of intelligence, congratulations!*

*What, why?*
*You have shown skills, which no other intelligence ambassador has so you are going to lead them and teach them these skills*
*Thanks you sir!*

James Mafioso

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022

+Very Mature
+Alot of Experience
P.S: The lore is quite of a scuffed situation, no? Randomly having a grenade in your back pocket, pulling a pistol out and shooting someone in the head like its a CS:GO Flickshot
Pistol was in my pants all of the time , one grenade from base(smoke as well) and one from the body of the guard


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 18, 2022
+Good guy
+Good ambassador

I know james since i was just a combat medic and he was an agent, remembered how we both aimed for ISD but our fate split us.
Hope you get the position james you deserve it.
May 24, 2022
James joined intel ambassador shortly after i did and ever since he got his position he has been great.
I am also certain he has the determination to try and better the department and stick with it even in its current state.

He is also incredibly familiar with intel and is arguably the most knowledgeable ambassador in the entire department.
Good luck

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+big support
James is undoubtedly the most determined and best intel ambassador due to his great knowledge of the job and his amazing skills within the field. I have seen him to be extremely professional and very approachable. I know that out of all the intel ambassadors he is the most deserving of the title of Director of Intel


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
+Massive Support
Has been a Intel Ambassador for 2 months now
Great RP interactions
Well trusted within the server

Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
+ Support

- the Longest INTEL Ambassador I Personally know
- Professional and a nice guy
- Trustworthy

Best of luck
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Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022


Congratulations @James Mafioso On your new position within the foundation.
Please contact myself (O5-7) or any other members of the Overseer Council to progress to the next step of your process.
Once again congratulations.

Please do keep in mind that with this new position you will be put on a two week trial.

O5-7 'The Recusant'​
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