[UK] James Overscott's Director of Research Application

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James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021
I'd like to preface this application by mentioning that this is application is very similar to my previous DoR application. That application was accepted, and I therefore see no real reason to make major changes to the application. I have still made some changes where I felt I could explain a bit more or share new experiences.
I'd also like to mention that I have been on an LOA for a little over a week and have now returned, and while I do see that it may be a bit too "soon" for me to apply (since I've been on LOA recently), I don't believe the LOA was long enough for this to really matter, and I have therefore decided to apply now regardless.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244227488
Discord name: LoggyDogDog#2508
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 4 months
Age: 16, soon 17
In what country are you located?: Norway
Time zone: CEST (BST+1)
Character name(s): James "Schizo" Overscott, "Overscott" [MRU-CPL]
Civilian name: Herr Overscott
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Exec. Researcher [Holding]
IA Ambassador [Holding]
DEA Agent [Holding] (Unsure if this counts but I'll note it down regardless)
O-1 PVT [Holding]
CI-B [Holding]

NU-7 PVT [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I am applying for the role of Director of Research as I wish to have a larger role within the Research Department, and because I believe I have the qualities and qualifications necessary to hold such a role. I have been working as an Executive Researcher for a little under 3 months now, and in that time I believe I have made a positive impact on the Research Department as a whole.

When I first joined SCP-RP, I found that I enjoyed the RP the Research Department provided, and I quickly found out that this was the department that I enjoyed playing primarily. I would like to help uphold that level of roleplay that the Research Department provided me and others with, and I would love to be able to elevate my position within the department in order to assist in running it smoothly.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I consider myself a very approachable and friendly person, and I would also say that I know what I am doing when it comes to testing and helping other researchers. I have developed a good understanding of the Research Department Policy through my time as an Executive Researcher, and I have also developed a good understanding of the Foundation Legal Codex through my time as an Executive Researcher and as an IA Ambassador.

I would that say my activity is, in general, good. As I mentioned in the beginning of my application, I have recently been on vacation, however I decided to apply regardless as I believe I still have the qualifications necessary for this role. I have also been playing a bit more of different departments after my previous DoR application was accepted (as I was not chosen for the role unfortunately), however at the end of the day I still enjoy Research the most and wish to pursue this as my main "department". At times I show a nonchalant attitude, however this attitude helps me break the ice with others and quickly sort situations out quickly. That being said, I am serious when the situation calls for it and I believe I have shown a large dedication to quality roleplay. All in all, I believe I am mature and knowledgeable enough to hold the role of Director of Research, and I believe that, should I get this role, I would fulfill the responsibilities well.

Also, I figured I would mention that I was the leader of NATO on the Civil Networks Military RP server (for those who have not played MRP, NATO is one of the two major factions on it). I know this is not directly connected to the position I am applying for, however as the leader of NATO I gained a lot of experience when it comes to defusing and handling situations and conflicts within NATO. I believe that this experience will definitely come in handy should I need to defuse or take care of any conflicts or situations within the Research Department or between the Research Department and other departments. I also gained experience when it comes to keeping out-of-character parts of the faction running (such as documents), and I believe that this will also come in handy should I become a DoR.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
The DoR shares a lot of responsibilities with Executive Researchers (such as grading documents), however there are a couple main ones that DoR specifically focuses on, mainly being running the Research Department's Executive team. Examples of such responsibilities are:
1) Handling Executive Researcher applications, as well as introducing new executive researchers to the Executive Research Department team as to uphold the quality of the Research Department.
2) Holding Research Command meetings.
3) Interacting with the Research Command team and hearing their opinions, as well as handling any conflicts that should arise.
4) Maintaining and improving relationships between the Department of Research and other departments.
5) Being in charge of the Research Department's documentation, such as the ScD Policy and Research Roster, as well as influence the FLC's Scientific Codex section should there be something that needs changing (obviously, the DoR cannot change the FLC, however as the DoR you certainly have some influence you can use if you believe parts of the FLC's Scientific Codex should be changed).

There are still responsibilities that the DoR has that are not connected to running the Research Department itself though, such as:
1) Being a role-model for other researchers.
2) Helping out researchers with tests or documentation. This goes especially for DoRs as they may need to approve certain tests Exec. Researchers cannot.
3) Grading documents (this is a shared responsibility of both the DoR and Exec. Researchers).
4) Enforcing the ScD Policy (as the DoR you will also have to enforce this should any Exec. Researchers breach it).
5) Normal CL4 responsibilities.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
James Overscott: Personnel File


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SCP-RP Staff
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Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @James Overscott

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

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